You are not logged in.
Here's the bar that I constructed. It's kind of weird in that the left part (workspaces) is a log hook and the right part (system information) is a script, but whatever. Here's what it looks like:
The icons are from Tango and the excellent Silk icon set, but I'll probably change them as they look too garish for my tastes (I just happened to have them handy). In fact, I'll probably change a lot of stuff as I continue customizing xmonad. I just started using it a few days ago, and couldn't live without a status bar. Credit goes to probably about 2/3 of the posts in this forum as I learned how to use dzen2. I didn't keep track of what exactly I pulled from whom.
Easily extensible
Click on workspace number to switch
Click on layout name to switch
Click on volume to toggle mute; mouse wheel to raise/lower volume
Highlighted hour/minute in date and time
Have just one bar integrating everything, but I'm not really sure how to do that
Swap icons for whether we're on wireless or wired network
Like redbeard0531, my script doesn't exit cleanly. You can see it try to compensate for that at the end (right above where it creates the pipe) when it tries to kill other executions (I Mod-Q a LOT). If you don't like the fact that it just killalls tail, then you can take that out, but you'll have to clean up after it manually. Happily, the other bar exits cleanly.
Here's the relevant part of xmonad.hs:
-- Requires xdotool.
myDzenPP h = defaultPP
{ ppHidden = \n -> wrap ("^ca(1, xdotool key super+" ++ n ++ ") ") " ^ca()" n
, ppCurrent = dzenColor "" "#555555" . wrap " " " " . dzenColor "white" ""
, ppLayout = wrap "^ca(1, xdotool key super+space)" "^ca()"
, ppWsSep = "|"
, ppSep = " :: "
, ppOutput = hPutStrLn h
infoBar = statusBar "/path/to/" defaultPP toggleStrutsKey
where toggleStrutsKey XConfig {modMask = modm} = (modm, xK_b)
statusBarCmd = "dzen2 -bg '#1a1a1a' -fg '#aaaaaa' -h 12 -e '' -ta l -fn '-*-terminus-*-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*'"
main = do
din <- spawnPipe statusBarCmd
xmonad =<< infoBar defaultConfig {
logHook = dynamicLogWithPP $ myDzenPP din
And then is:
# Requires dzen2 and dmplex.
# Battery widget requires acpi
# Wireless widget requires wireless_tools
# Volume widget requires alsa-utils and inotify-tools
# CPU Frequency widget requires cpufrequtils and bc
# dzen2 options
# icons
# Usage: update_bar position icon text
update_bar () {
echo $1 " $2 $3" >"$PIPE"
update_time () {
while true; do
update_bar $1 "$ICON_TIME" "$(date '+%a %-d %b %Y ^fg(white)%H:%M^fg():%S')"
sleep 1
update_battery() {
local bat_text
local bat_icon
while true; do
bat_text="$(acpi -b)"
if acpi -a | grep -q on-line; then
if echo $bat_text | grep -q remaining || echo $bat_text | grep -q 'until charged'; then
bat_text="$(echo $bat_text | sed -rn 's/.* ([0-9]+%), ([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}).*/\1 (\2)/p')"
elif echo $bat_text | grep -q unavailable; then
bat_text="$(echo $bat_text | sed -rn 's/.* ([0-9]+%), .*/\1 (unknown)/p')"
elif echo $bat_text | grep -q Full; then
bat_text='100% (Full)'
bat_text='No battery'
update_bar $1 "$bat_icon" "$bat_text"
sleep 20
update_wireless () {
while true; do
update_bar $1 "$ICON_WIRELESS" "$(iwconfig wlan0 | awk '/Quality/{print $2}' | cut -d'=' -f2 | awk -F'/' '{printf("%.0f%%", $1/$2*100)}')"
sleep 5
update_volume() {
local vol
local vol_icon
while true; do
vol="$(amixer get Master | grep Mono:)"
if echo $vol | grep -q off; then
# clickable areas for muting, increasing, and decreasing volume
vol_icon="^ca(1, amixer set Master toggle)^ca(4, amixer set Master 5+ unmute)^ca(5, amixer set Master 5-)$vol_icon"
vol="$(echo $vol | sed -r 's/.*[0-9] \[([0-9]+)%.*/\1/' | gdbar -h 10 -w 30 -fg '#aaaaaa' -bg '#565656')^ca()^ca()^ca()"
update_bar $1 "$vol_icon" "$vol"
inotifywait -t 30 -qq /dev/snd/controlC0
update_cpufreq () {
while true; do
update_bar $1 "$ICON_CPUFREQ" "$(printf '%3.2f GHz' $(echo 2k$(cpufreq-info -f) 1000000/p | dc))"
