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#26 2013-05-26 05:30:06

From: Los Gatos, CA
Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 8,414

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

@anonymous_user, Pcmanfs has a dependency on libfm. Libfm has a dependency on udisks (not 2) which was discussed above.  This is why the OP has udisks and udisks2, as the only successful way he has found to automount is with gvfs, which requires udisks2.  And he also is insistant on not changing the file manager, nor using abs to modify the libfm pkgbuild to remove the udisks dependency.


#27 2013-05-26 11:19:07

Registered: 2013-05-21
Posts: 21

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

thank you for this hint man, with "devmon@username.service" devmon is now running and automounting my usb-stick correctly,
but not the filesystems from my optical drive (dvd-burner) and none of my internal ntfs+ext4 partitions shows up in pcmanfm.
The udevil.conf has been copied to "/etc/udevil/udevil-user-harry.conf" as advised in the file, didnt change anything else but the "allowed_user" switch.

i have uninstalled gvfs+udisks2 and installed udevil as you have suggested before, there are no internal partitions shown in pcmanfm and devmon is only mounting my usb-stick correctly, the filesystem on the optical drive is not automounted, no matter which CD or DVD is inside. Do you have an idea?

@ WonderWoofy:
nearly correct wink except that without gvfs no internal partition shows up in the filemanager and i tried it also with thunar, with the same result. Automounting (of my usb stick) is working the way jasonwryan suggested and with the help from anonymous_user i was able to enable the devmon@harry.service correctly.

So for now i have udisks+udevil installed but can not access my internal partitions or optical drive with pcmanfm.


#28 2013-05-26 15:11:52

From: Los Gatos, CA
Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 8,414

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

LPS-Leipzig wrote:

So for now i have udisks+udevil installed but can not access my internal partitions or optical drive with pcmanfm.

I think that the internal partitions are by design actually.  Though I think this can be changed with the udevil confguration file.  It is in /etc/udevil, and it is amazingly well commented, so it should be pretty easy to make the modifications you need.  As for /dev/sr0 though... it has been a while since I have had an internal optical drive.  I couldn't tell you about this one.  Though it could relate to teh fact that it is also an "internal" drive.  So maybe udevil just groups all such devices within the same umbrella.  I can't be sure as I don't use udevil anymore.  I tried it for a while, but dumped it in favor for udisks, as I only wanted the unpriveledged mounting, not the auto.


#29 2013-05-26 18:12:49

Registered: 2013-05-21
Posts: 21

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

you mean this "/etc/udevil/udevil-user-harry.conf" file, which normally does not has to be configured because it provides good functionality out of the box.
The only thing that is advised to change in the wiki is the name as i wrote above. I did that already, and posted the config file in post#8.
The sr0 does not have to enabled because the config file enables all types of devices be default and i did not changed that.

The problem ist still the same, i see no internal partition without the gvfs package.
The way described here:

brebs wrote:

Using the simplest method to mount, only udev is required.

is surely working, but a developer in the same thread said:

tomegun wrote:

... Regardless of that, you should be aware that it is strongly discouraged to mount things directly from udev rules. You should rather use a storage daemon such as udisks (for stuff that should be owned by the active user) or fstab (for stuff that should be owned by the system)...

Here is my current /etc/udevil/udevil.conf:

# udevil configuration file    /etc/udevil/udevil.conf
# This file controls what devices, networks, and files users may mount and
# unmount via udevil (set suid).
# Note:  For greater control for specific users, including root, copy this
# file to /etc/udevil/udevil-user-USERNAME.conf replacing USERNAME with the
# desired username (eg /etc/udevil/udevil-user-jim.conf).
# Format:
#   OPTION = VALUE[, VALUE, ...]
# DO NOT USE QUOTES except literally
# Lines beginning with # are ignored

