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Arch Linux -- grace in simplicity; power in minimalism.
Arch Linux -- grace in simplicity; power in minimalism.
Arch Linux, Motherfucker! Do you use it?! (Pulp Fiction)
Could you please post your conky conf for the slogans? Not so familiar with conky...
Last edited by rott_at (2010-07-21 18:12:50)
It's nothing complicated (although there are some useless options as I tend to copy/paste conky configs). I just enjoy pointless customization.
use_xft yes
xftalpha 0.5
xftfont Inconsolata:size=16
background yes
format_human_readable yes
update_interval 30
minimum_size 500 50
double_buffer yes
own_window yes
draw_shades no
own_window_type normal
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_argb_value 255
gap_x 520
gap_y 300
${alignr}${exec shuf -n 1 ~/.conky/slogan.list}
Keep it simple, stupid.
A lightweight and flexible linux distribution.
A simple, lightweight linux distribution.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
The least worst linux distribution.
The distro that sucks less.
Only 45% obsolete!
Patches welcome.
We've got pacman. Wacka wacka, bitches!
Powered by tacos.
No defaults. No cruft. No limitations.
And the wallpaper is just 1280x800 with the official arch png logo plopped onto a black background.
This particular conky displays the slogans just where they would normally appear under the logo.
Also, I find it odd that I have to use own_window_argb_value 255 as well as own_window_transparent yes, but if you don't use the former (i.e., just set it to 0), your bars and graphs (should you use them) will be partially transparent as well. At least mine have been.
"Archlementary dear Watson"
"KISS dear Watson, KISS..." (for some reason this one sounds weird)
"...lightweight distro for a no so lightweight brain"
Natural Spanish speaker person babbling English...
Natural Linux user babbling Archlinux...
Can You Dig It? (from the Warriors)
One Arch Per Human
I love to KISStomize
"Hark onto Arch"
"sImple is the next I"
$ rot13(KISS)
Last edited by karol (2010-07-23 15:56:37)
Sloganizer - "When you say Arch you've said it all"
KISS my Arch
Last edited by toad (2010-07-23 16:55:13)
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
KISS my Arch
<spits coffee><giggles>
Believe it or not, I have come up with it too :-)
Life is like a box of chocolates ... Arch is like a piece of pizza.
Welcome to Arch. Please fasten you seatbelts.
I've also come up with a virtual Arch mascot:
Name: Archibald
Fav month: March
Fav sport: marching
Fav food: garlic
Fav superhero: Chuck "Arch" Norris
Motto: "I drink no flowers".
Oh yes, Archbald sure looks amazing. Smells a lot worse.
toad wrote:KISS my Arch
<spits coffee><giggles>
Believe it or not, I have come up with it too :-)
Everyone knew it REALLY - that is why nobody bothered to post it
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
Arch Linux - The arch is there for incoming slogans
Arch Linux - We don't need to duck for silly slogans
Arch Linux - Because picard made it so
Arch Linux - We got an arch, in your face bitches!
Arch Linux - Because we like rainbows
Last edited by whacath (2010-07-27 15:39:23)
Arch Linux - For the smart masses.
Make the world a better place with Arch Linux.
Arch Linux - One name. One legend.
Made by Arch Linux. (Doesn't really make sense haha)
Arch Linux - A class of its own.
Arch Linux - What more could you want?
If you're reading this; you're awesome.
"Every KISS begins with [Arch]."
Arch linux - Simple
Arch Linux: 50% Shellscript by Volume
Arch Linux - Never Fall Back!
Arch LInux - My way
Arch - The way of the penguin
Arch Linux - We make Tux look good
...and a personal favorite that must be said with a drunken slur:
Arch Linux - We don't mess around!
-- moderator edit --
Please think twice before posting content that could be construed by other members of the community as offensive
Last edited by jasonwryan (2010-08-13 00:02:30)
Archlinux. Are you talking to me?
zʇıɹɟʇıɹʞsuɐs AUR || Cycling in Budapest with a helmet camera || Revised log levels proposal: "FYI" "WTF" and "OMG" (John Barnette)
"Arch: what the world was waiting for."
A world without what makes us, us. One without you or me.
A world with no differences, this is the world I see.