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#1 2007-07-20 09:21:34

Registered: 2007-07-17
Posts: 56

2.6.22 kernel and USB external disk ** SUSPECTED BUG**

Hi, as the title suggests, I think I've come across a bug in the 2.6.22 kernel.

I made a post here: which was basically in regards to initial access of my external USB2 disk after mounting it. I just did a fresh install and some testing and it appears to be a kernel issue somehow. I updated my system doing pacman -Syu, then I enabled the testing repo, installed the 2.6.22 arch kernel, rebooted and the problem occured. I then disabled the testing repo, removed the 2.6.22 kernel and went back to 2.6.21 and the problem vanished.

The problem: Mounting my external (lacie) USB2 hard disk and trying to access it in thunar. The first time I try to access it after mounting, all instances of thunar lock up for around 30 seconds, then it comes back to life, displaying the contents. Even thunar instances that are displaying other directories on the local filesystem freeze. Subsequent attempts to access the content are fine and no lockup's occur. Again, this issue only happens with the 2.6.22 kernel. I even compiled a custom 2.6.22 vanilla kernel and the same thing occurs.

Can other people with external HD's try with this kernel please? I'd like to find out if it affects all external disks.

* Automounting / mounting is done via DBUS and HAL through XFCE.
* The issue doesn't occur with optical disks, autostarted with DBUS / HAL in XFCE.

If possible, can anyone suggest a way of me trying to debug this further? I've not done any kernel debugging in the past.


#2 2007-07-21 17:35:43

From: İstanbul
Registered: 2006-03-14
Posts: 435

Re: 2.6.22 kernel and USB external disk ** SUSPECTED BUG**

I have some problems that seems to be related with your problem... I've just created a bug report for my problem..

Quis custodiet ipsos custodiet?


#3 2007-07-21 19:00:01

Registered: 2007-07-17
Posts: 56

Re: 2.6.22 kernel and USB external disk ** SUSPECTED BUG**

Finally, someone replies. big_smile

Could you post the link to your bug report please? Also, what exactly was your problem?


#4 2007-08-11 01:29:06

From: Germany
Registered: 2007-05-19
Posts: 175

Re: 2.6.22 kernel and USB external disk ** SUSPECTED BUG**

I also have that problem in KDE. I have an external HD with firewire or USB input.
My external disk is mounted successfully, but reading directories of the external disk in Konqueror makes all Konqueror instances freeze for some time (just the same as your problem). Even accessing external folders from konsole makes the konsole freeze for some time.
And another strange thing happens: when the external disk is mounted pacman hangs after looking for inter-conflicts... done. As soon as i switch off the HD, pacman goes on working...
When mounting the HD via Firewire the problems are greater than via USB.

I just downgraded my kernel to kernel26- and everything works perfect!


#5 2007-08-12 15:27:43

From: Germany
Registered: 2007-05-19
Posts: 175

Re: 2.6.22 kernel and USB external disk ** SUSPECTED BUG**

I just upgraded to the new kernel26- and mounting and browsing from firewire works perfect again! YEHAA! big_smile


#6 2007-09-26 03:49:39

Registered: 2007-09-26
Posts: 24

Re: 2.6.22 kernel and USB external disk ** SUSPECTED BUG**

i'm having the same problem with thunar and an ipod since i updated to 2.6.22 some days ago. now i have just up updated to, and the problem persists...
even if i disable thunar-volman and mount the device manually, thunar locks during around 5 minutes (it's a 60gb ipod) in the first access. them on, it goes just fine.... during the lockup, the xfce panel mount plugin also locks. the same problem occour with gtkpod.

when i try to access the files trough console or xmms, i have no problems at all, even if the device was mounted by clicking the icon on the xfce desktop.

any ideas??
or... where i can find the 2.6.21 package??


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