# To log all uses of udevil, set log_file to a file path:
log_file = /var/log/udevil.log

# Approximate number of days to retain log entries (0=forever, max=60):
log_keep_days = 10

# allowed_types determines what fstypes can be passed by a user to the u/mount
# program, what device filesystems may be un/mounted implicitly, and what
# network filesystems may be un/mounted.
# It may also include the 'file' keyword, indicating that the user is allowed
# to mount files (eg an ISO file).  The $KNOWN_FILESYSTEMS variable may
# be included to include common local filesystems as well as those listed in
# /etc/filesystems and /proc/filesystems.
# allowed_types_USERNAME, if present, is used to override allowed_types for
# the specific user 'USERNAME'.  For example, to allow user 'jim' to mount
# only vfat filesystems, add:
# allowed_types_jim = vfat
# Setting allowed_types = * does NOT allow all types, as this is a security
# risk, but does allow all recognized types.
# allowed_types = $KNOWN_FILESYSTEMS, file, cifs, smbfs, nfs, curlftpfs, ftpfs, sshfs, davfs, tmpfs, ramfs
allowed_types = $KNOWN_FILESYSTEMS, file

# allowed_users is a list of users permitted to mount and unmount with udevil.
# Wildcards (* or ?) may be used in the usernames.  To allow all users,
# specify "allowed_users=*".  UIDs may be included using the form UID=1000.
# For example:  allowed_users = carl, UID=1000, pre*
# Also note that permission to execute udevil may be limited to users belonging
# to the group that owns /usr/bin/udevil, such as 'plugdev' or 'storage',
# depending on installation.
# allowed_users_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override allowed_users when
# mounting or unmounting a specific fstype (eg nfs, ext3, file).
# Note that when mounting a file, fstype will always be 'file' regardless of
# the internal fstype of the file.
# For example, to allow only user 'bob' to mount nfs shares, add:
# allowed_users_nfs = bob
# The root user is NOT automatically allowed to use udevil in some cases unless
# listed here (except for unmounting anything or mounting fstab devices).
allowed_users = *

# allowed_groups is a list of groups permitted to mount and unmount with
# udevil.  The user MUST belong to at least one of these groups.  Wildcards
# or GIDs may NOT be used in group names, but a single * may be used to allow
# all groups.
# Also note that permission to execute udevil may be limited to users belonging
# to the group that owns /usr/bin/udevil, such as 'plugdev' or 'storage',
# depending on installation.
# allowed_groups_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override allowed_groups when
# mounting or unmounting a specific fstype (eg nfs, ext3, file).  For example,
# to allow only members of the 'network' group to mount smb and nfs shares,
# use both of these lines:
# allowed_groups_smbfs = network
# allowed_groups_nfs = network
# The root user is NOT automatically allowed to use udevil in some cases unless
# listed here (except for unmounting anything or mounting fstab devices).
allowed_groups = *

# allowed_media_dirs specifies the media directories in which user mount points
# may be located.  The first directory which exists and does not contain a
# wildcard will be used as the default media directory (normally /media or
# /run/media/$USER).
# The $USER variable, if included, will be replaced with the username of the
# user running udevil.  Wildcards may also be used in any directory EXCEPT the
# default.  Wildcards will not match a /
# allowed_media_dirs_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override allowed_media_dirs
# when mounting or unmounting a specific fstype (eg ext2, nfs).  For example,
# to cause /media/network to be used as the default media directory for
# nfs and ftpfs mounts, use these two lines:
# allowed_media_dirs_nfs   = /media/network, /media, /run/media/$USER
# allowed_media_dirs_ftpfs = /media/network, /media, /run/media/$USER
# NOTE: If you want only the user who mounted a device to have access to it
# and be allowed to unmount it, specify /run/media/$USER as the first
# allowed media directory.
# IMPORTANT:  If an allowed file is mounted to a media directory, the user may
# be permitted to unmount its associated loop device even though internal.
allowed_media_dirs = /media, /run/media/$USER

# allowed_devices is the first criteria for what block devices users may mount
# or unmount.  If a device is not listed in allowed_devices, it cannot be
# un/mounted (unless in fstab).  However, even if a device is listed, other
# factors may prevent its use.  For example, access to system internal devices
# will be denied to normal users even if they are included in allowed_devices.  
# allowed_devices_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override allowed_devices when
# mounting or unmounting a specific fstype (eg ext3, ntfs).  For example, to
# prevent all block devices containing an ext4 filesystem from being
# un/mounted use:
# allowed_devices_ext4 =
# Note: Wildcards may be used, but a wildcard will never match a /, except
# for "allowed_devices=*" which allows any device.  The recommended setting is
# allowed_devices = /dev/*
allowed_devices = /dev/*

