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#51 2008-05-11 19:38:45

Registered: 2007-07-10
Posts: 111

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

ProzacR wrote:

Looks like teamwork trash posting here is much easier than just compile.
But situation is little advanced now. At least no one is trying to explain how to use super-duper AUR.

Seriously man, while are you using a distribution that doesn't fit your needs?
I will not spend a word on your behavior but i believe that if compiling a software like wine (come on it's not even openoffice...) can cause you such a pain you should try to think about changing...there many other distribution that can help you. It's not like "go away" obviously but maybe you're searching another kind of're searching binaries, you're searching people who work for you, i don't blame you but please stop being so rude and try to find your Nirvana, here you find people that has a different point of view, a different approach to problem solving.
Kindly wink


#52 2008-05-11 19:49:57

Forum Fellow
From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2007-06-21
Posts: 1,899

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

I would suggest to keep this discussion on topic, lest it develops into some other monster and follows the destiny of the other Wine threads.

Have you Syued today?
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"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery


#53 2008-05-11 20:34:58

Registered: 2007-07-10
Posts: 111

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

finferflu wrote:

I would suggest to keep this discussion on topic, lest it develops into some other monster and follows the destiny of the other Wine threads.

I agree, have you ever tried to play a game that uses old directx 8?Last time i tried 0.60 it gave me some weird messages regarding winedbg and crashed


#54 2008-05-11 20:57:21

Registered: 2007-04-29
Posts: 272

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

Demind wrote:
ProzacR wrote:

Looks like teamwork trash posting here is much easier than just compile.
But situation is little advanced now. At least no one is trying to explain how to use super-duper AUR.

Seriously man, while are you using a distribution that doesn't fit your needs?
I will not spend a word on your behavior but i believe that if compiling a software like wine (come on it's not even openoffice...) can cause you such a pain you should try to think about changing...there many other distribution that can help you. It's not like "go away" obviously but maybe you're searching another kind of're searching binaries, you're searching people who work for you, i don't blame you but please stop being so rude and try to find your Nirvana, here you find people that has a different point of view, a different approach to problem solving.
Kindly wink

I will use Gentoo or LFS when I will want to compile myself.
Maybe this information is new to you, but ArchLinux is binary distro.


#55 2008-05-11 21:23:55

From: 53 6e 65 65 6b
Registered: 2007-04-16
Posts: 195

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

i have used ie4linux to use internetexplorer6 with linux so that I can at least get a full featured OWA. ie4linux makes wine, IE with WGA checks and stuff and all the bottle things quite easy. although the endresult was just so so. OWA under IE6 in wine is rather slow.


"root# su - bofh"
OS: F10_x64, Arch, Centos5.3, RHEL4.7, RHEL5.3
Desktop Hardware: Dell Precision M65 laptop, core2duo, 2gb, 80gb 7200rpm
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#56 2008-05-11 22:38:27

Registered: 2007-07-10
Posts: 111

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

stefan1975 wrote:

i have used ie4linux to use internetexplorer6 with linux so that I can at least get a full featured OWA. ie4linux makes wine, IE with WGA checks and stuff and all the bottle things quite easy. although the endresult was just so so. OWA under IE6 in wine is rather slow.


OWA? Why do you use outlook?
I've tried to insall ie4linux in order to use TVUplayer and TVants ad i've experienced this kind of slowness too..i think it's normal...

I won't reply to any other OT post


#57 2008-05-12 07:15:35

From: 53 6e 65 65 6b
Registered: 2007-04-16
Posts: 195

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

Demind wrote:

OWA? Why do you use outlook?
I've tried to insall ie4linux in order to use TVUplayer and TVants ad i've experienced this kind of slowness too..i think it's normal...

not by choice that is for sure. We have M$ Exchange 2007 at work. I wrote about it before so i will spare you the details, suffice it to say that evolution will not connect (yet) and that OWA "light" s*cks bollocks compared to premium.


"root# su - bofh"
OS: F10_x64, Arch, Centos5.3, RHEL4.7, RHEL5.3
Desktop Hardware: Dell Precision M65 laptop, core2duo, 2gb, 80gb 7200rpm
Registered linux user #459910 since 1998


#58 2008-05-12 13:29:00

From: Ukraine vinnitsa reg Ladyzhin
Registered: 2008-05-11
Posts: 18

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

As for me, I think that recompilation of software is not so important when you using Arch.
I've compiled Linux From Scratch and it was very hard work. But after testing it on my QuadCore.
I realized that arch runs about 10% slower. So does 10% metter when you compiling your own Linux for two days. I'm an sysadmin and when i'm installing new servers my custumers are ready for "headache"
with .rpm based distro. But when they see Arch's quility and simplecity they just crying.
I installing http dns dnscahcing and some game servers for 1 hour.

