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#1 2019-05-24 16:32:12

Registered: 2019-05-24
Posts: 3

URXVT doesn't display text symbols

Hello, I am having a problem with URXVT. I've googled the problem and I've tried changing to different fonts, changing letter spacing, and many other things but I still keep getting this strange symbol when using vim. Do I need to use a different font or make some other changes ? how do I get text symbols to show up in URXVT ? all emojis produce a question mark.

bad URXVT symbols

My .Xdefault :

*foreground: #00cc00
*foreground_bold: #a8a19f
*cursor: #a8a19f
*background:       #1b1918
!!*background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7)

!! black
*color0: #1b1918
*color8: #766e6b
!! red
*color1: #f22c40
*color9: #f22c40
!! green
*color2: #5ab738
*color10: #5ab738
!! yellow
*color3: #d5911a
*color11: #d5911a
!! blue
*color4: #407ee7
*color12: #407ee7
!! magenta
*color5: #6666ea
*color13: #6666ea
!! cyan
*color6: #00ad9c
*color14: #00ad9c
!! white
*color7: #a8a19f
*color15: #f1efee

URxvt.intensityStyles:	false
URxvt.background:       [70]#000000
URxvt.depth:		32
URxvt.font: 		xft:monospace:size=12
/* URxvt.font: 		xft:Dejavu Sans Mono:pixelsize=12 */
URxvt.scrollBar:	false
URxvt.cursorColor:	white

!! Extensions
URxvt.perl-ext-common:	default,matcher,resize-font,url-select,keyboard-select
URxvt.colorUL:		#4682B4
!! url-select
URxvt.keysym.M-u:	perl:url-select:select_next
URxvt.url-select.launcher: linkhandler
URxvt.url-select.underline: true
!! keyboard-select:
URxvt.keysym.M-Escape: perl:keyboard-select:activate
!! resize-font
URxvt.resize-font.smaller:	C-Down
URxvt.resize-font.bigger:	C-Up
!! Matcher
URxvt.url-launcher:	linkhandler
URxvt.matcher.button:	1

rofi.color-enabled:	true
rofi.color-window:	#000, #000, #000
rofi.color-normal:	#111, #819396, #222, #008ed4, #ffffff
rofi.color-active:	#002b37, #008ed4, #003643, #008ed4, #66c6ff
rofi.color-urgent:	#002b37, #da4281, #003643, #008ed4, #890661

rofi.fake-transparency:	true
rofi.lines:		3		0
rofi.opacity:		"10"
rofi.hide-scrollbar:	true
rofi.width: 30

what can I do to fix this ?

Last edited by sahwwqa (2019-05-24 19:29:01)


#2 2019-05-24 19:37:48

Registered: 2019-05-24
Posts: 3

Re: URXVT doesn't display text symbols

I figured it out my vim problem, I had to updated my locale.conf and then reboot. But I still do not get text symbols/emojis

Last edited by sahwwqa (2019-05-24 19:50:42)


#3 2019-05-24 19:53:49

Registered: 2019-05-24
Posts: 3

Re: URXVT doesn't display text symbols

I changed my letter spacing again after I rebooted and now emojis work ! I feel bad for posting now because I fixed my own problem XD


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