# allowed_internal_devices causes udevil to treat any listed block devices as
# removable, thus allowing normal users to un/mount them (providing they are
# also listed in allowed_devices).
# allowed_internal_devices_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override
# allowed_internal_devices when mounting or unmounting a specific fstype
# (eg ext3, ntfs).  For example, to allow block devices containing a vfat
# filesystem to be un/mounted even if they are system internal devices, use:
# allowed_internal_devices_vfat = /dev/sdb*
# Some removable esata drives look like internal drives to udevil.  To avoid
# this problem, they can be treated as removable with this setting.
# allowed_internal_devices_ntfs = /dev/sda*

# allowed_internal_uuids and allowed_internal_uuids_FSTYPE work similarly to
# allowed_internal_devices, except that UUIDs are specified instead of devices.
# For example, to allow un/mounting of an internal filesystem based on UUID:
# allowed_internal_uuids = cc0c4489-8def-1e5b-a304-ab87c3cb626c0
# allowed_internal_uuids = 

# forbidden_devices is used to prevent block devices from being un/mounted
# even if other settings would allow them (except devices in fstab).
# forbidden_devices_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override
# forbidden_devices when mounting or unmounting a specific fstype
# (eg ext3, ntfs).  For example, to prevent device /dev/sdd1 from being
# mounted when it contains an ntfs filesystem, use:
# forbidden_devices_ntfs = /dev/sdd1
# NOTE: device node paths are canonicalized before being tested, so forbidding
# a link to a device will have no effect.
forbidden_devices =

# allowed_networks determines what hosts may be un/mounted by udevil users when
# using nfs, cifs, smbfs, curlftpfs, ftpfs, or sshfs.  Hosts may be specified
# using a hostname (eg or IP address (
# Wildcards may be used in hostnames and IP addresses, but CIDR notation 
# ( is NOT supported.  IP v6 is supported.  For example:
# allowed_networks =, 192.168.1.*, 10.0.0.*, localmachine, *
# Or, to prevent un/mounting of any network shares, set:
# allowed_networks =
# allowed_networks_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override allowed_networks
# when mounting or unmounting a specific network fstype (eg nfs, cifs, sshfs,
# curlftpfs).  For example, to limit nfs and samba shares to only local
# networks, use these two lines:
# allowed_networks_nfs = 192.168.1.*, 10.0.0.*
# allowed_networks_cifs = 192.168.1.*, 10.0.0.*
allowed_networks = *

# forbidden_networks and forbidden_networks_FSTYPE are used to specify networks
# that are never allowed, even if other settings allow them (except fstab).
# NO REVERSE LOOKUP IS PERFORMED, so including will only have an effect
# if the user uses that hostname.  IP lookup is always performed, so forbidding
# an IP address will also forbid all corresponding hostnames.
forbidden_networks = 

# allowed_files is used to determine what files in what directories may be
# un/mounted.  A user must also have read permission on a file to mount it.
# Note: Wildcards may be used, but a wildcard will never match a /, except
# for "allowed_files=*" which allows any file.  For example, to allow only
# files in the /share directory to be mounted, use:
# allowed_files = /share/*
# NOTE:  Specifying allowed_files_FSTYPE will NOT work because the fstype of
# files is always 'file'.
allowed_files = *

# forbidden_files is used to specify files that are never allowed, even if
# other settings allow them (except fstab).  Specify a full path.
# Note: Wildcards may be used, but a wildcard will never match a /, except
# for "forbidden_files = *".
# NOTE: file paths are canonicalized before being tested, so forbidding
# a link to a file will have no effect.
forbidden_files = 

# default_options specifies what options are always included when performing
# a mount, in addition to any options the user may specify.
# Note:  When a device is present in /etc/fstab, and the user does not specify
# a mount point, the device is mounted with normal user permissions using
# the fstab entry, without these options.
# default_options_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override default_options
# when mounting a specific fstype (eg ext2, nfs).
# The variables $USER, $UID, and $GID are changed to the user's username, UID,
# and GID.
# FOR GOOD SECURITY, default_options SHOULD ALWAYS INCLUDE: nosuid,noexec,nodev
default_options           = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime
default_options_file      = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, ro
# mount iso9660 with 'ro' to prevent mount read-only warning
default_options_iso9660   = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, ro, utf8
default_options_udf       = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_vfat      = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, fmask=0022, dmask=0022, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, utf8
default_options_msdos     = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, fmask=0022, dmask=0022, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_umsdos    = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, fmask=0022, dmask=0022, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_ntfs      = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, utf8
default_options_cifs      = nosuid, noexec, nodev, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_smbfs     = nosuid, noexec, nodev, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_sshfs     = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, nonempty, allow_other
default_options_curlftpfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, nonempty, allow_other
default_options_ftpfs     = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_davfs     = nosuid, noexec, nodev, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_tmpfs     = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_ramfs     = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID

# allowed_options determines all options that a user may specify when mounting.
# All the options used in default_options above must be included here too, or
# they will be rejected.  If the user attempts to use an option not included
# here, an error will result.  Wildcards may be used.
# allowed_options_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override allowed_options
# when mounting a specific fstype (eg ext2, nfs).
# The variables $USER, $UID, and $GID are changed to the user's username, UID,
# and GID.
# If you want to forbid remounts, remove 'remount' from here.
allowed_options           = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, fmask=0022, dmask=0022, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, ro, rw, sync, flush, iocharset=*, utf8, remount
allowed_options_nfs       = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, ro, rw, sync, remount, port=*, rsize=*, wsize=*, hard, proto=*, timeo=*, retrans=*
allowed_options_cifs      = nosuid, noexec, nodev, ro, rw, remount, port=*, user=*, username=*, pass=*, password=*, guest, domain=*, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, credentials=*
allowed_options_smbfs     = nosuid, noexec, nodev, ro, rw, remount, port=*, user=*, username=*, pass=*, password=*, guest, domain=*, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, credentials=*
allowed_options_sshfs     = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, ro, rw, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, nonempty, allow_other, idmap=user, BatchMode=yes, port=*
allowed_options_curlftpfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, ro, rw, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, nonempty, allow_other, user=*
allowed_options_ftpfs     = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, ro, rw, port=*, user=*, pass=*, ip=*, root=*, uid=$UID, gid=$GID

# mount_point_mode, if present and set to a non-empty value, will cause udevil
# to set the mode (permissions) on the moint point after mounting  If not
# specified or if left empty, the mode is not changed.  Mode must be octal
# starting with a zero (0755).
# mount_point_mode_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override mount_point_mode
# when mounting a specific fstype (eg ext2, nfs).
mount_point_mode = 0755
# don't set a mode for some types:
mount_point_mode_sshfs =
mount_point_mode_curlftpfs =
mount_point_mode_ftpfs =

# Use the settings below to change the default locations of programs used by
# udevil, or (advanced topic) to redirect commands to your scripts.
# When substituting scripts, make sure they are root-owned and accept the
# options used by udevil (for example, the mount_program must accept --fake,
# -o, -v, and other options valid to mount.)
# Be sure to specify the full path and include NO OPTIONS or other arguments.
# These programs may also be specified as configure options when building
# udevil.
# mount_program   = /bin/mount
# umount_program  = /bin/umount
# losetup_program = /sbin/losetup
# setfacl_program = /usr/bin/setfacl

# validate_exec specifies a program or script which provides additional
# validation of a mount or unmount command, beyond the checks performed by
# udevil.  The program is run as a normal user (if root runs udevil,
# validate_exec will NOT be run).  The program is NOT run if the user is
# mounting a device without root priviledges (a device in fstab).
# The program is passed the username, a printable description of what is
# happening, and the entire udevil command line as the first three arguments.
# The program must return an exit status of 0 to allow the mount or unmount
# to proceed.  If it returns non-zero, the user will be denied permission.
# For example, validate_exec might specify a script which notifies you
# of the command being run, or performs additional steps to authenticate the
# user.
# Specify a full path to the program, with NO options or arguments.
# validate_exec =

# validate_rootexec works similarly to validate_exec, except that the program
# is run as root.  validate_rootexec will also be run if the root user runs
# udevil.  If both validate_exec and validate_rootexec are specified, 
# validate_rootexec will run first, followed by validate_exec.
# The program must return an exit status of 0 to allow the mount or unmount
# to proceed.  If it returns non-zero, the user will be denied permission.
# Unless you are familiar with writing root scripts, it is recommended that
# rootexec settings NOT be used, as it is easy to inadvertently open exploits.
# THIS PROGRAM IS ALWAYS RUN AS ROOT, even if the user running udevil is not.
# validate_rootexec =

