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#1 2024-05-14 01:19:22

Registered: 2020-04-13
Posts: 39

[Bug] btrfs more than 1 will leads conflict

i have 2 btrfs on my disk.

sda6, btrfs---> planing to install arch.
sda8, btrfs---> already installed other linux.

on sda6, i created 4 subvol via archinstall. They are:
@ ---> /
@/var ---> /var
@/boot ---> /boot
home ---> /home
opt ---> /opt

but while install, it always report creat sub home and opt error, for `/mnt/arch-instructor/home` already exist.
then i found that archinstall always mount /dev/sda8 to /mnt/arch-instructor. 
but i have never marked sda8 as modify. even i umount it , archinstall still trying to work on sda8.

# tempory solution for who suffer the same issue:
save config, and modify it, change type to other than btrfs on sda8, and delete the btrfs subvols in the config-file.
then archinstall --config the_modified_config_file.

i'm using the iso of 2024.4.1.
(for the iso of 2024.5.1 can't be boot via ventoy.)

Last edited by superium (2024-05-14 01:21:45)


#2 2024-05-14 03:46:06

Forum Moderator
From: Scotland
Registered: 2010-06-16
Posts: 12,029

Re: [Bug] btrfs more than 1 will leads conflict

Mod note: moving to archinstall subforum.

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