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playing with .bashrc
Which window manager is that if I might ask?
ArchLinux with Gnome
Icons: Elementary + Token
Gtk theme: Elementary + AlunDark
Apps: Firefox + Gimp
Panel with Gnome-GlobalMenu, Firefox-GlobalMenu, blue Apple's ribbon.
Fonts: Ubuntu
Firefox theme: eFirefoxAnd here the Making off :
Very nice desktop! Any chance you could reupload that video without a soundtrack, or perhaps create a small guide in textual form?
This video contains content from Kontor Records. It is not available in your country.
Very nice desktop! Any chance you could reupload that video without a soundtrack, or perhaps create a small guide in textual form?
This video contains content from Kontor Records. It is not available in your country.
I've downloaded the video in .flv format and uploaded it to, note this is the 720p version. Grab it here
Thanks! That is really nice of you
Jebususu wrote:playing with .bashrc
Which window manager is that if I might ask?
it's Xmonad
nork11 wrote:Very nice shemz. Is that orta GTK theme and what's the openbox one.
Sorry for the delayed reply. I modified the openbox theme provided with orta to remove window buttons and borders and get a more subtle gradient. You can get it here.
KenH79 wrote:Ohhhh thats tint2 correct? Can I get the config?
Yes it is tint2. I have already changed the config since my last screenshot, but if you play with colors you can get similar results.
Thanks. will try it right now