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#1 2008-10-08 20:31:43

From: College Station, TX
Registered: 2008-03-23
Posts: 422

Care to play with grub2-graphical?


November 2, 2009:
     1) Added a section to troubleshooting for flickering graphical menus

October 28, 2009:
     1) Added a section to troubleshooting for failing to parse the block device
     2) Fixed a few outdated pieces and typos

October 10, 2009:
     1) Added grub2-icons-circlestarts to AUR, a nice set of many different OS icons
         * It will be in the binary repos when I get the chance (and if I don't forget!)

July 5, 2009:
     1) Troubleshooting section for an error reading /dev/fd0 nag and a small tip on the install section


I've been working on (and succeeded in) getting Colin Bennett's code to run in Arch. I hadn't seen it elsewhere, even from the major distros (except ubuntu's launchpad ). I've only seen legacy grub wallpaper mods (grub-gfxboot) and animation patches (grub-gfxmenu, which the ubuntu2 theme and my hack theme mimic btw), not THIS grub2 mod. So, I figured I might as well try to get it working. The good news is, it appears to be slowly merging into the official grub2.

Non-Arch distros: All of this can be done on a non-Arch distro in a similar way. Instead of using the given makepkg commands, you would need to manually handle dependencies listed in my PKGBUILD files (the right Ruby stuff is especially important; it will compile without ruby, but not correctly) and then use the typical "./configure; make; sudo make install" (or your distro's standard packaging method if you want to do that) on the source tarballs listed in the PKGBUILD source=() lines. If you have no idea what any of that jargon means, you should ask on your OS's forums and I'm sure someone will assist you. Non-Arch distros can also grab the theme tarballs from and either extract them to /boot/grub/themes/ or package them for your OS if you can (I'm sure others will appreciate it). If you do so, you are welcome to send them to me if you wish and I can put them up on the same server as all of these files. For those of you on Ubuntu, to answer your question: no, Ubuntu's grub2 does not have gfxmenu capabilities yet. Either wait for it to be merged into grub2 or ask someone to package this for you (be sure to mention when you are asking however that grub2-gfxmenu is not the same as just grub, grub2, grub-gfx, grub-gfxboot, or grub-gfxmenu, as there is understandable confusion to the difference). As for troubleshooting, most of the troubleshooting here will also work on other distributions except for pacman commands, which you would need to deal with yourself accordingly (fyi, pacman -U installs a local Arch package; you would sudo make install or dpkg -i somePackage or rpm -i somePackage or whatever in your case).

Below are the author's default themes (awesome!) and the quick Arch "concept theme" I made (crappy, but works; hence "concept"):

[EDIT: I removed these screenshots from photobucket.. just see the author's page screenshots for a good idea]


A [Assumptions]: This how-to assumes that you already know/have:
    1) Your hard drive device names/numbers (ie /dev/sdXY) for your /boot and / partition(s)
        * See /etc/fstab or the mount command and your grub.cfg/menu.lst
    2) GENERAL Arch Linux experience/knowledge for:
        * PKGBUILDS: … he_ABS_way
        * PACMAN:
        * AUR:
        * YAOURT:
        * GRUB:
        * GRUB2:
           * See your /boot/grub/grub.cfg or /boot/grub/menu.lst

B [Miscellaneous]: Things you should know before starting:
    1) There are TWO pkgbuilds/packages needed: grub2-gfxmenu-overlay and grub2-gfxmenu
        * The former is mandatory themes, icons, etc. The latter is the grub2 patched with gfxmenu stuff
    2) Grub2's numbering/ordering is different than legacy grub's and, sometimes, your system's
        * Hard drives still start at 0, but partitions start from 1
        * For some, "/dev/sdb" is "hd0" in grub, counter-intuitively
    3) Only try this if you have time/patience/experience/knowledge to fix it
        * However, this is NOT as hard/long/tedious as it looks; I'm very thorough
        * Oh, and for whatever reason, this loads/works PAINFULLY slowly in VirtualBox
           * Don't bother outside of practice..
    4) VERY IMPORTANT: Old posts here use an outdated menuentry format!
        * It can crash grub2
        * NEW, CORRECT lines look like: menuentry "Arch Linux" --class "arch" {
        * OLD, INCORRECT lines look like: menuentry "Arch|class=linuxmint,linux,os" { 
           * Grub2-gfxmenu-bzr used this
        * Grub2-gfxmenu-bzr package is OLD. I use self-contained src pkgs the author provides now
           * Don't use that old stuff any more


