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I used fglrx with no problems over months but no I have to switch (because of xorg-server 1.6.). My graphic card is ATI Mobility X700, my configuration is that I have a laptop monitor (1280x800) and a other monitor (22" widescreen 1680x1050). My old configuration was that the big monitor is left-of the LVDS and Xinerama was active, I could pull windows from LVDS to the big screen. I would prefer the same configuration with the free driver, but I can't configure the xorg.conf that it works. It would be awesome if somebody can create or help me with the xorg.conf. No xorg.conf is also not a good way, because I got the wrong resolution and just one screen is active.
Btw. what is different between xf86-video-ati in the repos and xf86-video-ati-git in the AUR?
Thanks a lot
xf86-video-ati-git most important of all gives you basic support for power saving, especially needed for a X700 Mobility(Rxxx?). I have a X600 and did the switch a few days back and must say that everything works better now with radeon from git! Power saving support is still rudimentary for my X600 (RV380) and doesn't save as much power as PowerPlay of fglrx did (saves 3W atm on battery), but I can enable power saving with two monitors attached now and video playback is still smooth and even Goggle Earth works better than ever before.
Just install radeoon from GIT, load the new module and create a new xorg.conf with 'X -configure'. Copy the xorg.conf to '/etc/X11' and uncomment the 'ForceLowPowerMode' option and also add a 'Virtual 2960 1050' line to your Display subsection in your xorg.conf. Then 'startx' and configure your monitors with 'xrandr'. Something like this:
xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1680x1050 &
xrandr --output DVI-0 --mode 1280x1024 &
xrandr --output DVI-0 --pos 1680x0 &
See if you can get it going and I will help you refine things later...
What to do mean with "load the new module"?
What to do mean with "load the new module"?
To not forget that when you deinstall xf86-video-ati and install xf86-video-ati-git that you need to unload the old radeon module and load the new one unless you reboot...
Ok, I load the module "ati" at rc.conf or is better at xorg.conf?
The LVDS-screen is black and my VGA-0 is not started with the best resolution. I execute: xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1680x1050 and this enable a better resolution. But when I try to execute: xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1280x800 --right-of VGA-0
xrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1680x1680 (desired size 2960x1050)
Although Virtual with 2960 1050 is a subsection of Screen. Where is the mistake?
My xorg.conf:
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
# Option "Xinerama" "true"
Section "Files"
ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/TTF"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1"
Section "Module"
Load "record"
Load "dbe"
Load "glx"
Load "dri2"
Load "dri"
Load "extmod"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse0"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "auto"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
Section "Monitor"
#DisplaySize 330 210 # mm
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "QDS"
ModelName "1c"
Section "Device"
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
### [arg]: arg optional
#Option "NoAccel" # [<bool>]
#Option "SWcursor" # [<bool>]
#Option "Dac6Bit" # [<bool>]
#Option "Dac8Bit" # [<bool>]
#Option "BusType" # [<str>]
#Option "CPPIOMode" # [<bool>]
#Option "CPusecTimeout" # <i>
#Option "AGPMode" # <i>
#Option "AGPFastWrite" # [<bool>]
#Option "AGPSize" # <i>
#Option "GARTSize" # <i>
#Option "RingSize" # <i>
#Option "BufferSize" # <i>
#Option "EnableDepthMoves" # [<bool>]
#Option "EnablePageFlip" # [<bool>]
#Option "NoBackBuffer" # [<bool>]
#Option "DMAForXv" # [<bool>]
#Option "FBTexPercent" # <i>
#Option "DepthBits" # <i>
#Option "PCIAPERSize" # <i>
#Option "AccelDFS" # [<bool>]
#Option "IgnoreEDID" # [<bool>]
#Option "DisplayPriority" # [<str>]
#Option "PanelSize" # [<str>]
#Option "ForceMinDotClock" # <freq>
#Option "ColorTiling" # [<bool>]
#Option "VideoKey" # <i>
#Option "RageTheatreCrystal" # <i>
#Option "RageTheatreTunerPort" # <i>
#Option "RageTheatreCompositePort" # <i>
#Option "RageTheatreSVideoPort" # <i>
#Option "TunerType" # <i>
#Option "RageTheatreMicrocPath" # <str>
#Option "RageTheatreMicrocType" # <str>
#Option "ScalerWidth" # <i>
#Option "RenderAccel" # [<bool>]
#Option "SubPixelOrder" # [<str>]
#Option "ShowCache" # [<bool>]
#Option "ClockGating" # [<bool>]
#Option "VGAAccess" # [<bool>]
#Option "ReverseDDC" # [<bool>]
#Option "LVDSProbePLL" # [<bool>]
#Option "AccelMethod" # <str>
#Option "DRI" # [<bool>]
#Option "ConnectorTable" # <str>
#Option "DefaultConnectorTable" # [<bool>]
#Option "DefaultTMDSPLL" # [<bool>]
#Option "TVDACLoadDetect" # [<bool>]
#Option "ForceTVOut" # [<bool>]
#Option "TVStandard" # <str>
#Option "IgnoreLidStatus" # [<bool>]
#Option "DefaultTVDACAdj" # [<bool>]
#Option "Int10" # [<bool>]
#Option "EXAVSync" # [<bool>]
#Option "ATOMTVOut" # [<bool>]
#Option "R4xxATOM" # [<bool>]
Option "ForceLowPowerMode" # [<bool>]
#Option "DynamicPM" # [<bool>]
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "radeon"
VendorName "ATI Technologies Inc"
BoardName "Radeon Mobility X700 (PCIE)"
BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
SubSection "Display"
Virtual 2960 1050
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 1
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 4
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 8
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 15
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 16
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24
I guess 'Virtual' has to go here and in all other subsections for the color depths you use.
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24
Virtual 2960 1050
And the module is named radeon, but I guess it gets already automatically loaded. Besides that you load it via the Modules section in rc.conf.
About X starting with the right setup without calling xrandr manually, it depends on how you start X how to do it. Am I right that you use gdm or kdm?
EDIT: And the option to enable power saving goes like this:
Option "ForceLowPowerMode" "true"
Keep in mind that this sets the card in permanent power saving mode. And sorry that I wasn't more precise in my first post, but I was in a hurry.
Last edited by signor_rossi (2009-04-19 19:24:05)
Yes, I'm using KDM.
Ok,Virtual works, but not correctly. After xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1680x1050 the resolution of VGA-0 is high. Here is perhaps a useful output:
xrandr -q
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1680 x 1050, maximum 2960 x 1050
VGA-0 connected 1680x1050+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 473mm x 297mm
1680x1050 59.9*+ 60.0
1280x1024 75.0 60.0
1440x900 75.0 59.9
1280x960 60.0
1280x800 59.8
1152x864 75.0
1152x720 60.0
1024x768 75.0 60.0
832x624 74.6
800x600 75.0 60.3
640x480 75.0 59.9
720x400 70.1
LVDS connected 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 331mm x 207mm
1280x800 60.0*+
1280x720 59.9
1152x768 59.8
1024x768 59.9
800x600 59.9
640x480 59.4
DVI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
But xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1280x800 does not work. There is no error message but the laptop screen is still black, there's nothing to see. Positioning with --right of VGA-0 has also no effect. I don't know what to do. Anyway xrandr never saves the new better resolution, but I think that is normal. First get it to work with xrandr, than writing it down to the xorg.conf
ForceLowPowerMode is now true.
It is strange that the laptop screen is black because xrandr marks the active modes with an asterisk and those marked are the right ones and LVDS is also enabled. Since you use kdm you probably also use kde, right? I ask because I myself had to start with a clean kde config (by renaming .kde4) to make it work, otherwise plasma would crash and not run at all. It was also the same for Xfce4. Even before when I changed some commands that set the right resolution, position on X startup I messed things up and had to start with a clean config again. Sstrangely setting resolution of the first and second monitor and x,y position of the second monitor makes kde start right, ut also calling also 'xrandr --output DVI-0 --left-of LVDS' screwes things up. This is done in '/usr/share/config/kdm/Xsetup' like this, so you don't have to do it manually.
xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1680x1050 &
xrandr --output DVI-0 --mode 1280x1024 &
xrandr --output DVI-0 --pos 1680x0 &
The KDE systemsettings module for xrandr never worked for me.
Found something. In your xrandr output you see that both screens start at the same coordinates, at x=0, y=0. Did you issue the command 'xrandr --output VGA-0 --pos 1280x0' correctly (this is the command when your external monitor sits right of your laptop monitor)? I had to use the pos command because otherwise my two monitors would overlap. Please post the exact commands you issue.
I stumbled on this thread while trying to get multi head working on a very similar setup (laptop, 1.6.1, radeon driver, external monitor).
Ultimately two minor things were sufficient to get it working for me (did not need xinerama, twinview (nvidia), or MergedFB (ati)).
*Added the "Virtual" directives to the Display sub section in the Screen section of xorg.conf; as you've already done.
*Used xrandr to activate the second display. signor_rossi's method should definitely work (I suspect the observations in his last post are correct), but I also found an alternative one-liner in the wiki that also works. In your case it would be:
xrandr --output VGA-0 --right-of LVDS
I was able to issue the command in a terminal after starting X...and there it was, display number 2 ( and not a clone of disp. 1). I'm impressed by how little effort it required. Took some doing to find out what was necessary, but in the end, very easy.
I'm mainly posting this to confirm that the method does work, and furthermore it works with xmonad under the latest X server.
For anyone curious about xmonad and multiple displays:
At first using a multi head setup in xmonad is a bit mind bending, but after getting oriented it's really nice. One danger is you might get it working without even realizing it started working properly. A status bar with the workspace information is really helpful in understanding how workspaces (equivalent to virtual desktops in other WMs) function in xmonad when there are multiple displays.
One unique (I think) behavior is that the new display area is not used by stretching a single workspace onto the extra displays. Instead, each extra display shows a separate workspace, and all displays can be controlled independentally.
For example, by default there are 9 workspaces in xmonad. With a laptop and an external monitor, the laptop could be displaying workspace 3, with the external monitor showing workspace 5. Subsequently the laptop could be switched to workspace 2 with the monitor remaining on workspace 5.
Quite cool, and if I'm not mistaken, fundamentally different from other window managers in a multi display environment.
final note: The xmonad FAQ describes the default multi head workspace swapping behavior and shows how to change it (felt unintuitive to me).
Last edited by veek (2009-04-20 07:15:40)
'xrandr --output VGA-0 --right-of LVDS'
is almost the same command (only that my second display is connected via DVI and therefore called DVI-0) I issued when i set up things manually besides 'xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1680x1050'. 'xrandr --output DVI-0 --pos 1680x0' is the command I had to use additionally in my setup to not make the two monitors overlap, without it I would see part of the output of DVI-0 on LVDS. to add to the confusion, 'xrandr --output DVI-0 --right-of LVDS' executed via the automatic kdm method would screw things up and give me only the same output on both my displays.
Just to make things clearer to anyone interested.
'xrandr --output VGA-0 --right-of LVDS' does NOT work. LVDS is still black and on the big screen I can't see any icons or the taskbar. I can just see the konsole that I used to execute the code and the background is the default blue KDE theme with bubbels..
After xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1280x800 & xrandr --output VGA-0 --right-of LVDS (just one command let LVDS also black) I got:
xrandr -q
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 2960 x 1050, maximum 2960 x 1050
VGA-0 connected 1680x1050+1280+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 473mm x 297mm
1680x1050 59.9*+ 60.0
1280x1024 75.0 60.0
1440x900 75.0 59.9
1280x960 60.0
1280x800 59.8
1152x864 75.0
1152x720 60.0
1024x768 75.0 60.0
832x624 74.6
800x600 75.0 60.3
640x480 75.0 59.9
720x400 70.1
LVDS connected 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 331mm x 207mm
1280x800 60.0*+
1280x720 59.9
1152x768 59.8
1024x768 59.9
800x600 59.9
640x480 59.4
'xrandr --output VGA-0 --right-of LVDS' does NOT work. LVDS is still black and on the big screen I can't see any icons or the taskbar. I can just see the konsole that I used to execute the code and the background is the default blue KDE theme with bubbels..
After xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1280x800 & xrandr --output VGA-0 --right-of LVDS (just one command let LVDS also black) I got:
xrandr -q Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 2960 x 1050, maximum 2960 x 1050 VGA-0 connected 1680x1050+1280+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 473mm x 297mm 1680x1050 59.9*+ 60.0 1280x1024 75.0 60.0 1440x900 75.0 59.9 1280x960 60.0 1280x800 59.8 1152x864 75.0 1152x720 60.0 1024x768 75.0 60.0 832x624 74.6 800x600 75.0 60.3 640x480 75.0 59.9 720x400 70.1 LVDS connected 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 331mm x 207mm 1280x800 60.0*+ 1280x720 59.9 1152x768 59.8 1024x768 59.9 800x600 59.9 640x480 59.4
Output seems right.
But did you already try with a clean kde config or start a twm session only? Like I mentioned before KDE would not run properly with my existing kde config.
Removed .kde4 and restart and tried 'xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1680x1050 & xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1280x800 & xrandr --output VGA-0 --right-of LVDS'.
The same (just wallpaper) and now without the shell where I execute the command. The LVDS-screen is still black. Seems too be very strange. Any output useful? Xorg, dmesg?
I'm having the EXACT same problem as mmre. All the xrandr commands are issued correctly and the output seems right, BUT LVDS (the laptop LCD) goes black as soon as VGA-0 is enabled. It seems like they can't be both working at the same time for some odd reason. This is not a hardware issue since my setup works correctly under XP and also on Ubuntu.
Any news?
I'm still using xf86-video-ati from the extra repo, not the git version from AUR and I've noticed this fatal error in Xorg.0.log when using Option "RightOf" "LVDS" in Xorg.conf:
(EE) RADEON(0): Acceleration required for rotation
If I remove this option Xorg starts but only VGA-0 works, LVDS goes blank.
Last edited by anakin (2009-04-21 11:12:07) - a place where peculiar people fit
It seems xrandr is somewhat broken.
I had a similar problem, I was able to solve it turning off a monitor, wait, set the other, wait, set the first one left-of/right-of
xrandr --output VGA-0 --off
sleep 5
xrandr --output DVI-0 whatever
sleep 5
xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1024x768 --left-of DVI-0
OK, confirmed!
As soon as I've relaced xf86-video-ati with xf86-video-ati-git from the AUR xrandr started working perfectly, no more blank LVDS! Thus I assume there's something wrong with the driver on the extra repo.
mmre are you running the git version? If not, that might be your problem. - a place where peculiar people fit
Still doesn't work. It seems like there is a screen at LVDS (I can go there with the mouse) but LVDS is black, nothing to see.
What's your graphic card? I use ATI Mobility X700.
yaourt -Ss xf86-video-ati-git:
aur/xf86-video-ati-git 20090419-1 [installed] (42) ati video driver
Perhaps intresting output in Xorg.log file:
@(WW) RADEON(0): LVDS Info:
XRes: 1280, YRes: 800, DotClock: 68900
HBlank: 128, HOverPlus: 21, HSyncWidth: 32
VBlank: 16, VOverPlus: 4, VSyncWidth: 4
(WW) RADEON(0): Unknown vendor-specific block f
(WW) RADEON(0): DRI init changed memory map, adjusting ...
(WW) RADEON(0): MC_FB_LOCATION was: 0xd7ffd000 is: 0xd7ffd000
(WW) RADEON(0): MC_AGP_LOCATION was: 0xffffffc0 is: 0xffffffc0
Any new idea? The KDEMod system setting doesn't work too. If I use identify, both (VGA-0 & LVDS) are the same screen. Is there another tool than xrandr?
systemsettings never worked for me either, 'Display Settings' is borked in regard to dual monitors...
Haven't a clue anymore, but maybe at the phoronix forums someone can help you (radeon driver devs can be found there)...
Anyone using this for x64? I cant seem to download and install the git driver. It gets almost to the end then errors out:
error: package "./xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz" not found
error: package "./xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz" not found
==> Continue installing xf86-video-ati-git? [Y/n]
==> [v]iew package contents [c]heck package with namcap
==> ----------------------------------------------
loading package data...
error: './xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz': cannot open package file
==> WARNING: Your package is saved in /tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz
cp: cannot stat `./xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz': No such file or directory
==> WARNING: Unable to copy xf86-video-ati-git-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz to /tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/ directory
If you like this package, please install aurvote
and vote for its inclusion/keeping in [community]
EDIT: I think this has to do with my AUR config and not this ati-git driver as its giving the same error installing another aur pkg!
Last edited by banshee28 (2009-04-27 01:55:56)
Arch64, AMD64, LXDE
Anyone using this for x64? I cant seem to download and install the git driver. It gets almost to the end then errors out:
error: package "./xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz" not found error: package "./xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz" not found ==> Continue installing xf86-video-ati-git? [Y/n] ==> [v]iew package contents [c]heck package with namcap ==> ---------------------------------------------- ==>y loading package data... error: './xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz': cannot open package file ==> WARNING: Your package is saved in /tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz cp: cannot stat `./xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz': No such file or directory ==> WARNING: Unable to copy xf86-video-ati-git-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz to /tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/ directory If you like this package, please install aurvote and vote for its inclusion/keeping in [community] bash-3.2#
EDIT: I think this has to do with my AUR config and not this ati-git driver as its giving the same error installing another aur pkg!
Are you using yaourt (I don't)? If yes, have you tried already to do the installation manually?
Anyone using this for x64? I cant seem to download and install the git driver. It gets almost to the end then errors out:
error: package "./xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz" not found error: package "./xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz" not found ==> Continue installing xf86-video-ati-git? [Y/n] ==> [v]iew package contents [c]heck package with namcap ==> ---------------------------------------------- ==>y loading package data... error: './xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz': cannot open package file ==> WARNING: Your package is saved in /tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz cp: cannot stat `./xf86-video-ati-git-20090419-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz': No such file or directory ==> WARNING: Unable to copy xf86-video-ati-git-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz to /tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/ directory If you like this package, please install aurvote and vote for its inclusion/keeping in [community] bash-3.2#
EDIT: I think this has to do with my AUR config and not this ati-git driver as its giving the same error installing another aur pkg!
Download it locally and run "makepkg". Yaourt has problems, and, as I can see, it didn't change the GIT version to the latest date.
Thanks for all the reply's. I was finally able to get it working with yaourt. For some strange reason it would not install as root, but only as a normal user then entering the root pw when needed.
I have it installed and now trying to get both screens configured and acting like 2 separate X screens.
Arch64, AMD64, LXDE
Somewhere must be the error...
I attached the xrandr --verbose output after executing the command "xrandr --output VGA-0 --pos 0x0 --mode 1680x1050 --output LVDS --pos 1680x0 --mode 1280x800"
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 2960 x 1050, maximum 2960 x 1050
VGA-0 connected 1680x1050+0+0 (0x4f) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 473mm x 297mm
Identifier: 0x4c
Timestamp: 23211
Subpixel: no subpixels
Clones: DVI-0
CRTCs: 0 1
Transform: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
load_detection: 1 (0x00000001) range: (0,1)
1680x1050 (0x4f) 119.0MHz -HSync -VSync *current +preferred
h: width 1680 start 1728 end 1760 total 1840 skew 0 clock 64.7KHz
v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1080 clock 59.9Hz
1680x1050 (0x50) 146.2MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 1680 start 1784 end 1960 total 2240 skew 0 clock 65.3KHz
v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1089 clock 60.0Hz
1280x1024 (0x51) 135.0MHz +HSync +VSync
h: width 1280 start 1296 end 1440 total 1688 skew 0 clock 80.0KHz
v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066 clock 75.0Hz
1280x1024 (0x52) 108.0MHz +HSync +VSync
h: width 1280 start 1328 end 1440 total 1688 skew 0 clock 64.0KHz
v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066 clock 60.0Hz
1440x900 (0x53) 136.8MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 1440 start 1536 end 1688 total 1936 skew 0 clock 70.6KHz
v: height 900 start 903 end 909 total 942 clock 75.0Hz
1440x900 (0x54) 106.5MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 1440 start 1520 end 1672 total 1904 skew 0 clock 55.9KHz
v: height 900 start 903 end 909 total 934 clock 59.9Hz
1280x960 (0x55) 108.0MHz +HSync +VSync
h: width 1280 start 1376 end 1488 total 1800 skew 0 clock 60.0KHz
v: height 960 start 961 end 964 total 1000 clock 60.0Hz
1280x800 (0x56) 83.5MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 1280 start 1352 end 1480 total 1680 skew 0 clock 49.7KHz
v: height 800 start 803 end 809 total 831 clock 59.8Hz
1152x864 (0x57) 108.0MHz +HSync +VSync
h: width 1152 start 1216 end 1344 total 1600 skew 0 clock 67.5KHz
v: height 864 start 865 end 868 total 900 clock 75.0Hz
1152x720 (0x58) 67.3MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 1152 start 1208 end 1328 total 1504 skew 0 clock 44.8KHz
v: height 720 start 721 end 724 total 746 clock 60.0Hz
1024x768 (0x59) 78.8MHz +HSync +VSync
h: width 1024 start 1040 end 1136 total 1312 skew 0 clock 60.0KHz
v: height 768 start 769 end 772 total 800 clock 75.0Hz
1024x768 (0x5a) 65.0MHz -HSync -VSync
h: width 1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew 0 clock 48.4KHz
v: height 768 start 771 end 777 total 806 clock 60.0Hz
832x624 (0x5b) 57.3MHz -HSync -VSync
h: width 832 start 864 end 928 total 1152 skew 0 clock 49.7KHz
v: height 624 start 625 end 628 total 667 clock 74.6Hz
800x600 (0x5c) 49.5MHz +HSync +VSync
h: width 800 start 816 end 896 total 1056 skew 0 clock 46.9KHz
v: height 600 start 601 end 604 total 625 clock 75.0Hz
800x600 (0x5d) 40.0MHz +HSync +VSync
h: width 800 start 840 end 968 total 1056 skew 0 clock 37.9KHz
v: height 600 start 601 end 605 total 628 clock 60.3Hz
640x480 (0x5e) 31.5MHz -HSync -VSync
h: width 640 start 656 end 720 total 840 skew 0 clock 37.5KHz
v: height 480 start 481 end 484 total 500 clock 75.0Hz
640x480 (0x5f) 25.2MHz -HSync -VSync
h: width 640 start 656 end 752 total 800 skew 0 clock 31.5KHz
v: height 480 start 490 end 492 total 525 clock 59.9Hz
720x400 (0x60) 28.3MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 720 start 738 end 846 total 900 skew 0 clock 31.5KHz
v: height 400 start 412 end 414 total 449 clock 70.1Hz
LVDS connected 1280x800+1680+0 (0x61) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 331mm x 207mm
Identifier: 0x4d
Timestamp: 23211
Subpixel: horizontal rgb
CRTCs: 0
Transform: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
scaler: full
1280x800 (0x61) 68.9MHz -HSync -VSync *current +preferred
h: width 1280 start 1301 end 1333 total 1408 skew 0 clock 48.9KHz
v: height 800 start 804 end 808 total 816 clock 60.0Hz
1280x720 (0x62) 74.5MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 1280 start 1344 end 1472 total 1664 skew 0 clock 44.8KHz
v: height 720 start 723 end 728 total 748 clock 59.9Hz
1152x768 (0x63) 71.8MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 1152 start 1216 end 1328 total 1504 skew 0 clock 47.7KHz
v: height 768 start 771 end 781 total 798 clock 59.8Hz
1024x768 (0x64) 63.5MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 1024 start 1072 end 1176 total 1328 skew 0 clock 47.8KHz
v: height 768 start 771 end 775 total 798 clock 59.9Hz
800x600 (0x65) 38.2MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 800 start 832 end 912 total 1024 skew 0 clock 37.4KHz
v: height 600 start 603 end 607 total 624 clock 59.9Hz
640x480 (0x66) 23.8MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 640 start 664 end 720 total 800 skew 0 clock 29.7KHz
v: height 480 start 483 end 487 total 500 clock 59.4Hz
DVI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
Identifier: 0x4e
Timestamp: 23211
Subpixel: no subpixels
Clones: VGA-0
CRTCs: 0 1
Transform: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
scaler: off
tmds_pll: bios