# success_exec is run after a successful mount, remount, or unmount.  The 
# program is run as a normal user (if root runs udevil, success_exec
# will NOT be run).
# The program is passed the username, a printable description of what action
# was taken, and the entire udevil command line as the first three arguments.
# The program's exit status is ignored.
# For example, success_exec might run a script which informs you of what action
# was taken, and might perform further actions.
# Specify a full path to the program, with NO options or arguments.
# success_exec =

# success_rootexec works similarly to success_exec, except that the program is
# run as root.  success_rootexec will also be run if the root user runs udevil.
# If both success_exec and success_rootexec are specified,  success_rootexec
# will run first, followed by success_exec.
# Unless you are familiar with writing root scripts, it is recommended that
# rootexec settings NOT be used, as it is easy to inadvertently open exploits.
# THIS PROGRAM IS ALWAYS RUN AS ROOT, even if the user running udevil is not.
# success_rootexec =

The next thing i will try is to replace udevil by udiskie, i will post the outcome.


#30 2013-05-26 18:25:08

From: Los Gatos, CA
Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 8,414

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

You should really do yourself a big favor and read through documentation and learn how to the features of the software.  The config provides good sane defaults, but like anything defaults try to cover the use case for all users, which is not possible.  This is exemplified by your desire to be able to mount internal drives, yet that functionality is turned off in the configuration.  If you had read through that config you posted above, you would have seen that there is that option, which is very well documented and easily changeable.  I think rather than moving on to the next random tool, it would be better if you jsut leanred how to use what you have already implemented, as I think you are going to be hard pressed to find a piece of software that conforms to your every need without changing any of the defaults.

Honestly, if you had just taken the few minutes to learn how to use ABS/makepkg at its most basic level, you could have removed the dependency of udisks from libfm.  Then you could be happily using udisks2 without the need for udisks on your machine.  Regarding that, I am still not entirely sure why you take such issue with having udisks on your machine when it really doens't do anything.  It is not as though the presence of both was screwing things up.


#31 2013-05-26 19:23:46

Registered: 2013-05-21
Posts: 21

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

again, if you would have read my post#8 you would have seen that i did read and configured the file, i tried both ways already and posted the outcome.
The switch "allowed_devices = /dev/*" enables ALL devices including internal ones. I also tried defining the "allowed_internal_uuids = " switch by entering all the uuid´s of my 15 partitions, did not work, of course with the "# allowed_internal_devices =  /dev/sda*" switch, same result.

For me, it looks like mounting internal partitions with pcmanfm is only possible, statically by fstab and dynamically with udisks2+gvfs and thats it.
Automounting is working with udisks+udevil, but only for the usb-stick. I didnt asked the ignorantGuru, but i can imagine that this issue also motivated the developer for making "spacefm". 

Btw the same symptoms occured with thunar, spacefm or stuurman-git. They do all need the gvfs for dynamic mounting.


#32 2013-05-26 19:38:44

From: Los Gatos, CA
Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 8,414

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

LPS-Leipzig wrote:

again, if you would have read my post#8 you would have seen that i did read and configured the file, i tried both ways already and posted the outcome.
The switch "allowed_devices = /dev/*" enables ALL devices including internal ones. I also tried defining the "allowed_internal_uuids = " switch by entering all the uuid´s of my 15 partitions, did not work, of course with the "# allowed_internal_devices =  /dev/sda*" switch, same result.

I didn't remeber reading anything about you mentioning trying to make internal partitions work until the last few posts.  So I acutally went back and scanned through post #8 and looked for your posting of this outcome you speak of.  There is nothing to be found.  You have made no mention of every trying these configuration options, nor did you mention reading through the configuration. Neither of your posted configurations have those lines activated either.  Though in the second one, you actually seemed to have added "/dev/sda*" to the "allow_internal_devices" but the line is still commented out.  Did you ever uncomment the line after making the modification?!

Btw the same symptoms occured with thunar, spacefm or stuurman-git. They do all need the gvfs for dynamic mounting.

If you haven't noticed by now, file managers do exactly what their name implies.  They manage files.  The intended function of gvfs is to have regular user mounting (same with udevil), so of course you need to have gvfs (or some other autmounting tool) for what you call "dynamic mounting".  I don't think that these are "symptoms" so much as it is a lack of true understanding of the tools you are using.