* Split Boot = Separate / and /boot partitions
* If you're Split Boot, 64 Bit, LVM, some special setup, or confused/lost, see the respective areas before proceeding
* You can skip Install Steps 1-7 if you use binaries or yaourt a'la Intro Notes A
   * If you have yaourt installed and ready, just yaourt -S grub2-gfxmenu and skip to step 8
   * If you want to use binaries in pacman, add to /etc/pacman.conf and pacman -Sy grub2-gfxmenu:
      * For 32 Bit:
         Server =
      * For 64 Bit:
         Server =

Typical Installation (esp. 32 Bit Arch):
    1) See Intro Notes A & B
    2) Back up /boot/grub/grub.cfg, /boot/grub/menu.lst, or whatever you use
    3) Remove your bootloader via pacman -R [grub, grub2, whatever]
    4) Download the grub2-gfxmenu-overlay files:
        * … u-overlay/
    5) Put them in $HOME/abs/local/grub2-gfxmenu-overlay
    6) Make and install the package via makepkg -c -i -s from that directory
    7) Repeat steps 4-6 for the grub2-gfxmenu files
        * … 2-gfxmenu/
    8) As sudo/root, run: /sbin/grub-install /dev/sda
        * If you have multiple HD's, change this to the drive you want to boot grub from
    9) Edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg to match your partition setup (if necessary)
   10) Double check your work before rebooting
        * pacman -Qs grub2 should show grub2-gfxmenu-overlay AND grub2-gfxmenu [1-7]
        * ls /boot/grub should show a bunch of "mod" files [8]
        * be sure /boot/grub/grub.cfg points to the right partitions [9]
   :D) Finished!
        * The default themes have a pretty low res, and aren't as cool as some of the others
           * Make sure you have the proper gfxmode for your theme in grub.cfg if you use non-defaults
           * See the latter half of this tutorial for help and custom theme/icon stuff

Installation on 64 Bit Arch:
    * FYI, I hear grub2 svn, and thus the next version of gfxmenu, adds native 64 bit support
    * For the least hassle, use binaries, then follow Typical Install #8-10:
       * The 64 bit binary repository info is above the Typical Install section
    * Alternatively, if you still want to COMPILE this with makepkg.. [Steps 1-7]
       * You'll need either a 32 bit chroot/environment..
          * … _Arch64.3F
       * .. or you can use a regular 32 bit install
       * Either way, change DESTARCH in the pkgbuild to x86_64
    * Further help: Shaika-dzari's posts in this thread may be useful, but using his "-bzr" files is not advised!
       * His syntax and grub2-gfxmenu-bzr are OLD; the former can crash new Grub2! (See Intro Notes B #4)
       * If you're determined to use his -bzr, use the old syntax! If you use the new pkgs, don't use his syntax!

Notes for a Split Boot, LVM, maybe RAID:
    * All of these users will likely need a similar grub.cfg
       * Example Split Boot cfgs in Troubleshooting and later in this thread
    * You will likely run into multiple problems listed under Troubleshooting; relax and expect it
       * You might spare yourself problems by following Troubleshooting #6 before rebooting
          * ... or cause problems you might not have had! Probably prevent 'em, though :)
    * Split Booters: if that doesn't help, try looking at boriscougar's posts here
       * His syntax is outdated and will crash Grub2, however! (See Intro Notes B #4)
    * LVM/RAIDers:
       * You need the kernel root= parts pointing to /dev/mapper/blahblah
       * See lssjbrolli's posts here, esp. #19, for other grub.cfgs IF you have trouble
          * His syntax is outdated and will crash Grub2, however! (See Intro Notes B #4)

Notes for Others:
    * If you are lost/confused, please post here
    * If you have another "special case", I'm afraid I probably can't help you
       * You are welcome to try anyway and report your results; it might help someone else


* Check ALL of the instructions and the Intro Notes A & B again
* Press 't' in graphical mode to switch to text mode, it's more forgiving with errors
* Press 'e' in text mode to edit an entry. Useful key combinations are shown there
* See post #78 or #63 for starting over from the Live CD; modify it to restore legacy grub
   * Be sure your device node/name is correct, as per the Intro Notes
* Here is an example Split Boot grub.cfg menuentry with descriptions:
   # Entry 0 - Arch Linux                                           
   menuentry "Arch Linux" --class "arch" {
       # Below should be /boot, where the kernel/initrd/bootloader is. Here, it's HD 1, Partition 5 
       set root=(hd0,5)
       # Below is /, where most of your installation is. HD 1, partition 6
       # Note the backwards drive lettering/order on my pc!
       # Grub calls my drive "hd0" while Arch labels the drive "/dev/sdb"
       # Yours MAY or MAY NOT do that
       # Also note, BECAUSE this is for a Split Boot, there is no /boot prefix
       # Lastly, some distros seem to fail with /dev/disk/by-label entries, others work fine
       linux /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sdb6 ro
       initrd /kernel26.img