So, do we need to compile linux core and wine?
I say YES. The compilation increases performance much.
Do we need to use WINE?
I say SOMETIMES. Only when you can't find a linux analog in trilion-billion-thuosands af freesoftware projects.

It is my opinion

samp vcmp q4 ut3 ut2 MangoS admin


#59 2008-05-12 14:45:04

Registered: 2007-07-10
Posts: 111

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

eox425 wrote:

I say SOMETIMES. Only when you can't find a linux analog in trilion-billion-thuosands af freesoftware projects.

It is my opinion

Mine too.
I can say that TVUplayer and Tvants i.e. don`t have a linux version so wine is needed if you want to use them...but i wouldn`t install a wine to use a software that has an analog linux version

Last edited by Demind (2008-05-12 14:45:43)


#60 2008-05-12 20:16:28

From: France
Registered: 2007-02-20
Posts: 456

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

now available at the usual place:

while I'm angered enough by whiners to stop making those builds available, I realise that most people downloading it are not whiners, and it wins people some time and heat (weather's hot enough here, and think of energy efficiency), just as it saves me some for icedtea (thanks archlinuxfr guys). and there's no denying that wine, as java, is useful, and is not a universal solution, and that everyone will choose the native one if it exists. this debate is just sterile.

PS: here's a personal message to whiners:
STFU, and let normal people discuss in peace.

EDIT: oh, and btw,

$ echo "ack to topic. I want to use wine rc's, but as always I am to lazy to compile. Who can share binaries?" | wc -m
$ echo 'makepkg' | wc -m

who's lazy now?

EDIT2: removed bin32-wine-1.0_rc1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz, it's borked. run wine in a chroot32 or build bin32 package yourself.

Last edited by lloeki (2008-05-12 21:26:20)

To know recursion, you must first know recursion.


#61 2008-05-13 11:58:01

From: /home/gazj -> /uk/cambs
Registered: 2007-02-09
Posts: 681

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

stefan1975 wrote:
Demind wrote:

OWA? Why do you use outlook?
I've tried to insall ie4linux in order to use TVUplayer and TVants ad i've experienced this kind of slowness too..i think it's normal...

not by choice that is for sure. We have M$ Exchange 2007 at work. I wrote about it before so i will spare you the details, suffice it to say that evolution will not connect (yet) and that OWA "light" s*cks bollocks compared to premium.


Have you tried this … 59&vid=617

hopefully it will fool IIS on your exchange server that your using ie smile

haven't tried it myself, but its worth a go


#62 2008-05-16 16:14:53

Registered: 2007-04-29
Posts: 272

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

time makepkg | wc -m
real    241m10.048s
Big shit: done.
Sending to wc....done.


#63 2008-05-26 13:07:11

From: France
Registered: 2007-02-20
Posts: 456

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

wine-1.0_rc2-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz up.

I swear that when I have some time I'll make it a real repo, with some other stuff I built.

PS: I wish forums had a /ignore like IRC.

EDIT: of course it's rc2 wink

Last edited by lloeki (2008-05-27 13:07:01)

To know recursion, you must first know recursion.


#64 2008-05-26 14:14:00

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2008-02-24
Posts: 726

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?


smile Many thanks for the compilation (of course, you meant RC2!).
It takes almost an hour to compile on my old gear, so your work is most appreciated.


#65 2008-05-26 23:19:11

From: PA, USA
Registered: 2007-12-19
Posts: 108

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

How do you compile wine rc2 from abs?

The hyphen in the pkgver keeps giving me an error. sad  I can't seem to work around it in the PKGBUILD, I even tried to hard code the version and remove the variables.

Could anyone post the PKGBUILD for rc1 or rc2?  I'm trying to get it to install from a local package with the hyphen replaced by an underscore, but I'm stuck.

Last edited by Aaron (2008-05-26 23:31:01)


#66 2008-05-27 01:17:53

From: Puerto Rico
Registered: 2005-06-03
Posts: 2,484

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

Well, I just named it .rc2 without hyphen, then I changed the $pkgver in the rest of the PKGBUILD to 1.0-rc2, maybe there is a better way, but I just did that.