#33 2013-05-26 21:17:32

Registered: 2013-05-21
Posts: 21

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

ok, at first i thought, ah just another troll, then you came up with your crazy projections and i thought wtf a real psychotic episode live in my thread, what a honor.
For now, i would say that your amount of 3690 postings in only 12 month is not suprising for a logorrhea patient (thats a true mental illness), congrats!

Would you please do me a favour and STOP spamming in my thread and LEAVE?


#34 2013-05-26 21:45:18

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

LPS-Leipzig: irrespective of how frustrated you are about WonderWoofy's blunt approach, there is no excuse for personal attacks: … ther_Users

WonderWoofy: a little more tact would help avoid this sort of escalation.

This thread will be closed if there is any more inflammatory exchanges.

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#35 2013-05-27 04:48:15

From: sonoran desert
Registered: 2009-01-12
Posts: 192

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

LPS-Leipzig wrote:

Btw the same symptoms occured with thunar, spacefm or stuurman-git. They do all need the gvfs for dynamic mounting.

SpaceFM does not use gvfs.

Built-in virtual filesystem (VFS) code uses core C kernel functions for speed and reliability, with no dependence on gvfs, etc. … al-en.html

Device Manager - Programmable device management

    Single-click mounting and unmounting of devices *
    Optional automatic mounting and opening of devices on insert *
    Programmable event-based manager runs any commands or apps you specify on device or media insertion, mount, and removal *
    Customizable root functions to format, backup and restore partitions and MBRs, check filesystems, and change volume labels *
    Custom format of display names for devices *, and hide or show any device *
    Built-in udev support - can be used with udevil (a mount tool designed specifically for SpaceFM), pmount, udisks, or your custom mount solution *
    When used without udisks, there is no need for policykit, consolekit, devicekit, gvfs, and other troublesome components susceptible to frequent breakage and misconfiguration
    Specify custom mount options based on fstype or device *


#36 2013-05-27 09:43:45

Registered: 2013-05-21
Posts: 21

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

sonoran wrote:

SpaceFM does not use gvfs.

you are right, my fault. The thing is that i do not like the look and feel of spacefm, and therefore i do not want to use it.


#37 2013-05-27 10:00:47

Registered: 2013-05-21
Posts: 21

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

jasonwryan wrote:

LPS-Leipzig: irrespective of how frustrated you are about WonderWoofy's blunt approach, there is no excuse for personal attacks: … ther_Users

WonderWoofy: a little more tact would help avoid this sort of escalation.

This thread will be closed if there is any more inflammatory exchanges.

I kindly asked him to leave my thread, lets see how much he can respect this...
I did not open this thread to get offended or to correct his missunderstandings over and over again.
Dont know what you call that, i call it spamming and this is annoying.
I am a member in many linux forums, this was my first question here and it is really not a good impression i have so far.


#38 2013-05-27 18:19:08

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

I wouldn't call personal insults "kindly asked him to leave my thread."

These boards are not like other Linux forums, we have a much higher expectation
that people will contribute as much to the solution as those they are seeking
help from; that includes doing the necessary groundwork before posting and—just
as importantly—following people's suggestions when they make them.

You opened this thread to seek help from the community; that does not come
on your terms but on ours.

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#39 2013-05-27 19:13:28

Registered: 2013-05-21
Posts: 21

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

well that is interesting, you say:

I wouldn't call personal insults "kindly asked him to leave my thread."

what else is this?

Would you please do me a favour and STOP spamming in my thread and LEAVE?

Ok, you think every new member here is totally incompetent and needs to obey every order from every older member here?
That is not what people are asking for when they have a question or problem and sign up.
This community has not the best reputation exactly because of that arrogant behaviour.

You can read that he has not even showed the respect to read what i have written, that is the point.
Instead, he is pointing me to a "solution" (the file udevil.conf) in post#28 which i have already,
red, edited and then posted, about 20 posts before he came up with that idea...
I mean, treating the new member as a stupid child is not helping at all.

But anyway, i think being a member of this community is not important to get problems solved,
there are enough other linux communitys where new members are welcome.


#40 2013-05-27 20:02:18

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

As  the  solution  is  in  the  thread  and OP  is  no  longer  interested  in  pursuing  this  it  can  be  closed.

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


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