1) During grub-install, you get a nag about not being able to read /boot/grub/core.img
    * I think this is fixed in a grub2 svn release, so hopefully the next grub2-gfxmenu will remove this section..
    * Two methods.. both are hackish, but either 'works'.. I prefer Method 2, but it's more work + empty space..
    * METHOD #1:
       * This installs grub to your root partition instead of /boot (method obviously assumes a Split Boot):
          * It will obviously not properly coincide with pacman installs/updates of grub2-gfxmenu stuff normally
             * You can unmount /boot to upgrade/install grub2-gfxmenu stuff for now with pacman
             * Re-mount /boot when you're done installing/upgrading said grub2-gfxmenu stuff
             * If grub2-gfxmenu is updated, try installing again normally WITH /boot mounted first
          * Your old grub folder is still on your /boot partition; I think it may be moved to avoid confusion
          * If you move/remove the grub partition on ROOT (until properly installed of course), grub will break
       1) mkdir /mnt/tmp
       2) umount /dev/sda1 (assuming your /boot is sda1 of course from here)
       3) mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/tmp
       4) cp -r /mnt/tmp/grub /boot
       5) Check ls /boot/grub shows the expected mod files and such, then try /sbin/grub-install /dev/sda again
       6) Edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg before you reboot; follow the tutorial otherwise
       7) Be sure to re-mount /boot if you're not going to reboot after this tutorial / installing gfxmenu stuff
    * METHOD #2:
       * This installs grub2-gfxmenu "correctly", but puts a little empty space in front of your /boot partition
       1) Boot into a LiveCD and resize your /boot partition; graphically (gparted) or CLI if you know how
           * I decreased its size by 10 megs, which is likely MAJOR overkill, but it worked, and I can spare 10mb
       2) Move the resized partition to the right, so the space you freed up is in front of it
       3) Boot into the Arch LiveCD if you aren't there already, and go root
       4) mkdir /mnt/root
       5) mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/root (assuming sda3 is your root partition)
       6) mount -t proc proc /mnt/root/proc
       7) mount -t sysfs sys /mnt/root/sys
       8) mount -o bind /dev /mnt/root/dev
       9) chroot /mnt/root /bin/bash
      10) mount /dev/sda1 /boot   (assuming sda1 is /boot.. you can mount /home now too, if needed)
      11) pacman -U /path/to/grub2-gfxmenu*pkg.tar.gz (only if its the only grub2-gfxmenu pkg there)
      12) pacman -U /path/to/kernel26*pkg.tar.gz (only if its the only kernel pkg there)
      13) Edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg before you reboot; follow the tutorial otherwise

2) During grub-install, you get a nag about /dev/fd0 or something of the sort
    * Your device map is wrong; edit /boot/grub/ accordingly and remove/edit such incorrect entries
       * You may also need to run grub-mkdevicemap BEFORE doing this, but probably not
       * Fd0 is the floppy disk, remove it if you don't actually have such a drive
    * Alternatively, try adding --recheck to the grub-install /dev/yourDevice command

3) The text menu won't load, and you're dropped to a limited prompt
    * Check that you are using the new/correct grub2-gfxmenu menuentry format (See Intro Notes B #4)
    * You may have run the command incorrectly (or not at all) in Step 8, or your /boot changed numbers/letters
       * You would probably need to start over from a livecd, if so

4) The graphical menu won't load, but the text one does
    * Check that stuff exists in /boot/grub/themes
    * Check that your set theme= line is properly suited to your system in grub.cfg:
       * Most people need: set theme="/boot/grub/themes/themeName"
       * A Split Boot / LVM / RAID / etc needs: set theme="/grub/themes/themeName/theme.txt"
    * Split Boots / LVM/ RAID/ etc should check that set root= exists near the top and points to /boot

5) The graphical menu loads, but you have boxes/squares where fonts should be
    * Add this (set to match YOUR /boot) somewhere near the TOP of your grub.cfg:
       * set root=(hd0,5)
    * Your loadfont lines ALL probably need to look like this (no /boot prefix):
       * loadfont /grub/fonts/10x20.pf2
       * This command with sudo/root permissions should be able to do it for you (make a backup!):
          * cd /boot/grub/ && sed -i 's|/boot||g' grub.cfg
          * This -could- affect (good or bad) other things. Fix if needed, before or after rebooting

