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#1 2011-08-04 13:32:22

Registered: 2010-05-11
Posts: 23

dmenu doesn't list applications when using xmonad

Since dmenu 4.4, dmenu has stopped listing applications when spawning it with Mod+p, instead I now have to fully type an application name for it to spawn something. It runs fine when executing 'dmenu_run' from terminal and ~/.config/dmenu_run does list all my applications.

Here is my xmonad.hs:

import XMonad
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers
import XMonad.Actions.NoBorders
import qualified Data.Map as M

import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
main :: IO ()
main = do
   xmonad $ defaultConfig
     { terminal    = "urxvt"
     , modMask     = mod4Mask
     , borderWidth = 2
     , keys = newKeys
     , manageHook = composeOne [isFullscreen -?> doFullFloat ]
     , layoutHook = smartBorders $ layoutHook defaultConfig

newKeys x  = M.union (keys defaultConfig x) (M.fromList (myKeys x))

myKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) =
             [ ((modm,  xK_o ),   withFocused toggleBorder)
             , ((0, xK_Print), spawn "scrot")
             , ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_l), spawn "xscreensaver-command -lock")

I'd appreciate any help that you can give.


#2 2011-08-04 13:34:14

Forum Fellow
From: Chicago
Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 9,183

Re: dmenu doesn't list applications when using xmonad

There is a 28 reply thread for the same issue. Please search before posting.

Closing to avoid duplication.

Forum Rules

There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !


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