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Does anyone know how to get a background image in console? I dont want to install x, i want my system to be strictly text mode.
For example if your familiar at all with openSuse, it has a background image when in console mode. I dont know if this is some sort of x implementation or what.
gentoo also has what im looking to do.
If you don't want to patch your kernel (I think you have to for this) I've come up with an alternative way of setting an image file as a background in the console using mplayer, it's quite hackish as you can imagine, but works by using ffmpeg, and mplayer along with cvidix, but in my experience it works quite well
I have it all set up in a wallpaper setter for my system that sets my wallpaper in the console aswell as in X, but the relevant lines look something like this,
ffmpeg -loop_input -vframes 5 -i "${WALLPAPER}" -r 1 -b 1800 -y -s ${XSCREENRES}x${YSCREENRES} /tmp/wall.avi >/dev/null 2>&1
sudo mplayer -vo cvidix -screenw ${XSCREENRES} -screenh ${YSCREENRES} -colorkey 000000 -really-quiet /tmp/wall.avi -fixed-vo -loop 0 >/dev/null 2>&1