sleep 2
# Try to clean up from last time.
killall tail
pgrep "$(basename $0)" | grep -v $mypid | xargs kill >>~/log 2>&1
# create pipe
rm -f "$PIPE" >/dev/null 2>&1
mkfifo "$PIPE" >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ ! -p "$PIPE" ]; then
echo "Could not create named pipe $PIPE; execution failed." >&2
exit 1
tail -f "$PIPE" | dmplex | dzen2 -e '' -w $BAR_WIDTH -x $(($SCREEN_WIDTH - $BAR_WIDTH)) -h 12 -ta r -fg $FG -bg $BG -fn $FONT &
update_wireless 1 &
update_battery 2 &
update_volume 3 &
update_cpufreq 4 &
update_time 5 &
# I like to have a space at the end
echo "1023 " >"$PIPE"
Dzen has moved to Github in order to allow for easier collaboration. Feel free to fork it and send pull requests:
Also, as I'm pretty busy with work stuff I'm looking for people who are willing to review patches and apply them to the tree.
If you're interested just drop me a note ...
Bye, Rob.
I hope this isn't too obvious: is it possible to specify the vertical position of dzen from the bottom of the screen rather than the top? I have bars at the top and bottom of my laptop screen, and would like the latter to shift to the bottom of an external screen when I switch to it, rather than remain stranded in the middle of the larger desktop. I'm using XMonad, if that's relevant, although the bottom bar is simply displaying an output from conky.
I hope this isn't too obvious: is it possible to specify the vertical position of dzen from the bottom of the screen rather than the top? I have bars at the top and bottom of my laptop screen, and would like the latter to shift to the bottom of an external screen when I switch to it, rather than remain stranded in the middle of the larger desktop. I'm using XMonad, if that's relevant, although the bottom bar is simply displaying an output from conky.
Sure, e.g.:
dzen2 -y -50
There's an '-geometry' option, too.
See here … een-bottom for further details.
Have fun, Rob.
Thanks - I found the negative option after posting that. It still doesn't quite do what I want, because it doesn't automatically adjust to the new resolution. However, as I'm using a small script to call xrandr, I can kill and restart the relevant processes.
Here is the bar I made recently by using various ideas and parts from others. I tried to clean up the code and make it readable/easy to change/configure. In addition, I added some comments on what each piece does.
It utilizes dzen2 + dmplex for a more modular approach. Ideally I would like to use one while loop for everything but it ended up making the code less readable (not good!).
The big reason why I'm trying to make "readable" code is due to the pain I had to endure to get dzen to play nice. Anyway...
Some screenshots... <----Usual look <-----Mail Popup <-----Calendar Popup
Now code...
# dzenBar - A highly configured dzen2 status bar
# created by: Drew Liszewski (r4 on freenode)
# Dependencies:
# bash > 4.0
# dzen2
# dmplex
# tail
# pgrep
# date (time and date)
# find (mail)
# wget (weather)
# acpi (battery)
# coreutils
## Main Configuration ##
date="%a, %b %-d %-l:%M%p"
maildir=( ${HOME}/.mail/*/Inbox/new/ )
## Delays ##
declare -A delay=(
## Colors ##
declare -A color=(
## Dzen Configuration ##
declare -A dzen=(
## End Configuration ##
# Usage: update_bar <position> <text>
# Description: Updates output at specific locations
update_bar () {
echo $1 "$2" > "$pipe"
# Spacer
# Usage: spacer "<string>" <loc>
# Description: Simple method for creating space between modules
spacer () {
update_bar $2 "^fg(${color[lightgray]})${1}^fg()"