6) The graphical menu loads, but when you select the os, it sits at "Press any key to continue"
    * Check that grub.cfg's "set root=" line you have for that menuentry points to /boot
       * Grub numbering has changed in grub2 (See Intro Notes B #2)
       * Try [inc/dec]rementing the [drive/partition] by 1 number/letter
       * Remove /boot from the front of stuff if you are running a Split Boot / LVM / RAID / etc

7) The graphical menu loads, but you get a nag about a failure to parse the block device
    * Check all of the other troubleshooting first to see if it applies / works first
    * Check that your kernel/initrd lines point to the correct places (remember partitions start from 1 now!)
    * Check /etc/mkinitcpio.conf for hooks you no longer use (like fbsplash perhaps)
       * Packages used by your hooks must be installed, like fbsplash for the fbsplash hook

8) The graphical menu loads, but you get a nag about finding root / init not found, or a similar error
    * Check that grub.cfg is pointing to the right place in that menuentry's "linux" and "initrd" lines
       * Grub numbering has changed in grub2 (See Intro Notes B #2)
       * Try [inc/dec]rementing the [drive/partition] by 1 number/letter
       * Remove /boot from the front if you are running a Split Boot / LVM / RAID / etc
    * Try running the fallback/failsafe entry
       * If it works, you need to mkinitcpio -p kernel26 from there

9) The graphical menu loads, but flickers horribly
    * Try changing the resolution, perhaps to a default/1024x768

10) You're on an eeePC or use an intel 800/900 graphics chipset and can't use your native resolution
    * NOTE: I've had reports that this no longer works or compiles or something recently, so YMMV
    * Workaround until someone tries patching and reporting via grub2-915resolution's patch(es):
       1) Compile (NOT install!) grub2-915resolution from AUR via makepkg (or yaourt and cancelling)
           * Or grab 915resolution.mod from someone/somewhere else, perhaps
       2) Install grub2-gfxmenu
       3) Copy 915resolution.mod from step 1's MAIN source directory to /boot/grub/
           * If you used yaourt and cancelled before installing, try /tmp/yaourt-tmp-yourname
       4) Insert/change the following in grub.cfg [order matters I guess?]:
           * insmod 915resolution
           * 915resolution 34 1024 600 (or whatever else you want)
           * set gfxmode 1024x600 (or whatever else you want)
       5) Edit your theme's theme.txt file to look nice on the new res, if it's not already made for it


1) Changing the resolution
    * Edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg, it's one of the first lines (set gfxmode=)
       * I'm not sure what it supports, but I got up to 1280x1024 without problems
       * You may need to change your theme's configuration file for it to look decent under a new res

2) Changing the theme
    * Edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg, it's one of the earlier lines (set theme=)
    * Themes are in /boot/grub/themes

3) Changing the icons (Thanks to kholddagger post #97)
    * /boot/grub/themes/icons , seemingly PNG only, scaled according to theme/resolution in use
    * Add your OS icon by changing the --class option in your menuentry to MATCH the .png
       * Ie, for /boot/grub/themes/icons/fedora.png:
          * menuentry "Fedora Linux" --class "fedora" {
       * Don't like a default icon, but don't want them overwritten by updates?
          * Make it "distro2". Ie distro2.png and --class "distro2"
    * I am partial to … tent=95970 "Circle Starts"

4) Adding new distros
    * See Tweaking #3 for changing/adding icons
    * Clone Arch's menuentry and tweak it to match your other OS
       * Search your other OS's /boot folder/partition for kernel and init filenames

5) Advanced theme tweaking
    * See the author's website and documentation:

6) Advanced font tweaking
    * See the author's website and documentation:
       * The newest version "supports UTF-8 fonts", but I'm not sure what that even means :D


* All custom themes so far are set up for 1024x768 and the defaults for 640x480
   * Most of them are made by Xabz, and packaged by me
   * If you have alternate resolution layouts for any of them, PLEASE share!
* If you make any new ones, PLEASE share! :)

1) The first two screenshots are defaults

2) The third blue screenshot is my theme, aftermathblue (previously archfox), a tweak of the defaults
    * It has since been updated to 0.2 and looks a little different; certainly much less hackish
    * The name refers to the wallpaper "Aftermath" from the arch linux wallpapers package, turned blue.
    * The screenshot's icons are tweaked Google Images results for "windows icon" and "arch linux icon"
    * If you have suggestions, post 'em

