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moved the article to wiki...
was getting pain to read and edit it in this forum ;P
Last edited by oskude (2010-05-23 14:36:23)
Hi oskude,
I really like the squid-proxy-cache thing, but I got one serious problem:
I always got messages like "TCP_REFRESH_MISS/200 27189867 GET" in access.log, what means that "a newer copy is on the Server" and it does not have it in cache.
I also played around with your configs in squid.conf, I tried even "refresh_pattern \.pkg\.tar\. 262080 100% 262080 ignore-reload override-expire" - but now I got only TCP-REFRESH_MISS in access.log. (before I had them from time to time, nearly random).
I only use the ftp part, not http. (also only using ftp mirror).
A ftp-mirror should never say that there is a newer copy available, because that can not be true. (repackaging etcpp. would increase version number in file name) - so I think I have a problem anywhere in my config.
Do you have any idea where the problem is here?