# Usage: update_clock <position>
# Description: Updates time display by sane intervals.
# ie: 1 second or 1 minute
update_clock () {
read -r -a _date <<< "$date"
date="^ca(1,${HOME}/.xmonad/calendar)${_date[*]:0:3} ^fg(${color[gray]})${_date[*]:3}^fg()^ca()"
while true; do
update_bar $1 "$(date +"${date}")"
if [ ${delay[clock]} -eq 60 ]; then
# Update the clock on the minute.
# This is better than setting the delay to 60
# because regardless of when the script starts,
# it guarantess that the time will be accurate.
sleep $((60-`date +%-S`))
sleep ${delay[clock]}
# Usage: update_mail <position>
# Description: Updates mail count.
# Note: No timer used, relies on inotifywait
update_mail () {
update_bar $1 "^ca(1,${HOME}/.xmonad/mail)Mail: ^fg(${color[gray]})$(find "${maildir[@]}" -type f | wc -l)^fg()^ca()"
while inotifywait -q -e moved_to -e moved_from ${maildir[@]}; do
update_bar $1 "^ca(1,${HOME}/.xmonad/mail)Mail: ^fg(${color[gray]})$(find "${maildir[@]}" -type f | wc -l)^fg()^ca()"
sleep 1
# Usage: update_stats <position>
# Description: Sends common stats (ie: CPU/MEM usage) to dzenBar
# Also has ability to send battery stats
update_stats () {
# local current_batt="/tmp/.batt"
# [ ! -f $current_batt ] && touch $current_batt
while true; do
# ## Get Battery State ##
# acpi -ab > $current_batt
# while read -a acpi; do
# case $acpi in
# Adapter) state="${acpi[2]}" ;;
# Battery) charge="${acpi[3]%\%*}" ;;
# esac
# done < $current_batt
# if [[ "$state" == "on-line" ]]; then
# batt_state="Adapter: ^fg(${color[gray]})${state:-N/A}^fg()"
# else
# batt_state="Battery: $(get_color 2 ${charge:-N/A})%"
# fi
## Get Memory Usage ##
while read name val unit; do
case $name in
MemTotal:) total=$val ;;
MemFree:) free=$val ;;
Buffers:) buf=$val ;;
Cached:) cache=$val ;;
done < /proc/meminfo
#update_bar $1 "${batt_state} ^fg(${color[lightgray]})::^fg() Cpu: $(get_color 1 ${cpu:-0})% ^fg(${color[lightgray]})::^fg() Mem: $(get_color 1 ${mem_pused:-0})%"
update_bar $1 "Cpu: $(get_color 1 ${cpu:-0})% ^fg(${color[lightgray]})::^fg() Mem: $(get_color 1 ${mem_pused:-0})%"
## Get CPU Usage ##
eval $(awk '/^cpu /{print "previdle=" $5 "; prevtotal=" $2+$3+$4+$5 }' /proc/stat)
sleep ${delay[stats]}
eval $(awk '/^cpu /{print "idle=" $5 "; total=" $2+$3+$4+$5 }' /proc/stat)
cpu=$((100*( (intervaltotal) - ($idle-${previdle:-0}) ) / (intervaltotal) ))
# Usage: update_weather <position>
# Description: Gets weather from
update_weather () {
local url="${loc_code}.TXT"
local tmp_weather="/tmp/.weather"
[ ! -f ${tmp_weather} ] && touch ${tmp_weather}
[ $metric -eq 1 ] && ((++metric))
while true; do e
wget -q -O "${tmp_weather}" "${url}"
while read -a weather; do
case "${weather[0]}" in
Temperature:) temp="${weather[metric+1]#(}"
scale="${weather[metric+2]%)}" ;;
Sky) cond="${weather[*]:2}" ;;
done < $tmp_weather
update_bar $1 "Kansas City, MO: $(get_temp_color ${temp})^fg(${color[gray]})${scale}, ${cond}^fg()"
sleep ${delay[weather]}
# Usage: update_current_song <position>
# Description: Reads from $current_song and prints output to dzenBar
# Note: No timer used, relies on inotifywait
update_current_song () {
local max_length=50
local current_song="/tmp/.current_song"
[ ! -f ${current_song} ] && touch ${current_song}
while inotifywait -q -e modify $current_song; do
read song_info < "$current_song"
if [ ! ${#song_info} -eq 0 ]; then
tmp_song="^fg(${color[gray]})Now Playing:^fg() ${song_info:0:max_length}"
update_bar $1 "${tmp_song}"
sleep 1
# Usage get_color <scheme> <int>
# Description: Adds color to a number range dependant on scheme
get_color () {
local int=${2%.*}
[[ $1 -eq 1 ]] && scheme=( green orange red )
[[ $1 -eq 2 ]] && scheme=( red orange green )
if [ $int -le 33 ]; then
printf "%s" "^fg(${scheme[0]})$int^fg()"
elif [ $int -le 66 ]; then
printf "%s" "^fg(${scheme[1]})$int^fg()"
elif [ $int -le 100 ]; then
printf "%s" "^fg(${scheme[2]})$int^fg()"