3) There are several really nice ones made by a guy in Chile named "xabz":
    * See above "Typical Install" for binary repositories containing these theme packages
       * You can also find them in the AUR; they are prefixed with "grub2-theme-"
    * You can see screenshots of them on page 4 of this thread, post #94

4) There is another awesome one here by some presumably German person:
    * … st-1835914
    * I can't seem to find a download link for it, only a picture :(

Last edited by FrozenFox (2010-04-01 16:41:21)


#2 2008-10-09 01:56:31

Arch Overlord
From: behind you
Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 7,879

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?



#3 2008-10-09 03:29:19

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,510

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

Awesome work!   I'm sitting at work thinking this would be a nice way to fill in an afternoon....


#4 2008-10-09 04:14:26

From: Sweden
Registered: 2008-08-27
Posts: 881

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

hah, very cool. Don't know if I'll use it though, but things like this is always appreciated by many. Nice job!


#5 2008-10-10 14:35:06

Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 26

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

i've installed it. It's booting in text mode, but in graphical mode it says error: file not found.
BTW i use LVM.


#6 2008-10-10 15:17:05

From: College Station, TX
Registered: 2008-03-23
Posts: 422

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

Post your grub.cfg, good sir. It sounds like yours is still trying to use my "theme" that you do not have. If you used my grub.cfg or close to it, you need to notice that I had (on thinking about it, I changed both grub deals in the post to conform to a more standard setup and prevent confusion if someone didn't notice my mentioning tweaks to the file) this:

set theme="/boot/grub/themes/archfox/theme.txt"
#set theme="/boot/grub/themes/ubuntu2/theme.txt"
#set theme="/boot/grub/themes/ubuntu1/theme.txt"
#set theme="/boot/grub/themes/winter/theme.txt"
#set theme="/boot/grub/themes/proto/theme.txt"

You need to comment out the first line and uncomment one of the others. I'd suggest using ubuntu2. 'archfox' is my quick hack of ubuntu2 seen in the screenshots below the other stuff, and doesn't come with the tarball given in the instructions (the official themes n such). Also be sure that the stuff is all moved to the grub folder correctly.

From the graphical package, you should have:

/boot/grub/fonts containing lots of fonts obviously.
/boot/grub/images (empty, I'm not sure what it's there for)
/boot/grub/themes containing something like 5 theme/icon/etc folders.
Your revision of /boot/grub/grub.cfg

As for lvm.. hrmmm. Strange. Yours is working, eh. Thank you for telling me. I wonder what in the world was wrong with my friend's setup then. yikes

Last edited by FrozenFox (2008-10-10 15:37:13)


#7 2008-10-10 18:01:35

Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 26

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

set gfxmode=640x480
insmod biosdisk
insmod pc
insmod font
insmod vbe
insmod gfxterm
insmod videotest
insmod tga
insmod png
insmod gfxmenu

#set menuviewer="terminal"
set menuviewer="gfxmenu"

#set theme="/boot/grub/themes/ubuntu2/theme.txt"
set theme="/boot/grub/themes/ubuntu1/theme.txt"
#set theme="/boot/grub/themes/winter/theme.txt"
#set theme="/boot/grub/themes/proto/theme.txt"

# TODO: fix GRUB script parser -- it doesn't handle a space at the end of the line in a menu entry.

#### BEGIN MENU ####

set timeout=8
set default="0"
set fallback="0 1"

menuentry "Arch Linux|class=linuxmint,linux,os" {
    set root=(hd0,1)
    linux /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/mapper/volgroup0-lvolroot ro quiet
    initrd /kernel26.img

menuentry "Arch Linux Fallback|class=linuxmint,linux,os" {
    set root=(hd0,1)
    linux /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/mapper/volgroup0-lvolroot ro
    initrd /kernel26-fallback.img
menuentry "Bitmap graphics test" {
  videotest -d bitmaps