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#67 2008-05-27 04:09:56

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2007-06-05
Posts: 341

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

I just compile my wine builds using a git package build, saves having to download the whole source package everytime.

Just use the wine.install from abs.

pkgver=$( date +%Y%m%d )
pkgdesc="Emulator of the Windows 3.x and Win32 APIs"
depends=('libjpeg' 'libungif' 'alsa-lib' 'glut' 'libldap' 'libxslt' 'lcms' 'libxxf86dga' 'freeglut' \
         'libxinerama' 'libxcursor' 'libxrandr' 'libxrender' 'libxdamage')
makedepends=('git' 'alsa-lib' 'sane' 'fontforge' 'flex' 'bison')

build() {
  if [ ! -e $startdir/src/$pkgname ]; then
    cd $startdir/src
    git clone git:// wine
    mv wine wine-git
    cd $pkgname
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname

  #git reset --hard origin
  git fetch
  git rebase origin
  ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-opengl --with-x \
              --without-esd --without-jack \
  make depend || return 1
  make || return 1
  make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install || return 1
  mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/etc/wine


#68 2008-05-27 13:11:14

From: France
Registered: 2007-02-20
Posts: 456

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

how I do it, non-git. get the trick for other similar packages wink

# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.51 2008/01/14 21:34:16 dale Exp $
# Maintainer: Dale Blount <>
# Contributor: Matt Smith (Majik) <>
pkgdesc="Emulator of the Windows 3.x and Win32 APIs"
depends=('freetype2' 'fontconfig' 'libjpeg' 'libungif' 'alsa-lib' 'glut' 'libldap' 'libxslt' 'lcms' 'libxxf86dga' 'freeglut' \
         'libxinerama' 'libxcursor' 'libxrandr' 'libxrender' 'libxdamage')
makedepends=('alsa-lib' 'sane' 'fontforge' 'flex' 'bison')

build() {
  cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$_pkgver

  patch -Np1 -i $startdir/cursor_loadfromfile.patch

  ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-opengl --with-x
  make depend || return 1
  make || return 1
  make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install || return 1
  # expand conflicts with textutils ( doesn't exist anymore ? )
  # mv $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/expand $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/wine-expand || return 1
  mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/etc/wine
  rm $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/wine.desktop
  # mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/etc/profile.d
  # cp -r $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/documentation/samples $startdir/pkg/etc/wine

EDIT: as I hate duplicate work, I'd even change



_pkgver=$(echo "$pkgver" | sed 's/_/-/g')

EDIT 2: oh yeah, and my rc2 wine build contains the cursor patch that lets F.E.A.R start up.

Last edited by lloeki (2008-05-27 13:13:54)

To know recursion, you must first know recursion.


#69 2008-05-29 00:16:28

From: PA, USA
Registered: 2007-12-19
Posts: 108

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

Thanks for the PKGBUILD!  I was very close, but yours fixed it for me.

Unfortunately Guild Wars still doesn't work. sad


#70 2008-05-29 11:01:40

From: France
Registered: 2007-02-20
Posts: 456

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

what do you mean? it works just fine for me. they even fixed the weird alpha'd bar at the to pf the screen when using dx9+glsl+adv. effects smile

To know recursion, you must first know recursion.


#71 2008-05-29 11:34:59

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

lloeki - just as I'm here: you have a patch in your PKGBUILD that is not included in the source array. And instead of that echo/sed clunkiness, you can use bash substitution:



#72 2008-05-29 21:38:10

From: France
Registered: 2007-02-20
Posts: 456

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?


about the patch, I know wink I use it this way because it makes it easy for me to quickly add patches. I just forgot to remove/comment the patch line. if I were to really maintain a PKGBUILD I'd do it properly.

about the subst, point taken. I just usually use dash when scripting, so not used to bashiness...

anyway, thanks for the review smile

To know recursion, you must first know recursion.


#73 2008-05-29 21:48:00

From: Poland
Registered: 2008-04-24
Posts: 303

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

I've tried to compile wine from ABS, but i takes about 2 hours on my laptop. That's why I'm using precompiled suse build (which is available in AUR as wine-suse). I now that compiling it myself gives me faste package, but it just take too much time for me...

Proud ex-maintainer of firefox-pgo


#74 2008-05-30 16:17:37

Registered: 2008-04-21
Posts: 242

Re: Do Wine and Windows matter less to Archers?

rc3 is out


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