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#1 2009-12-19 04:32:03

From: Lake Stevens, WA, USA
Registered: 2007-05-14
Posts: 1,542

No sound from console cd players

I have sound from mplayer, kscd, mpd, flash, etc, but none of the command line cd players will output any audio (cdcd,mcdp,cdplay). I checked alsamixer, and all the available channels are un-muted. It appears that each of those players is actually playing the cd (and the cd works with kscd). Any ideas? What other info might I need to provide for troubleshooting? I'm sure I'm missing something simple.....



#2 2010-01-18 04:29:13

Registered: 2006-10-27
Posts: 237

Re: No sound from console cd players

yeah i have the same problem. and found naother guy on IRC with the problem too
i can't play a cd with cdcd, or mcdp or adcd
i can play it with mplayer, exaile

i don't know what could it be. may be those console player are too old ? is libcdaudio too old ? and does not work with SATA DVD player ?


#3 2010-01-18 05:07:48

Registered: 2009-12-27
Posts: 37

Re: No sound from console cd players

Most of the command-line players are old/not longer being developed/not designed for modern hardware (note: most, but not all).

Mplayer, I think can be user from the command-line though. Not sure of it, though. Try reading the man pages.


#4 2010-01-20 13:25:28

Registered: 2006-10-27
Posts: 237

Re: No sound from console cd players

for the record, I opened a bug report which is already closed.

i wonder if those package could include a warning like ""Unless you are using an IDE DVD/CDROM drive this software will not function properly" at installation
if they are really obsolete (on new hardware only) they could be removed or deprecated (meaning ?) or moved to aur for the one in core/extra/community ?


#5 2010-01-20 22:05:22

Registered: 2009-12-27
Posts: 37

Re: No sound from console cd players

solstice wrote:

for the record, I opened a bug report which is already closed.

i wonder if those package could include a warning like ""Unless you are using an IDE DVD/CDROM drive this software will not function properly" at installation
if they are really obsolete (on new hardware only) they could be removed or deprecated (meaning ?) or moved to aur for the one in core/extra/community ?

Its your job as the end user to research a piece of software to see if it is compatible with your system, not the job of the developer or distributor.

The players aren't "obsolete" per se. They will work on much modern hardware, they just weren't designed for it, meaning 'try it and see'. Also, they are of a simple design, so advanced users wouldn't have a problem hacking the program if it didn't work out of the box for them.

Finally, the status of "deprecated" is used for system related packages, such as hal or udev, not non-essential or non-system related programs, and the AUR is for software that is still in development/testing, or isn't particularly popular. Removing a package because it doesn't work on some modern hardware out of the box is silly, as many people still make good use of it.


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