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#1 2007-04-11 16:55:50

Registered: 2006-07-24
Posts: 52

qjackctrl works as root, not as user

qjackctrl isn't working as a normal user.  The app hangs at launch (does not display window).

If I run from a term I get:
Warning: no locale found: /usr/share/locale/qjackctl_en_US.utf8.qm
(then nothing)

If I run as root from terminal, I get same error about locales, but the program starts.

Simply running jackd (with various options) from terminal works fine.

I've already searched forums and found:
Checked all suggestions there, and they're either already in place or not applicable to my situation.

Also Googled it and found … 09421.html
Doesn't seem to address the locale error, and doesn't mention qjackctl not starting.

Qt: 3.3.8
qjackctl: 0.2.21

This seems like a permissions problem, but with no feedback from the app, I don't know where to start.
Any suggestions?


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