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#1 2009-11-28 11:25:34

Registered: 2008-01-29
Posts: 31

Cant type anything in urxvt

Hi guys...
Iḿ trying to get a nice urxvt, but probably there is some configuration which is messing up th urxvt, making it impossible to type anything, like if the input it disabled and the only way to close it is killing the process
the scrrenshot

there's my .Xresources

*background:  #333333
*foreground:  #efefcf
! Black
*color0:      #5A5A5A
*color8:      #3e3e3e
! Red
*color1:      #FF4747
*color9:      #FF6767
! Green
*color2:      #AFC81C
*color10:     #bFC81C
! Yellow
*color3:      #FDD338
*color11:     #F4D461
! Blue
*color4:      #619AF4
*color12:     #5496FF
! Purple
*color5:      #5F5A90
*color13:     #826AB1
! Cyan
*color6:      #47E0FF
*color14:     #2ED9FB
! White
*color7:      #FFFFFF
*color15:     #DEDEDE
! Orange
*color16:     #FFB000

!Xft settings
Xft.dpi:                96
Xft.hinting:            1
Xft.hintstyle:          hintfull
Xft.antialias:          1 
Xft.rgba:               rgb

URxvt.imLocale: pt_BR.utf8
!URxvt settings
URxvt.urlLauncher:      firefox
URxvt*scrollBar:    false
URxvt*internalBorder:    6
URxvt*font: xft:Monaco:pixelsize=12:antialias=false
URxvt*boldFont : xft:Monaco: pixelsize=12:weight=bold
URxvt.background:    #010101
!URxvt.foreground:    #ffffff
!URxvt.termName:           string
!URxvt.geometry:           128x64
!URxvt.reverseVideo:       boolean
!URxvt.loginShell:         boolean
!URxvt.jumpScroll:         boolean
!URxvt.skipScroll:         boolean
!URxvt.pastableTabs:       boolean
!URxvt.scrollstyle:        mode
!URxvt.scrollBar_right:    boolean
!URxvt.scrollBar_floating: boolean
!URxvt.scrollBar_align:    mode
!URxvt.thickness:          number
!URxvt.scrollTtyOutput:    boolean
!URxvt.scrollTtyKeypress:  boolean
!URxvt.scrollWithBuffer:   boolean
URxvt.inheritPixmap:      true
URxvt.transparent:        false
URxvt.tintColor:          #333333
URxvt.shading:            0
URxvt.fading:             0
URxvt.fadeColor:          #222222
!URxvt.utmpInhibit:        boolean
URxvt.urgentOnBell:       true
!URxvt.visualBell:         boolean
!URxvt.mapAlert:           boolean
!URxvt.meta8:              boolean
URxvt.mouseWheelScrollPage:   True
!URxvt.tripleclickwords:   boolean
!URxvt.insecure:           boolean
!URxvt.cursorUnderline:    boolean
URxvt.cursorBlink:        true
!URxvt.pointerBlank:       boolean
!URxvt.colorBD:            color
!URxvt.colorIT:            color
!URxvt.colorUL:            color
!URxvt.colorRV:            color
!URxvt.underlineColor:     color
!URxvt.scrollColor:        color
!URxvt.troughColor:        color
!URxvt.highlightColor:     color
URxvt.cursorColor:        #afc81c
!URxvt.cursorColor2:       color
URxvt.pointerColor:       #afc81c
!URxvt.pointerColor2:      color
!URxvt.borderColor:        color
!URxvt.intensityStyles:    boolean
!URxvt.inputMethod:        name
!URxvt.preeditType:        style
!URxvt.imLocale:           string
!URxvt.imFont:             fontname
!URxvt.title:               URxvt
!URxvt.iconName:           string
!URxvt.saveLines:          number
!URxvt.depth:              number
!URxvt.transient-for:      windowid
!URxvt.override-redirect:  boolean
!URxvt.hold:               boolean
!URxvt.externalBorder:     number
!URxvt.internalBorder:     number
URxvt.borderLess:         true
!URxvt.skipBuiltinGlyphs:  boolean
!URxvt.lineSpace:          number
!URxvt.pointerBlankDelay:  number
!URxvt.backspacekey:       string
!URxvt.deletekey:          string
!URxvt.selectstyle:        mode
!URxvt.print-pipe:         string
!URxvt.modifier:           modifier
!URxvt.cutchars:           string
!URxvt.answerbackString:   string
!URxvt.secondaryScreen:    boolean
!URxvt.secondaryScroll:    boolean
!URxvt.perl-lib:           string
!URxvt.perl-eval:          perl-eval
!URxvt.perl-ext-common:    string
!URxvt.perl-ext:           string
!URxvt.iso14755_52:        boolean
!URxvt*keysym.sym:         keysym

!xterm settings
xterm*dynamicColors:    true
!xterm*utf8:             2
xterm*eightBitInput:    true
xterm*saveLines:        32767
xterm*scrollTtyOutput:  false
xterm*scrollBar:        false
xterm*loginShell:       true
xterm*faceName:         Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=10
xterm*jumpScroll:       true
xterm*multiScroll:      true
xterm*toolBar:          false

Thanks in advance fellas


#2 2009-11-28 12:20:07

Registered: 2008-06-06
Posts: 103

Re: Cant type anything in urxvt

I gave them a try, it appears to be an issue with:

URxvt*borderLess: true

Setting either true or false in .Xdefaults results in the same unusable terminal.

However, launching urxvt via `urxvt +borderLess` gives a normal, usable terminal (I can't tell if the option actually did anything as XMonad puts borders on all my windows anyway), and `urxvt -borderLess` results in a broken terminal also.

So not really sure whats going on, but I'd say avoid using that option.


#3 2009-11-28 19:45:08

Registered: 2009-07-25
Posts: 2

Re: Cant type anything in urxvt

Setting either true or false in .Xdefaults results in the same unusable terminal.

This is also the case in Openbox


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