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After upgrade to KDE 4.1 ssh-agent stopped running. Is there a way for re-enabling it?
I have found that it is mentioned in /usr/bin/startkde, but if I add it there it would be
removed by the next pacman upgrade. What is the right way to add it?
I don't use it, but I expect that the same goes for gpg-agent.
Last edited by tanis (2008-07-28 20:54:56)
OK, it was as easy as adding '' script to ~/.kde4/env/ folder, containing: eval $( /usr/bin/ssh-agent ), and a script with ssh-agent -k to ~/.kde4/shutdown/
Ahah yeah, I also was wondering how to restore this ssh-agent stuff, then I saw your post, and wanted to tell you the answer was in the question.
I indeed just followed the instruction in this startkde script and it works nicely. Thanks a lot.
mkdir -p .kde4/env .kde4/shutdown
echo 'eval `ssh-agent`' > .kde4/env/
echo 'ssh-agent -k' > .kde4/shutdown/
chmod +x .kde4/env/ .kde4/shutdown/
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