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#26 2024-05-14 12:37:56

Registered: 2023-09-26
Posts: 57

Re: X connection occasionally broken exactly 60 sec after X org start up

seth wrote:

Anything fancy in your $SHELL rc/profile that might impede the startup?
(Though since it affects a new user, you're more looking at the global RCs /etc/profile.d/* etc)

I don't remember doing any of that...I checked the /etc/profile.d/, under it are some scripts installed by packages.
The only rc or profile modification I made, afaik, is /etc/zsh/zshrc

RPS1="%F{yellow}%B%(?..exit: %?)%f%b"
PS1="%S%*%s %n%B@%b%m %y:%F{green}%B%~%f%b
%(#.%F{red}.%F{cyan})>>> %# %f"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -la --color=auto'
alias c.='cd ..'
alias c..='cd ../..'
alias c...='cd ../../..'
alias c....='cd ../../../..'
alias c.....='cd ../../../../..'

Heheh I pretty like the "c." stuff, pretty convenient.

I tried, not helping. Plus the QProcess starts after the timeout, which means before that it was not started at all, so I don't think it even reached the line of code until it starts up.
That's why it's so weird, the binary is not started until the timeout.


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