# Usage get_temp_color <int>
# Description: Adds color to a number range related to freezing
# and room temperature.
get_temp_color () {
local int=${1%.*}
[[ $metric -eq 0 ]] && scale=( 32 72 )
[[ $metric -eq 1 ]] && scale=( 0 22 )
if [ $int -le ${scale[0]} ]; then
printf "%s" "^fg(lightblue)$int^fg()"
elif [ $int -le ${scale[1]} ]; then
printf "%s" "^fg(green)$int^fg()"
elif [ $int -gt ${scale[1]} ]; then
printf "%s" "^fg(red)$int^fg()"
# Try to clean up from last time.
killall tail
pgrep "$(basename $0)" | grep -v $mypid | xargs kill >>~/log 2>&1
# Check if pipe already exists
# If not, create the named pipe for dzen
[ ! -p $pipe ] && mkfifo $pipe
# Listen on the pipe and multiplex the input to dzen
tail -f $pipe | dmplex | dzen2 \
-fn ${dzen[fn]} \
-fg ${dzen[fg]} \
-bg ${dzen[bg]} \
-x ${dzen[x]} \
-y ${dzen[y]} \
-w ${dzen[w]} \
-h ${dzen[h]} \
-ta ${dzen[ta]} \
-e ${dzen[e]} &
# Intialize Modules
update_current_song 1 &
spacer " | " 2
update_weather 3 &
spacer " :: " 4
update_mail 5 &
spacer " :: " 6
update_stats 7 &
spacer " :: " 8
update_clock 9 &
spacer " |" 10
If anyone is interested, I'll post how I have dzen integrated with xmonad + the other two dzen bash scripts that launch the mail/calendar popups.
Is it possible to change the background using ^bg() of an xpm? From my experience the xpm only retains dzen's original background setting set with -bg, and ignores any ^bg() commands.
found a decent way to kill all dzen2 processes that come along with running dzen + dmplex + tail + many while loops
i use this as a check...
read -d ' ' GPID <<< $(ps -C "<myscript>" -o "%r" --no-headers)
kill -TERM "${GPID}"
Last edited by r4 (2012-05-06 05:36:34)
Is it possible to have xmobar correctly restart when xmonad does (no duplicate processes) but NOT display output from stdinreader in the bar? I'd like a second instance of xmobar (such as the layout in this screenshot -- top and bottom) for displaying additional information, but if I leave out "%StdinReader%", it fails to be killed by an xmonad restart, and I get a new copy (in addition to the running copy) each time. I've read that spawning it through a shell script is not good practice, but I'm not familiar enough with Haskell to figure it out. What can I do to fix this?
graphs drawn using scheme and dzen2 :
Wow, great stuff! Looks amazing...
If anyone is interested, I'll post how I have dzen integrated with xmonad + the other two dzen bash scripts that launch the mail/calendar popups.
I am
r4 wrote:If anyone is interested, I'll post how I have dzen integrated with xmonad + the other two dzen bash scripts that launch the mail/calendar popups.
I am
Haven't checked this thread in awhile. I'm assuming you're the guy who msged me on IRC not too long ago.
When my semester ends, I'll replace this post with all the goodies. I have found a few bugs since my original post. Hopefully I can fix them too.
