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Pages: 1
Hello guys,
MPlayer's normal behaviour is to exist the playback when it reaches the End of File. This is a bit annoying, especially when I watch or listen to a stream and MPlayer exists completely because the system is buffering not fast enough due to my slow internet connection.
How can I configure MPlayer that it stops at EOF, waits until buffering continued to some percent, and then play it again.
I hope it is clear what I'm trying to achieve though.
Best regards
What about -idle?
Also, for streams, try the to set the -cache option to something higher than normal.
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity." - Immanuel Kant
There is also a -loop option. For streams it may be useful.
Offline - coincidence?
Hello guys,
I looked into all of you propositions but none of them suits to my need.
Simply all I want is that MPlayer still continues to buffer when I pause the playback. The current behaviour is that it stops buffering after I pause it and when I play it again only plays until it reaches EOF - not surprisingly since it hadn't buffered in the background.
Last edited by orschiro (2010-05-27 06:21:26)
Look at the bug report and update your system.
@orschiro we had downgraded to mplayer 31147-2 and a simple pacman -Syu will bring it.
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
For me adding '-loop 0' would work too - if the stream ends, mplayer automatically tries to reconnect so I get a second or two silence and than the music plays again.
Pages: 1