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Kde 4.1 is a good starting point to switch from kde3 but I do have a "major" issue: Openoffice looks ugly. Is there a way to improve the appearance of it?
Sure. Run a gtk based desktop
Seriously: No way with OOo 2.4.x. Wait for OOo 3.2 or maybe even later. There's a huge set of pachtes trying to fix the look'n feel. But it's far from getting accepted upstream. Feel free to help coding for OOo
Well...I'm not a coder but I'm patient. Anyway the look of openoffice under kde4 is a real pain IMHO. Strange that nobody has a workaround or something. KDE4 has a stunning look and it's a shame that OO doesn't share neither a part of that beautifulness.
Use qtcurve and the gtk-look of OO.
How can I choose the gtk-look of OO? Is there a variable?
Do I have to set Qtcurve from Appearance panel under kde4 or under gnome?
How can I choose the gtk-look of OO? Is there a variable?
export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=gnome
in /usr/bin/soffice
or in your ~/.bashrc
Last edited by Zeist (2008-07-29 11:06:32)
I haven't lost my mind; I have a tape back-up somewhere.
Is this the best I can get?
Has anyone tried this one? … tent=74689
If you're are using kdemod you have to correct the CMakeLists.txt because unfortunately the paths get no exported by kde itself.
Perhaps this does work with the kde from the [extra] repo.
I set /usr/lib/kde4 for the so package ; /usr/share/kde4/servicetypes/kcm_gk4,desktop for the start (?!) script.
I do not know where the icon path is, so i commented the INSTALL line out (#).
At the moment, there is a) no change in the systemsettings menue b) no change in gtk rendering.So nothing has changed :-( ...Has someone else gtk-kde4 running?
Last edited by beomuex (2011-04-09 23:21:35)