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Pages: 1
Hi there,
i've just added your RSS-Feed to my (very simple) Reader. That's why i can't change the title of the feed by myself.
The title "Recent News Updates" is now next to "heise developer neueste Meldungen", "Java Technology Headlines", "Joomla Announcements", "Joomla! Developer - Vulnerability News", "WordPress Development Blog" and so on.
Would it be possible to add a prefix to the title for a better identification like: " - Recent News Updates"?
Or do you know where i have to put this request if this forum is the wrong place?
I've found other people who agree with me.
Here, here! The RSS title is *bad*.
"Recent News Updates"? C'mon! How am I supposed to identify it with the subject? It's as bad as "<Enter your RSS Title Here>".
Please put some real title there. K?Tnks.
Kind regards
I think you should make a feature request at the bug tracker under the Web Page project.
I suggest "Arch - news updates" or similar.
I've made a feature request, thanks for the advice.
Pages: 1