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I recently started using Midori on this computer, and wrote my own download manager for it. It's really simple. It depends on aria2, zenity, and notify-send, which aren't hard to get at all. Its advantages over the in the Midori FAQ is that (a) it uses aria2, which is apparently faster, (b) it lets you choose the download directory (which I like), and (c) it saves a log and notifies you in case things mess up.
# Admiral
# Aria2 Download Manager
# USAGE: 'admiral $FILE'
test -z "$1" && exit 1
FNAME=$(basename "$URL" | cut -d '?' -f 1)
echo $FNAME
SAVE=$(zenity --title="Admiral: Save to:" --file-selection --filename="$FNAME" --save)
test $? -gt 0 && exit 3
asplode() {
notify-send -u critical -t 5000 -i gtk-no "Admiral Asplode!" "Download of $URL failed
Check the logfile at $LOGFILE"
exit 2
notify-send -u low -t 1500 -i gtk-save "Admiral" "Began downloading $URL"
touch $LOGFILE
aria2c -d "$(dirname $SAVE)" -o "$(basename $SAVE)" -l $LOGFILE "$URL" || asplode
notify-send -u normal -t 2000 -i gtk-ok "Admiral" "Download of $URL complete
Saved to $SAVE"
Matthew Frazier