####  END MENU  ####

# Choose the font for gfxterm.
set gfxterm_font="smoothansi"

# Load fonts.
# Generated with:
#  ls *.pf2 | perl -pe 's{^}{loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/}'
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/10x20.pf2                                            
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/4x6.pf2                                              
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/5x7.pf2                                              
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/5x8.pf2                                              
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/6x10.pf2                                             
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/6x12.pf2                                             
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/6x13.pf2                                             
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/6x13B.pf2                                            
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/6x13O.pf2                                            
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/6x9.pf2                                              
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/7x13.pf2                                             
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/7x13B.pf2                                            
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/7x13O.pf2                                            
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/7x14.pf2                                             
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/7x14B.pf2                                            
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/8x13.pf2                                             
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/8x13B.pf2                                            
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/8x13O.pf2                                            
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/9x15.pf2                                             
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/9x15B.pf2                                            
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/9x18.pf2                                             
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/9x18B.pf2                                            
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/Helvetica-10.pf2                                     
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/Helvetica-12.pf2                                     
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/Helvetica-14.pf2                                     
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/Helvetica-18.pf2                                     
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/Helvetica-24.pf2                                     
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/Helvetica-8.pf2                                      
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/Helvetica-Bold-10.pf2                                
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/Helvetica-Bold-12.pf2                                                                                                              
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/Helvetica-Bold-14.pf2                                                                                                              
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/Helvetica-Bold-18.pf2                                                                                                              
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/Helvetica-Bold-24.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/Helvetica-Bold-8.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-10.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-12.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-14.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-18.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-24.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-8.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-Bold-10.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-Bold-12.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-Bold-14.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-Bold-18.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-Bold-24.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-Bold-8.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/anorexia.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/aqui.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/clR6x12.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/cure.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/drift.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/edges.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/fkp.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/gelly.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/glisp-bold.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/glisp.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/helvR12.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/kates.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/lime.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/mints-mild.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/mints-strong.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/nu.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/smoothansi.pf2
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/snap.pf2


#8 2008-10-10 18:08:12

Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 26

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

do you know if it writes some kind of log? Because it just says
Error: File not found
Graphical menu failed
Falling back to text terminal


#9 2008-10-11 02:44:55

From: College Station, TX
Registered: 2008-03-23
Posts: 422

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

Hmm, try adding

insmod lvm

to the top of that list in grub.cfg. If that fails, play with the set theme= lines to try to load from the lvm volume. Honestly, I don't know how to get it working in your case, but you may have better luck with google or asking the author directly if the prior suggestion fails.


#10 2008-10-11 08:08:39

From: College Station, TX
Registered: 2008-03-23
Posts: 422

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

Is anyone else having the same problem as the above user, lssjbrolli? If so, are you using lvm?


#11 2008-10-11 18:18:20

From: Guatemala
Registered: 2008-10-11
Posts: 30

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

i think its gone (or has it been merged with grub2???)
watch the bzr is empty


#12 2008-10-11 23:26:25

From: College Station, TX
Registered: 2008-03-23
Posts: 422

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

No, if you read download page, the author says that you cannot view the bzr folder stuff without checking it out in bzr for some reason (on that note, i dont know why he bothered putting those links on the site). I just tested the checkout process 2 minutes ago, and it worked fine. says:

"Bazaar VCS repository containing branches. Since no web viewer is yet installed on this server, you will need to install Bazaar on your system to access the branches. "

You will need to use the pkgbuild and follow the instructions I made as stated, or check it out and install it manually according to the same directions in the pkgbuild (in which case, i'd question your sanity tongue).

Last edited by FrozenFox (2009-03-03 05:51:59)


#13 2008-10-12 14:00:04

From: Zagreb, Croatia
Registered: 2008-10-10
Posts: 19

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

I'm trying to compile the package using PKGBUILD script, but after (successful) compiling the package is only cca. 666 byte.. After installation (of 'package'), when I try grub rebuild ( next step in Frozenfox tutorial), there are no files regarding grub-install and update-grub.. sad How to proceed ?
Am I missing something?

This package should be 'replacement' package of grub2 package (which can be found in AUR repository?).. I tried both of them, but they are in conflict to each other, but the grub2 from AUR package has right files, but grub2-gfxmenu-bzr doesn't ?

What am I doing wrong??

Thanx for any kind of help..

Last edited by prometej (2008-10-12 14:05:30)



#14 2008-10-12 19:17:39

Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 26

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

do you have ruby installed?

Last edited by lssjbrolli (2008-10-12 19:18:08)


#15 2008-10-12 20:24:21

From: College Station, TX
Registered: 2008-03-23
Posts: 422

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

EDIT: It seems ruby is a dependency I didn't notice, thanks brolli. This has been corrected in the original pkgbuild. If you know of any others I missed, please tell me.

Hmm, the .pkg.tar.gz once the pkgbuild is makepkg'ed should be about 378 KB.

