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ok....and heres my config file
after Arch appears....
# (2) Windows
title Windows
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloiader +1
........and when I boot into Windows............ it comes up
(I wish I could do a screen shot)
Test Memory
Test System
Exit (<--------which reboots the cpu)
(the gui is the same for this screen as one in the arch live cd for memtest or some such)
it the end...something stupid... (well 2 things)
first was ONLY installing the GRUB on the master hdd HDD was (hd0,1) instead of (hd,0,0)
Thank you all for your help...
rockin n rollin now
It sounds like hd0,0 is not your windows XP partition. If you haven't or can't check out which partition windows is installed to as I suggested in your other thread, try changing it to (hd0,1) and then (hd0,2). If you have checked, and this isn't useful, then re install grub, once, on only the primary hard drive and then post your results. I really don't know if you'll have to do something to remove the other instance of grub from your slave hard drive, but maybe someone else does. Maybe the many wikis can help.
... never mind then. Solved.