Hey guys,
new feature in dzen2:
- clickable areas support in the slave window
- fixed a clickable area bug
- flush on print command
Thanks to TheUnknownCylon and Alexander Sulfrian for submitting those.
You can find the latest code on Github:
Have fun, Rob.
I have a question about xmobar and Network command:
Run DynNetwork ["-t", "<rx>|<tx>KB", "--High", "800", "-h", "red" ] 10
Is there a way to have 2 different high threshold values for reception and transmission rate?
My reception rate is significantly lower than my transmission rate, my reception rate will never reach the high threshold.
If I lower the high threshold so my reception rate can reach it, then my transmission rate will exceed it too easily...
Is there a solution for this? Or does this work different?
[edit] nvm I keep it green if > 0 like so:
Run DynNetwork ["-t", "<rx>|<tx>KB", "--Low", "0", "-n", "green" ] 10
Last edited by hddnhrst (2013-08-05 14:02:54)
i have a question about dzen2:
i can't find documentation on all possible commands that can be piped into dzen, like ^ca(1, command to execute) for interactive areas (i found that in a script), and then i'd think there'd be a way to change the font... i think i read the whole wiki on github... no manpage either...
did i miss something?
found it:
especially the in-text-formating is not in the wiki (yet), but in this readme.
It is now possible to have clickable areas in xmobar using the UnsafeStdinReader plugin,
Below is a working example where clickable workspaces are implemented.
import XMonad
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Util.Run(spawnPipe)
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig(additionalKeys)
import System.IO
myManageHook = composeAll
[ className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat
, className =? "rdesktop" --> doFloat
xmobarEscape = concatMap doubleLts
where doubleLts '<' = "<<"
doubleLts x = [x]
myWorkspaces :: [String]
myWorkspaces = clickable . (map xmobarEscape) $ ["1","2","3","4","5"]
clickable l = [ "<action=xdotool key alt+" ++ show (n) ++ ">" ++ ws ++ "</action>" |
(i,ws) <- zip [1..5] l,
let n = i ]
main = do
xmproc <- spawnPipe "xmobar /home/regj/.xmobarrc"
xmonad $ defaultConfig
{ manageHook = manageDocks <+> myManageHook -- make sure to include myManageHook definition from above
<+> manageHook defaultConfig
, layoutHook = avoidStruts $ layoutHook defaultConfig
, workspaces = myWorkspaces
, logHook = dynamicLogWithPP xmobarPP
{ ppOutput = hPutStrLn xmproc
, ppCurrent = xmobarColor "yellow" "" . wrap "[" "]"
, ppHiddenNoWindows = xmobarColor "grey" ""
, ppTitle = xmobarColor "green" "" . shorten 40
, ppVisible = wrap "(" ")"
, ppUrgent = xmobarColor "red" "yellow"
, modMask = mod1Mask -- Rebind Mod to the Alt key
} `additionalKeys`
[ ((mod1Mask, xK_f), spawn "firefox")
, ((mod1Mask, xK_Print), spawn "/home/regj/bin/scrotter")
, ((mod1Mask, xK_Return), spawn "urxvt")
Config { font = "xft:Dina:pixelsize=13"
, bgColor = "black"
, fgColor = "grey"
, position = TopW L 100
, lowerOnStart = True
, commands = [ Run Cpu ["-L","3","-H","50","--normal","green","--high","red"] 10
, Run Memory ["-t","Mem: <usedratio>%"] 10
, Run Swap [] 10
, Run Date "%a %b %_d %H:%M" "date" 10
, Run UnsafeStdinReader
, sepChar = "%"
, alignSep = "}{"
, template = "%UnsafeStdinReader% }{ %cpu% | %memory% * %swap% <fc=#ee9a00>%date%</fc>"
Extra tidbits and reference found here:
Hi, I'm trying out dzen2 with Ubuntu 13.10 (using default Unity, not Xmonad or anything), how can I get dzen2 not to sit on top of other parts of the screen? Can I get the rest of my screen to move down and make room for this bar at the top, for example? I tried the -dock flag but that didn't change anything.