Upon checking how it works without ruby installed, it does indeed produce a file of 66 bytes or whatnot.

Brolli: Did you get the graphical portion working?

Last edited by FrozenFox (2008-10-12 20:39:06)


#16 2008-10-12 21:30:09

From: Zagreb, Croatia
Registered: 2008-10-10
Posts: 19

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

lssjbrolli thanx for the tips.. Ruby wasn't installed.. my computer is relativley fresh reinstalled, and i haven't yet installed everything sad
Will try again, tommorow (it's late nate here in Zagreb), but i will report you back with my success/failure... hopefuly success wink




#17 2008-10-13 13:50:07

Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 26

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

Finaly it's working. I have a separate boot partition (LVM with the old grub) so i had to change the paths for the fonts and the themes from /boot/grub/... to /grub/....


#18 2008-10-13 13:59:58

From: College Station, TX
Registered: 2008-03-23
Posts: 422

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

Awesome! Could you please provide an updated grub.conf for quick reference of those who use LVM, brolli (incl. which partitions are which)?

Last edited by FrozenFox (2008-10-13 14:00:57)


#19 2008-10-13 14:40:36

Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 26

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

set gfxmode=1024x768
insmod ext2
insmod biosdisk
insmod pc
insmod font
insmod vbe
insmod gfxterm
insmod videotest
insmod tga
insmod png
insmod gfxmenu

#set menuviewer="terminal"
set menuviewer="gfxmenu"

set theme="/grub/themes/ubuntu2/theme.txt"
#set theme="/boot/grub/themes/ubuntu1/theme.txt"
#set theme="/boot/grub/themes/winter/theme.txt"
#set theme="/boot/grub/themes/proto/theme.txt"

# TODO: fix GRUB script parser -- it doesn't handle a space at the end of the line in a menu entry.

#### BEGIN MENU ####

set timeout=8
set default="0"
set fallback="0 1"

menuentry "Arch Linux|class=ubuntu,linux,os" {
    linux /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/mapper/volgroup0-lvolroot ro quiet
    initrd /kernel26.img

menuentry "Arch Linux Fallback|class=linuxmint,linux,os" {
    set root=(hd0,1)
    linux /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/mapper/volgroup0-lvolroot ro
    initrd /kernel26-fallback.img
menuentry "Bitmap graphics test" {
  videotest -d bitmaps

####  END MENU  ####

# Choose the font for gfxterm.
set gfxterm_font="smoothansi"

# Load fonts.
# Generated with:
#  ls *.pf2 | perl -pe 's{^}{loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/}'
loadfont /grub/fonts/10x20.pf2                                            
loadfont /grub/fonts/4x6.pf2                                              
loadfont /grub/fonts/5x7.pf2                                              
loadfont /grub/fonts/5x8.pf2                                              
loadfont /grub/fonts/6x10.pf2                                             
loadfont /grub/fonts/6x12.pf2                                             
loadfont /grub/fonts/6x13.pf2                                             
loadfont /grub/fonts/6x13B.pf2                                            
loadfont /grub/fonts/6x13O.pf2                                            
loadfont /grub/fonts/6x9.pf2                                              
loadfont /grub/fonts/7x13.pf2                                             
loadfont /grub/fonts/7x13B.pf2                                            
loadfont /grub/fonts/7x13O.pf2                                            
loadfont /grub/fonts/7x14.pf2                                             
loadfont /grub/fonts/7x14B.pf2                                            
loadfont /grub/fonts/8x13.pf2                                             
loadfont /grub/fonts/8x13B.pf2                                            
loadfont /grub/fonts/8x13O.pf2                                            
loadfont /grub/fonts/9x15.pf2                                             
loadfont /grub/fonts/9x15B.pf2                                            
loadfont /grub/fonts/9x18.pf2                                             
loadfont /grub/fonts/9x18B.pf2                                            
loadfont /grub/fonts/Helvetica-10.pf2                                     
loadfont /grub/fonts/Helvetica-12.pf2                                     
loadfont /grub/fonts/Helvetica-14.pf2                                     
loadfont /grub/fonts/Helvetica-18.pf2                                     
loadfont /grub/fonts/Helvetica-24.pf2                                     
loadfont /grub/fonts/Helvetica-8.pf2                                      
loadfont /grub/fonts/Helvetica-Bold-10.pf2                                
loadfont /grub/fonts/Helvetica-Bold-12.pf2                                                                                                              
loadfont /grub/fonts/Helvetica-Bold-14.pf2                                                                                                              
loadfont /grub/fonts/Helvetica-Bold-18.pf2                                                                                                              
loadfont /grub/fonts/Helvetica-Bold-24.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/Helvetica-Bold-8.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-10.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-12.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-14.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-18.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-24.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-8.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-Bold-10.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-Bold-12.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-Bold-14.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-Bold-18.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-Bold-24.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/New_Century_Schoolbook-Bold-8.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/anorexia.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/aqui.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/clR6x12.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/cure.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/drift.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/edges.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/fkp.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/gelly.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/glisp-bold.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/glisp.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/helvR12.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/kates.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/lime.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/mints-mild.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/mints-strong.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/nu.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/smoothansi.pf2
loadfont /grub/fonts/snap.pf2

i use 2 hdd. From the first hdd i use a 100MB for /boot with ext2 -> set root=(hd0,1) <- ,
and the rest from the first hdd and the second is used in a LVM configuration with 2 partitions lvolhome and lvolroot -> root=/dev/mapper/volgroup0-lvolroot <-

and my fstab

# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system>        <dir>         <type>    <options>          <dump> <pass>
none                   /dev/pts      devpts    defaults            0      0
none                   /dev/shm      tmpfs     defaults            0      0

#/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom   auto    ro,user,noauto,unhide   0      0
#/dev/dvd /media/dvd   auto    ro,user,noauto,unhide   0      0
/dev/mapper/volgroup0-lvolhome /home ext3 defaults,noatime 0 1
/dev/mapper/volgroup0-lvolroot / ext3 defaults,noatime 0 1
UUID=1c16c6e9-1459-4547-a4ab-04b8f45daca6 /boot ext2 defaults,noatime 0 1
UUID=bf143434-eb96-4155-9339-5b83521520d7 swap swap defaults,noatime 0 0


#20 2008-10-14 09:13:11

Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 26

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

Selecting in the graphical menu is a bit slow and FrozenFox can you please upload somewhere your Arch theme?


#21 2008-10-14 10:27:11

From: College Station, TX
Registered: 2008-03-23
Posts: 422

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

That's true, it selects a little slow. but perhaps future releases will make it better, and it's easily tolerable (about 1/4 second).

Um, I'll try to find a place to upload. It's just a crappy quick and dirty hack of the ubuntu2 theme though, and i didnt even bother changing the (awful) terminal border of ubuntu2 and didn't add 'menu lines' to the wallpaper. I'll still upload it for those who want it though, if you feel inclined to use it anyway or make it better.


#22 2008-10-14 20:48:33

From: College Station, TX
Registered: 2008-03-23
Posts: 422

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

Here is the link to my theme edit as requested. But you've been warned that it's buggy and not very good ;P


#23 2008-10-15 08:02:38

Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 26

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

Thank you.


#24 2008-10-24 00:59:05

Registered: 2008-06-11
Posts: 254

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

I realize that this will not compile on Arch 64, but I was wondering if there is any other way--not even necessarily a PKGBUILD--that I could install this.  Does the iso from the website work?

Intrepid (adj.): Resolutely courageous; fearless.


#25 2008-10-24 15:54:19

From: College Station, TX
Registered: 2008-03-23
Posts: 422

Re: Care to play with grub2-graphical?

If you are going by what I said, that 64 bit will probably not work, note that I do not have a 64 bit system and only went by something someone said that I read. I have no idea if grub2 and thus this project will or will not work on arch64.

The iso on the website does indeed work for me, although I'm not sure if you can install from it or whatnot. It seemed to me to be more of a technology preview/demo iso. Play around with it and tell me otherwise by all means if you find out it's so! I would love to know for sure whether or not it will work on x64 and/or a hybrid setup. I just preferred not to waste anyone's time.

So far, the only setup I've seen fail for sure is those with a separate /boot partition (2 friends had that setup, and i could not get it working either way. One way got to text mode but failed to boot, though its likely an lvm error. The other wouldnt even install. I donno. Im thinking it's some instructions that I am screwing up somewhere. It's difficult to do with little on the tutorial side. I keep running into the error "Cannot read `/boot/grub/core.img' correctly" with them. Perhaps finding the right grub-install line using "(hdX)" or  "(hdX,Y)" or whatnot is necessary?). There might be a trick to it that I can't figure out when helping them, but I do not know it. If anyone has solved this problem on their own machines, please do those interested in this thread a favor and tell us your solution, as I certainly do not have one.

O BTW: Prometej, if you come back to this thread, any luck?

Last edited by FrozenFox (2008-10-30 04:30:48)


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