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I'm using urxvt with with the font set to DejaVu Sans Mono-8. Everything works great except that there's tons of extra horizontal space between characters. The same problem shows up when I use certain other fonts, like Consolas. I took screenshots to compare the output, and urxvt is rendering the same string of text at about 115% the width of other applications like gedit (but the same height). Here's a shot showing the difference:
My .Xresources looks like this:
urxvt.scrollBar: false
urxvt.font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono-8
urxvt.xftAutoHint: true
Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.antialias: 1
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.hinting: 1
Xft.hintstyle: hintfull
Is there an Xft or urxvt setting I can adjust to squeeze my text back down? The wide spacing is both inconvenient (because I can't fit as many columns in a window) and kind of ugly. Thanks!
I had the same problem (and made a post about it awhile back) but unfortunately never found a solution. I eventually went back to xterm, though mostly for other reasons. If you ever find a fix I'd love to hear it.
This sounds like a urxvt font width calculation issue, although I also have no solution.
urxvt calculates the width of *every* font glyph based on the widest character it finds in the font.
Since I like reading manpages (:P), I remember that urxvt has an option to change the padding/spacing between *lines*, but that doesn't help the font width.
Windows was made for looking at success from a distance through a wall of oversimplicity. Linux removes the wall, so you can just walk up to success and make it your own.
Reinventing the wheel is fun. You get to redefine pi.
Hey guy,
This is an really old problem, but urxvt developers refused to admit that it was a bug. Please read … 00514.html
Yes, there is a patch for that.
Ah, yep, I also know this patch but how can I patch it while recompiling urxvt?
Could you please give a PKGBUILD or somewhat showing how to patch this?
Is not hard, the wiki have more info (look for abs).
First save the patch in a file (in the same dir as PKGBUILD), something like fix_char_width.patch and add a line for applying the patch:
patch -p1 < doc/urxvt-8.2-256color.patch || return 1
patch -p0 < ${startdir}/src/fix_char_width.patch || return 1
Redo the md5 with makepkg -g and compile it with makepkg.
Thanks for your kind instructions! Now I know how to patch in the PKGBUILD, thankx!
And this morning I find that there is a package called rxvt-unicode-256color-fontfix in AUR, its awesome. Guys, why not give it a glance? :d
Last edited by andywxy (2008-10-24 01:46:40)
Pages: 1