A calendar popup widget for dzen2
# pop-up calendar for dzen
# based on (c) 2007, by Robert Manea
# modified by easysid
# Use fifo pipe to change month
FONT="dejavu sans mono"
PAD=' '
# Colors
# define pipe
TODAY=$(expr `date +'%d'` + 0)
MONTH=$(date +'%m')
YEAR=$(date +'%Y')
if [[ $NEXT -eq 13 ]]; then
if [[ $PREV -eq 0 ]]; then
# generate calender
if [[ "$MM" -eq "$MONTH" ]] && [[ "$YY" -eq "$YEAR" ]]; then # current month, highlight header and date
CAL=$(cal | sed -re "s/^(.*[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*.*)$/^fg($highlight)\1^fg()/;s/(^|[ ])($TODAY)($|[ ])/\1^bg($highlight2)^fg($highlight)\2^fg()^bg()\3/")
else # another month, just highlight header
CAL=$(cal "$MM" "$YY" | sed -re "s/^(.*[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*.*)$/^fg($highlight)\1^fg()/")
# read from pipe
if [ ! -e "$PIPE" ]; then
mkfifo "$PIPE"
( dzen2 -u -bg $BG -fg $FG -fn "${FONT}:pixelsize=${FONTSIZE}" -x $XPOS -y $YPOS -w $WIDTH -l $LINES -sa 'c' -e "$ACT" -title-name 'popup_calendar' < "$PIPE"
rm -f "$PIPE") &
# feed the pipe
echo "$CAL"
echo "^ca(1, $0 $PREV $Y_PREV)<<Prev^ca() ^ca(1, $0 $NEXT $Y_NEXT)Next>>^ca()"
sleep 10s
) > "$PIPE"
Desktop screenshots :: Origami :: github
Hi guys
Do you know if it is possible to "to import variables" into the xmobar config file (xmobarrc). By import I mean that I keep a set of colors in both a Haskell module (for use in xmonad config) and the same colors in a shell script and I would like to import either one of them into xmobarrc so I can do specify base02 instead of #00a244. This would allow me to keep all xmobar+trayer+xmonad colors located a central place (I change color schemes on the fly).
The syntax of xmobarrc looks like Haskell, but that doesn't mean I can import a Haskell module. And if it is a text file with custom syntax (and a custom parser) it will of course not allow me to source a file like in a shell script.
Yeah cool dzen, i haz it!
Once I looked for a (simple) weather script to pipe icons to dzen. "shaman" was not my taste, and I couldn't find any other. So I thought, it mustn't be too difficult to write one myself. And that’s now, what has come out of it – the mws (mito’s wx scripts) collection!
Finally they became four, from simple to complex, hope you don’t mind. Also that I became pretty garrulous by spending much effort on comments. But NP, I know all of you guys cope with Bash. Hence the first you would probably do is to eridicate half of the code, or even rewrite it.
Anyway for those who find the scripts useful, help yourself and adapt them to your needs. Yet there’re cases for parsing weather data from NWS, OMW, and, feel free to add another service. Or to localize a script for your language. – If there aren’t icons that can’t be downloaded as a whole set, one of the scripts shows how to download and convert the current icon on the fly (however I wished dzen supports PNG).
Those scripts would be much much less resource intensive if you just made one call to curl the needed url, then parse the result locally. Currently it grabs the exact same full web resource 4 times just to get 4 different bits of information out of it. Also grep + tr + awk + tr = awk.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
*blushes* Yet I don't have any experience with curl. Could you give an example?
At the very least and easiest to implement:
curl $url | $longish_pipeline1
curl $url | $longish_pipeline2
curl $url | $longish_pipeline3
curl $url | $longish_pipeline4
could become:
curl $url > /tmp/some_tempfile
$longish_pipeline1 /tmp/some_tempfile
$longish_pipeline2 /tmp/some_tempfile
$longish_pipeline3 /tmp/some_tempfile
$longish_pipeline4 /tmp/some_tempfile
rm /tmp/some_tempfile
This would save a lot of wasted network bandwidth and downloading time.
But my comment that grep + tr + awk + tr = awk means that your entire "longish
pipeline" of commands could be replaced by a single call to awk. This would
require learning a bit more about how to use awk well - and for practical
purposes the efficiency benefit would not be huge.
So replacing the multiple calls to curl seems like a more important
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman