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#1051 2009-11-18 19:41:30

From: Bangalore
Registered: 2009-11-16
Posts: 127

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Sorry, I went ahead and tried anyways.
Got everything to work. Installed xorg 1.6 and related mouse/keyboard/evdev. Thereafter, I installed catalyst.
I cannot install the xorg-maximize fix because I am probably on X64. I get a bunch of not very helpful errors when I try that.
Thus ran into issues subsequently. Windows took a few seconds to maximize and had HUGE fonts. I am back to radeonhd. I am hoping to see either a Catalyst fix or a radeonhd upgrade in the future.
Thanks a lot for the help, nonetheless. Helpful people like you are rare smile

Last edited by devadittya (2009-11-18 19:44:50)


#1052 2009-11-19 03:07:31

Registered: 2008-06-22
Posts: 794

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

devadittya wrote:

Sorry, I went ahead and tried anyways.
Got everything to work. Installed xorg 1.6 and related mouse/keyboard/evdev. Thereafter, I installed catalyst.
I cannot install the xorg-maximize fix because I am probably on X64. I get a bunch of not very helpful errors when I try that.
Thus ran into issues subsequently. Windows took a few seconds to maximize and had HUGE fonts. I am back to radeonhd. I am hoping to see either a Catalyst fix or a radeonhd upgrade in the future.
Thanks a lot for the help, nonetheless. Helpful people like you are rare smile

I am on x86_64 and use the patched Xserver form the AUR for the Catalyst.

Post the out put that it give when you try to install the xorg-server-maximize-fix.

Also, try to build with yaourt and if that dosn't work try to build form the tar ball.

OpenBSD-current Thinkpad X230, i7-3520M, 16GB CL9 Kingston, Samsung 830 256GB
Contributor: linux-grsec


#1053 2009-11-19 04:25:14

Registered: 2008-06-22
Posts: 794

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

I removed catalyst-utils-9.10 and installed the catalyst-9.11

And instead of displaying in 120x120-DPI  it swiched to 96x96-DPI.

Boy did that look strange. Still good rez at 1680x1050 but all the Text and some other stuff was super BIG.

I am back on the 9.10. But I think it would have been worth trying to define the DPI in xorg.conf.


I have a ATI Mobility FireGL v5700 aka HD3650

# update

Hum, nope. I was wrong the new driver defaults to 129-DPI and the old Catalyst driver defaults to 96-DPI.
At lest that is what Kinfocenter has to say in the Xserver section. Strange though. I have to set all my fonts-sizes down from 10 to 7 inorder for them to be the same size on the screen with the New Catalyst. Should be the other way around if ti is at a higher DPI, right ?I think it looks better with the new driver at the Kinfocenter/Xserver=129-DPI. But it's hard to tell.

Hum ya this is the output of the Xorg log with the new Catalyst..

$  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep DPI
(II) fglrx(0): DPI set to (129, 127)

And with the old Catalyst and catalyst-utils

$  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old | grep DPI
(II) fglrx(0): DPI set to (96, 96)

I guess I have been using my laptop screen at half power this whole time, with the old 9.10 at 96dpi.
The new Driver Rocks !

I take it back. The new 9.11 driver Clearly is setting the DPI to 96 and Reporting to the Xserver that it is setting it at 129DPI.

The Old Catalyst is Clearly settin the DPI at 129 and Reportting to the Xserver that it is setting it at 96DPI.

That just has to be what is going on because things get BIGGER when swithing to the 9.11 driver and Smaller when switching to the 9.10 dirver. EVENTHOUGH, the Xorg.0.log is reporting just the opisite.

# What Do you Think ?

Last edited by hunterthomson (2009-11-19 08:09:07)

OpenBSD-current Thinkpad X230, i7-3520M, 16GB CL9 Kingston, Samsung 830 256GB
Contributor: linux-grsec


#1054 2009-11-19 06:27:47

From: Bangalore
Registered: 2009-11-16
Posts: 127

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

@hunterthomson: I just repartitioned and formatted my entire disk yesterday (got a new, bigger HDD for free)
I will reinstall arch again,and this time I am going to install catalyst-fix first. I am thinking that too much fiddling around with the original xorg 1.7 and the free drivers may have caused the issue.

Last edited by devadittya (2009-11-19 06:29:06)


#1055 2009-11-19 11:07:18

Registered: 2008-04-09
Posts: 106

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

I also had the DPI issues with the 9.11 package (using mobile radeon HD3650). My fonts got very huge.

I fixed that by changing my line in "/etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc" to:

exec /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -dpi 96

I guess there might be a cleaner way, but it works for me smile


#1056 2009-11-19 13:53:19

From: Poland
Registered: 2009-06-24
Posts: 1,349

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Strange, i haven't noticed any dpi issue...
And don't look on united catalyst with so sceptic eye smile, there are no differences between united or splited catalyst.

smile i have tottally forgot about that... but 2 pages of that forum ago i have posted some package, here is xorg-server-catalyst-maximize-fix-


#1057 2009-11-20 07:55:29

Registered: 2008-06-22
Posts: 794

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Denacke wrote:

I also had the DPI issues with the 9.11 package (using mobile radeon HD3650). My fonts got very huge.

I fixed that by changing my line in "/etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc" to:

exec /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -dpi 96

I guess there might be a cleaner way, but it works for me smile

Nice that was simple. Thanks.

I am stil l confused though. Why is it that things get bigger when the dpi increcess. It seems like it should be the other way around.

OpenBSD-current Thinkpad X230, i7-3520M, 16GB CL9 Kingston, Samsung 830 256GB
Contributor: linux-grsec


#1058 2009-11-20 08:10:38

From: Bangalore
Registered: 2009-11-16
Posts: 127

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Thanks ViOLO. I'll try your package as soon as I am back home from work. With the package on Yaourt, I was getting this error along the lines of something being recursive (I don't remember the exact error, and I am not with my computer now).

Edit: Got everything to work properly with the Xorg x64 version. Thanks a lot everyone, especially ViOLO. 64 bit users, please use the xorg-server-maximize-fix that ViOLO posted.
KDE users can change the font settings in System-settings -> Appearance -> fonts.

And WOW! Does Compiz look awesome or what?

Last edited by devadittya (2009-11-20 19:12:37)


#1059 2009-11-21 13:18:20

Registered: 2009-08-02
Posts: 3

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Vi0L0 wrote:
Felagund wrote:

Hi guys!!!
I'm running Arch in my laptop with an ati hd 2600 (with catalyst 9.8 whit the kernel 2.6.31... thanks ViOLO!!!) but I have a little problem annoying me, none of the newest drivers (after 9.8) give me 3D effects. I tried with the drivers uploaded by ViOLO, I can install them (with pacman -U .....), but they failed when I tried to activate composite in kwin... any idea?... thanks in advance.

You may always try "control" method - when using catalyst 9.8 make the backup of file /etc/ati/control and restore it after installing new catalyst driver (overwrite newer one with 9.8 one).

Thank you ViOLO for the tip, however it didn't work... any other idea?


#1060 2009-11-22 08:30:19

Registered: 2008-09-29
Posts: 404

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Hey guys, as of right now my repo is offline. My Apache is segfaulting after updating it, so my whole webserver is offline yikes Dunno what caused it, but hoping recompiling from ABS will fix it. Problem is it's a super slow computer so it's taking a while tongue Also some of my AUR packages might not work until I get this sorted. I'll try to get it back online ASAP. EDIT: Fixed, couldn't get Apache working so I just switched to lighttpd big_smile Works fine, possibly faster too.

Last edited by doorknob60 (2009-11-23 05:35:48)


#1061 2009-11-23 16:34:40

Registered: 2009-11-23
Posts: 4

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Hey there. I've got the same problem with the catalyst driver (x86_64). I read your post ViOLO, about downgrading xorg, then tried to do all you explained, but no way, that doesn't work for me sad

Firstly I installed xorg (pacman -Sy xorg), and catalyst. Then I installed all the tar ViOLO posted. When X starts (startx), some errors occurred, like glx, dri or fglrx not found and not loaded. Please some help sad What did I do wrong ?

EDIT : Nevermind, that works ! Thanks smile

Last edited by Skypers (2009-11-23 17:31:47)


#1062 2009-11-24 12:38:15

Registered: 2009-11-03
Posts: 8

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Hi guys!

I had the following error when installing Catalyst 9.11 from AUR:

 cp: `/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/' and `/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.xorg' are the same file

After renaming libdri.xorg, I had this error:

cp: cannot stat `/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/': No such file or directory

I have installed Catalyst 9.11 directly (kernel 2.6.31-ARCH, X Server 1.6.3)
# sh

To uninstall:
# sh /usr/share/ati/
# rm -r /usr/lib/dri/

btw you don't need to add fglrx in rc.conf


#1063 2009-11-24 18:14:12

From: Poland
Registered: 2009-06-24
Posts: 1,349

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

kasper wrote:

Hi guys!

I had the following error when installing Catalyst 9.11 from AUR:

 cp: `/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/' and `/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.xorg' are the same file

Yes, but this is just a warning, you may ignore it. The whole process should proceed.
Thats because of those lines

pre_install() {
  cp /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/ /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.xorg

in catalyst.install
I have decided to put this to catalyst.install after some comment to catalyst on AUR. Well its strange - now i cannot find that comment...
Anyway this command is making backup of xorg's libdri, which otherwise would be overwriten by calayst's libdri, and lost...
Also thank to this theres no stupid symlinks problems smile.
So its wise, and good smile
BUT if you have any problems with this please just remove mentioned lines and then build a package.

kasper wrote:

After renaming libdri.xorg, I had this error:

cp: cannot stat `/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/': No such file or directory is a symlink, you should check first to what file it has been linked, maybe to libdri.xorg wink
I don't remeber now the whole genesis (where is that comment?) of copying libdri but im shure it was good idea.

Last edited by Vi0L0 (2009-11-24 18:23:26)


#1064 2009-11-24 19:34:14

Registered: 2009-11-03
Posts: 8

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Thank you for your comment, Violo! I have tried again and managed to install it, the Arch way. For some reason I couldn't get direct rendering to work before, but it works now.


#1065 2009-11-29 09:12:55

From: Haskovo, Bulgaria
Registered: 2007-08-31
Posts: 291

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Hi everyone.

I have a question about the catalyst 9.11 driver. Do I still have to uninstall the newest xorg, and install the old versions, as it was said in the older posts, and then add IgnorePkg  = xf86-video-vesa xorg-server xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse to my /etc/pacman.conf, or the catalyst 9.11 is working with the newest xorg server?



#1066 2009-11-29 09:57:19

From: Ukraine
Registered: 2009-11-15
Posts: 14

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Gruntz wrote:

Hi everyone.

I have a question about the catalyst 9.11 driver. Do I still have to uninstall the newest xorg, and install the old versions, as it was said in the older posts, and then add IgnorePkg  = xf86-video-vesa xorg-server xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse to my /etc/pacman.conf, or the catalyst 9.11 is working with the newest xorg server?


No it doesn't work with new Xorg. Xorg 1.7 support is supposed to come somewhere in 2010.

"The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents."
   Nathaniel Borenstein


#1067 2009-11-29 10:27:16

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Gruntz wrote:

Hi everyone.

I have a question about the catalyst 9.11 driver. Do I still have to uninstall the newest xorg, and install the old versions, as it was said in the older posts, and then add IgnorePkg  = xf86-video-vesa xorg-server xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse to my /etc/pacman.conf, or the catalyst 9.11 is working with the newest xorg server?


Yes, you still have to use xorg1.6 with catalyst 9.11, unfortunately.
& treat 9.11 the same as if it were 9.10 re, the /etc/pacman.conf :

IgnorePkg = xf86-video-vesa xorg-server xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse

I didn't bother upgrading to 9.11, I'm just going to leave it all as it is with 9.10 until they release a catalyst that works with the latest xorg server.

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#1068 2009-11-29 14:31:08

Registered: 2009-09-01
Posts: 44

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Can anyone post a link to xorg-server-catalyst-maximize-fix? I have upgraded my libs so I can't compile it.
Running xorg-server 1.6.3, kernel 2.6.31-ARCH and Catalyst 9.11


#1069 2009-11-29 16:17:23

Registered: 2009-09-01
Posts: 44

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

acmps wrote:

Can anyone post a link to xorg-server-catalyst-maximize-fix? I have upgraded my libs so I can't compile it.
Running xorg-server 1.6.3, kernel 2.6.31-ARCH and Catalyst 9.11

Never mind, I found a link.

This is what I did:

pacman -Rd catalyst
pacman -S libgl
pacman -Rd xorg-server
pacman -U xorg-server-catalyst-maximize-fix*
pacman -Rd libgl
pacman -U catalyst*


#1070 2009-12-01 15:10:19

Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 57

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Someone got run XvBA in catalyst 9.11? in 9.10 works perfect, but updated and no longer works


#1071 2009-12-01 23:05:53

Registered: 2005-06-20
Posts: 67

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

XvBA doesn't run on 9.11 only 9.10.


#1072 2009-12-02 07:34:42

From: Oslo, Norway
Registered: 2007-05-07
Posts: 68

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

handy wrote:
Gruntz wrote:

Hi everyone.

I have a question about the catalyst 9.11 driver. Do I still have to uninstall the newest xorg, and install the old versions, as it was said in the older posts, and then add IgnorePkg  = xf86-video-vesa xorg-server xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse to my /etc/pacman.conf, or the catalyst 9.11 is working with the newest xorg server?


Yes, you still have to use xorg1.6 with catalyst 9.11, unfortunately.
& treat 9.11 the same as if it were 9.10 re, the /etc/pacman.conf :

IgnorePkg = xf86-video-vesa xorg-server xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse

I didn't bother upgrading to 9.11, I'm just going to leave it all as it is with 9.10 until they release a catalyst that works with the latest xorg server.

Is this enough packages to put in ignorepkg? I'm terrified to upgrade anything that has any X or mesa in it. Or even kernel.

This is  what I have not upgraded. Is some of this safe to upgrade. It's such a clutter now. I can't believe how long we have to wait for the new xorg-server support. If nvidia can do it, why the hell can't amd/ati do it?

kernel-headers-  glibc-2.11-1  binutils-2.20-2  fixesproto-4.1.1-1  fluidsynth-1.1.0-1  
              freetype2-2.3.11-1  fontconfig-2.8.0-1  gcc-4.4.2-3  gcc-libs-4.4.2-3  kernel26-  lib32-freetype2-2.3.11-1  lib32-glibc-2.11-1  lib32-libdrm-2.4.15-1  
              lib32-libxxf86vm-1.1.0-1  lib32-libgl-7.6-2  lib32-libxcomposite-0.4.1-1  lib32-libxdmcp-1.0.3-1  
              lib32-libx11-1.3.2-1  lib32-libxfixes-4.0.4-1  lib32-libxdamage-1.1.2-1  lib32-libxml2-2.7.6-1  
              lib32-libxrender-0.9.5-1  lib32-libxslt-1.1.26-1  lib32-mesa-7.6-2  libdmx-1.1.0-1  libdrm-2.4.15-1  
              libtool-2.2.6b-1  libusb1-1.0.6-1  libxfixes-4.0.4-1  libxcomposite-0.4.1-1  libxdamage-1.1.2-1  
              libxdmcp-1.0.3-1  libxfont-1.4.1-1  libxfontcache-1.0.5-1  libxkbfile-1.0.6-1  libxt-1.0.7-1  
              libxmu-1.0.5-1  libxpm-3.5.8-1  renderproto-0.11-1  libxrender-0.9.5-1  libxres-1.0.4-1  
              libxtst-1.1.0-1  libxv-1.0.5-1  libxvmc-1.0.5-1  libxxf86dga-1.1.1-1  libxxf86misc-1.0.2-1  
              libxxf86vm-1.1.0-1  mesa-7.6-2  nouveau-drm-0.0.15_20091120-1  rt2x00-rt71w-fw-1.8-4  
              xmlrpc-c-1.06.38-1  xorg-apps-7.5-2  xorg-font-utils-7.5-2  xorg-fonts-alias-1.0.2-1  
              xorg-fonts-encodings-1.0.3-1  xorg-server-utils-7.5-3  xorg-utils-7.5-1  xorg-xauth-1.0.4-1  
              xorg-xinit-1.2.0-1  xorg-xkb-utils-7.5-1


#1073 2009-12-02 08:03:50

From: Italy
Registered: 2009-01-13
Posts: 872

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

rocknrolf77 wrote:

Is this enough packages to put in ignorepkg? I'm terrified to upgrade anything that has any X or mesa in it. Or even kernel.

This is what I ignore in my pacman.conf:

IgnorePkg   =  xf86-video-vesa xorg-server xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse xf86-input-synaptics

and everything works fine on my laptop (i686 with 9.10 and kernel 2.6.31).

Last edited by snack (2009-12-02 08:04:48)


#1074 2009-12-02 08:04:41

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Use the 5 packages as listed in previous posts, if you have a laptop then you need to add 1 more to the line:  xf86-input-synaptics

This solution works really well. wink

[Edit:] I was too slow.  What he said. lol

Last edited by handy (2009-12-02 08:06:30)

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#1075 2009-12-02 18:07:16

From: Oslo, Norway
Registered: 2007-05-07
Posts: 68

Re: The AMD/ATI Bar & Grill

Now all hell broke loose for me sad   Can't even boot. Took a picture of what happens during boot. Hope someone can help me fix this. for info : Tried blacklisting fglrx.


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