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#1 2010-05-21 06:43:18

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,330

2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Hi Arch community,

Arch Linux (archboot creation tool) 2010.05-1, "2k10-R4" has been released.
To avoid confusion, this is not an official arch linux iso release!

Now Homepage available:

Check Readme.txt file for more information on archboot.

- Bugfix release for 2010.04 files, with some new setup features.
- Bump LTS to .32 kernel series

Hybrid image file and torrent is provided, which include
i686 and x86_64 core repository. Please check md5sum before using it.

Hybrid image file is a standard CD-burnable image and also a raw disk image.
    - Can be burned to CD(RW) media using most CD-burning utilities.
    - Can be raw-written to a drive using 'dd' or similar utilities.
      This method is intended for use with USB thumb drives.

Please get it from your favorite arch linux mirror: … ot/2010.05


- kernel 2.6.34 / LTS kernel
- pacman 3.3.3 usage
- RAM recommendations: 320 MB

Kernel changes:
- bump to latest .34 series and bump lts to .32 series

Removed features:
- None

Environment changes:
- added platform modules
- fixed vim binary
- fixed typo in startscreen
- removed udev-compat for lts environment
- added nilfs and btrfs-progs to cd packages

hwdetect changes:
- fixed raid partition check

setup changes:
- automatic activation of complex devices like lvm,raid, dmraid.
- better support for cciss, ida, rd and mmcblk devices
- fixed grub2 install issues on lvm devices
- some internal function cleanup

quickinst changes:
- None

- FTP installation mode:
- CD installation mode:
Further documentation can be found on-disk and on the wiki.
Have fun!


Last edited by tpowa (2010-05-21 06:45:30)


#2 2010-05-21 08:22:02

Registered: 2010-05-18
Posts: 11

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Merci  big_smile


#3 2010-05-21 10:19:57

From: Italy
Registered: 2009-08-10
Posts: 151

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

- kernel 2.6.34 / LTS kernel
- pacman 3.3.3 usage
- RAM recommendations: 320 MB

320 MB RAM for what? Sounds strange...

Last edited by trapanator (2010-05-21 10:35:09)


#4 2010-05-21 10:49:01

Registered: 2007-09-23
Posts: 1,461

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released


tpowa wrote:

Check Readme.txt file for more information on archboot.

readme wrote:

What is the difference to the official install media (latest version)?
- It runs a modified Arch Linux system in initramfs.


#5 2010-05-21 11:37:30

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,330

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Seems a running gag every release someone asks this. Everything is in the initramfs which needs this space to extract the files.
Running arch itself needs less RAM.


#6 2010-05-22 15:23:32

From: Wiltshire, UK
Registered: 2009-02-24
Posts: 284

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released


I need to append cdrom=ide-cd to the boot line as I have an old CD drive, but the keyboard mapping is all screwed-up. Iǘe never seen this before, is it a bug?


Reasons why you may want to try GNU/Linux:


#7 2010-05-23 09:58:00

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,330

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Well you can change the keyboard mappin in setup, in case your arrow keys are working fine.
Tests in kvm worked for me so i guess it could be a bug in kernel or somewhere else.
You can try if LTS kernel behaves different and report back.


#8 2010-06-11 15:30:11

From: Spain
Registered: 2010-02-03
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Hi. smile
Is possible to invoke AIF like in a normal arch iso? ie: `aif -p automatic -c <profile file> [-l]`


#9 2010-06-11 18:18:17

From: Spain
Registered: 2010-02-03
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Ok, I have seen that can not be invoked... tongue


#10 2010-06-11 19:19:13

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,330

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Aif will only work if you use ftp routine, package layout is different.


#11 2010-06-11 22:20:57

From: Spain
Registered: 2010-02-03
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

I am reading Create-Archboot-Allinone-Howto.txt, but when I try to install archboot
warning: cannot resolve "vim>=7.2.385-1", a dependency of "archboot"
:: the following package(s) cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:

But the actual version in Arch is vim 7.2-1... sad


#12 2010-06-11 22:25:11

From: Spain
Registered: 2010-02-03
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Anyway, I'll use archboot from git repository. The problem now is the follow:
When I try to /usr/share/archboot/installer/quickinst media <i686_chroot> <imagepath>/core-i686/pkg
The follow error occurs:

Targets (99): linux-api-headers-  tzdata-2010j-1  glibc-2.11.1-3  ncurses-5.7-3  readline-6.1.002-1 
              bash-4.1.007-1  gcc-libs-4.5.0-1  db-4.8.26-2  zlib-1.2.5-1  cracklib-2.8.16-1  pam-1.1.1-1  shadow- 
              attr-2.4.44-1  acl-2.2.49-1  gmp-5.0.1-1  libcap-2.19-1  coreutils-8.5-1  kernel26-firmware-2.6.34-1 
              module-init-tools-3.11.1-2  mkinitcpio-busybox-1.16.1-3  filesystem-2010.02-4  util-linux-ng-2.17.2-2 
              gen-init-cpio-2.6.32-1  findutils-4.4.2-2  sed-4.2.1-2  pcre-8.02-1  grep-2.6.3-1  libusb-0.1.12-4 
              glib2-2.24.1-1  udev-151-3  file-5.04-2  gzip-1.4-1  which-2.20-3  mkinitcpio-0.6.4-1  kernel26-2.6.34-1 
              binutils-2.20.1-2  bzip2-1.0.5-5  device-mapper-2.02.64-1  libgpg-error-1.7-3  libgcrypt-1.4.5-2  popt-1.16-2 
              e2fsprogs-1.41.11-1  cryptsetup-1.1.1_rc2-1  dash-  dcron-4.4-2  dhcpcd-5.2.2-1  diffutils-3.0-1 
              gawk-3.1.8-1  gettext-0.18-1  grub-0.97-17  net-tools-1.60-14  kbd-1.15.2-1  sysvinit-2.86-5 
              initscripts-2010.05-3  iputils-20100214-2  jfsutils-1.1.14-1  less-436-1  licenses-2.6-1  logrotate-3.7.8-1 
              lvm2-2.02.64-1  lzo2-2.03-1  mailx-8.1.1-7  gdbm-1.8.3-7  perl-5.12.0-2  texinfo-4.13a-4  groff-1.20.1-4 
              man-db-2.5.7-1  man-pages-3.24-1  mdadm-3.1.2-2  nano-2.2.4-1  xz-utils-4.999.9beta-2  openssl-1.0.0-2 
              expat-2.0.1-5  libarchive-2.8.3-3  libfetch-2.30-3  pacman-mirrorlist-20100131-1  pacman-3.3.3-5 
              pciutils-3.1.7-1  sysfsutils-2.1.0-5  pcmciautils-016-1  libnl-1.1-2  libpcap-1.1.1-1  ppp-2.4.5-1 
              procps-3.2.8-1  psmisc-22.11-1  reiserfsprogs-3.6.21-2  rp-pppoe-3.10-5  eventlog-0.2.9-1  tcp_wrappers-7.6-11 
              syslog-ng-3.1.0-1  tar-1.23-1  usbutils-0.87-1  vi-050325-3  wget-1.12-2  dbus-core-1.2.24-1 
              wpa_supplicant-0.6.10-2  xfsprogs-3.1.2-1  fuse-2.8.4-1  ntfs-3g-2010.3.6-1 

Total Download Size:    4.41 MB
Total Installed Size:   382.34 MB

Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
:: Retrieving packages from core...
error: failed retrieving file 'filesystem-2010.02-4-any.pkg.tar.xz' from disk : No such file or directory
error: failed retrieving file 'mkinitcpio-0.6.4-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' from disk : No such file or directory
error: failed retrieving file 'licenses-2.6-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' from disk : No such file or directory
error: failed retrieving file 'man-pages-3.24-1-any.pkg.tar.gz' from disk : No such file or directory
warning: failed to retrieve some files from core
error: failed to commit transaction (No such file or directory)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

Package installation FAILED.

Many thanks smile

Edit: If I choose 'core-any' instead of i686, it's ok.

Last edited by coolkaine (2010-06-11 22:28:14)


#13 2010-06-11 22:47:14

From: Spain
Registered: 2010-02-03
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Well, when I try to install archboot on chrootpath directory, vim problem appears  again :S.
Could you change the vim dependence to v. 7.2, or the vim mantainer can update the package? tongue

Last edited by coolkaine (2010-06-11 22:49:35)


#14 2010-06-12 10:21:35

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,330

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Basically such depend errors might occur,
but you can mostly ignore them, if you use the git version and or the version I provide in testing.
Archboot scans for binaries on the system, depends should just help to have the binaries on the chroot.
If you know what doesn't fit just install the new renamed packages and all should be fine.
I only bump the versions on new releases. As long as .34 kernel stays in testing I cannot move it to extra.

Hrm quickinst should also add any to the custom pacman.conf file, that it works. I'll look at it.
Thanks for reporting those issues. My chroots lasts since 4 years or so smile

At the moment i'm heavily working on setup script to integrate usable btrfs support.
Next version will also have label support, extlinux bootloader support and changed bootscheme to menu.
It will be great smile



#15 2010-06-23 00:56:28

From: Great White North
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 881

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

This may be too late in your development cycle to mention but I think I found a bug that is (for me) easy to duplicate.

When I use the installer and go to partition my disk, if I make the first two partitions primary partitions and all subsequent partitions logical partitions, I "lose" my 5th logical partition (sda5). (There is also a small 1 mb of free space in front of my first partition thanks to Win7's partitioner; whether that is relevant or not I do not know.) I lose it only when I go to encrypt it before setting mount points.
My sda3 partition is an EFI partition, 50mb in size, that the manufacturer put there.

I have checked the hard drive for sector errors (none were found) and I've repeated this event several times now. Strangely, if I use the "maximize" function in Cfdisk to maximize a partition that isn't showing up, that partition becomes visible thereafter in subsequent screens, like when I go to set up Luks. The problem with that work-around, however, is that the partition I maximized becomes corrupted/unbootable. I get an FSCK error upon booting up after I've input my password for that partition and the mount point that should appear (usually my / mount) is blank instead of a normal PS1 prompt.

I hope this is coherent and repeatable by you should you decide to test this. I do like your releases and up until now have had no issues. My partition layout is pasted below.

Partition Table for /dev/sda

               First       Last
 # Type       Sector      Sector   Offset    Length   Filesystem Type (ID) Flag
-- ------- ----------- ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------- ----
   None              0        2047*     0#       2048*Unusable             None
 1 Primary        2048*     206847*     0      204800*HPFS/NTFS (07)       Boot
 2 Primary      206848*  107681791*     0   107474944*HPFS/NTFS (07)       None
 4 Primary   107681792*  312480314      0   204798523*Extended (05)        None
 5 Logical   107681792*  107826376*    63      144585 Linux (83)           None
 6 Logical   107826377*  137128936*    63    29302560 Linux (83)           None
 7 Logical   137128937*  303144646*    63   166015710 Linux (83)           None
 8 Logical   303144647*  307048441*    63     3903795 Linux swap / So (82) None
 9 Logical   307048442*  312480314     63     5431873*Linux (83)           None
 3 Primary   312480315   312576704      0       96390 EFI (FAT-12/16/ (EF) Boot

Last edited by MoonSwan (2010-06-23 01:12:45)


#16 2010-06-23 06:50:41

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,330

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Could you try latest setup from archboot git?
I changed a lot of listing devices in last weeks, so it might be fixed. … /installer


#17 2010-06-23 17:41:58

From: Great White North
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 881

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Edited: You can safely ignore my posts in this thread.  I figured out my issue and it was a pebkac error regarding the file /etc/crypttab where I had not correctly quoted my password nor changed the /dev/hdaX entries to /dev/sda. I feel silly now but thank you for your reply and sorry to have wasted your time.

Last edited by MoonSwan (2010-06-24 01:09:49)


#18 2010-06-27 01:10:14

Forum Fellow
From: Here
Registered: 2006-06-16
Posts: 7,942

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

I just fired up this release from USB for my new laptop and it kicks ass! Every freakin' time they get better! SWEEEEET!


#19 2010-06-27 09:14:54

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,330

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Thx, next one will need some time to finish btrfs support, my plan how to do it is already in my head the code must be written and tested though.
Simple stuff already works including fstab entries. Soon I can start to get it into mkinitcpio for booting btrfs devices.
And with extlinux as choice it should be possible to have a native bootloader which can boot btrfs directly smile
It will be very cool.


#20 2010-07-04 18:53:55

Registered: 2008-04-27
Posts: 16

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Do you regard btrfs (almost) "production ready" for use on a home workstation ? Do you use btrfs yourself ? If so on which partitions ? Any problems ?

Last edited by calliuz (2010-07-04 19:09:12)


#21 2010-07-04 19:00:16

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,330

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

As long as it is not marked stable, I wouldn't recommend it for production.
It is said to be the next big linux filesystem which will replace ext2,3,4 probably in the future.
I work only on the implemantation in archboot setup and the initramfs things, to give people the choice to use it.
It is very powerfull in functions and a big mess to program the support wink
I only use btrfs at the moment in kvm for implementing the support.
I cannot say how reliable the raid support is nor how reliable the data storage is.
The btrfs wiki is a good resource for digging the issues that are still in it.


#22 2010-07-04 19:16:35

Registered: 2008-04-27
Posts: 16

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

OK - that was a spookily quick answer !!

Well, after having surfed around a bit I draw the preliminary conclusion that btrfs seems to have to go a year or so for it to really mature and thus to be commonly recommended. (Unless more high-quality manpower is added)

Last edited by calliuz (2010-07-04 19:19:23)


#23 2010-07-16 06:45:47

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,330

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Ok new images are syncing to the servers, please continue here:


#24 2010-07-16 08:42:58

From: Stuttgart
Registered: 2009-06-25
Posts: 14

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Oh, thanks. Will test this when i'm back home.

I remember an issue when installing on sd-card:

When in "Manually partition Hard Drives" i see my device as mmcblk0, but when i want to set a mountpoint for mmcblk0p1 in "Manually configure block devices, filesystems and mountpoints" i don't see the device any more.

Any changes on that?

I'll test it later anyway.


#25 2010-07-16 09:51:33

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,330

Re: 2010.05-1 archboot "2k10-R4" ISO hybrid image released

Hrm i rewrote lots of device listing code, could be this should be fixed.
Just report if it works now.


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