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Cool! That would be an awesome way to enter TileWM for us floaty types
The styles or what?
btw: is that Monaco? I can't for the love of tux get that font to work in my setup :S
Nope, that is Envy Code R.
The styles
oh wow! i havent seen dwm look so good since jwr! can you share your colors and that status bar..dzen2?
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Here you have all the most important bits and pieces:
At the moment for the base of my dwm install I'm using sprinkles experimental branch with no dzen2 at all. There you can find an elegant way to incorporate icons (and hex colors) to the status bar. However, before I utilized this approach, I hacked the SGI Screen font as described here, which let me achieve almost the same goal. You will find both the font and the relevant status bar code in my github place. I hope they will be useful in any way.
:: Registered Linux User No. 223384
:: github
:: infinality-bundle+fonts: good looking fonts made easy
sam87 wrote:oh wow! i havent seen dwm look so good since jwr! can you share your colors and that status bar..dzen2?
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Here you have all the most important bits and pieces:
At the moment for the base of my dwm install I'm using sprinkles experimental branch with no dzen2 at all. There you can find an elegant way to incorporate icons (and hex colors) to the status bar. However, before I utilized this approach, I hacked the SGI Screen font as described here, which let me achieve almost the same goal. You will find both the font and the relevant status bar code in my github place. I hope they will be useful in any way.
thank you
what i cannot build, i do not understand
dwm: … _scrot.png … _scrot.png
Details in my signature.
Thinkpol wrote:I developed Solarized and am an avid Arch Linux user (OS X too, though this is increasingly only because of graphics/video). In fact almost all of the non-OS X testing and development happened on my Arch laptop. I do have some xmonad themes and there's an awesome theme that's been pull requested. Also Xresources for urxvt, etc.
Really like the contrast relationships between all the colors.
Quick question though - how trivial would it be for me to shift the whole thing into a different "tint," say into more of a brownish palette? Does it work that way or would that throw everything off?
It's possible. You would be best off if you actually rotate the hue values around the color wheel relative to any baseline shift to the monotones.
It gets complicated in that when we do color wheel work it's HSB primarily, while the final work is all in L*a*b.
Unfortunately I don't know of any good linux tools for color palette creation (i.e. setting base colors and locking them to a value that you can then rotate, for instance). This is one of the reasons I ended up doing initial work in OS X.
new arch*.org acct: altercation
Thinkpol wrote:I developed Solarized and am an avid Arch Linux user (OS X too, though this is increasingly only because of graphics/video). In fact almost all of the non-OS X testing and development happened on my Arch laptop. I do have some xmonad themes and there's an awesome theme that's been pull requested. Also Xresources for urxvt, etc.
-EthanWhere can I find your xmonad themes? And the Xressources are those on your website, I figure?
I need to clean them up. My haskell has improved somewhat and I'm refactoring my xmonad config now. I'll post my dotfiles publicly and drop a note here on the arch forums in an appropriate thread once those are up...
The xresources on github/my site are actually not identical to my own xresources (similar, but mine are more specific to urxvt use). I'll get them up as part of my dotfiles.
new arch*.org acct: altercation
Awesome WM
That desktop is awesome! Do you have a link for it?
Varg wrote:Awesome WM
That desktop is awesome! Do you have a link for it?
Gotta love the bunnies. … 342480.jpg
Registered Linux user #536591.
Varg wrote:Awesome WM
That desktop is awesome! Do you have a link for it?
I've put everything on my github, from now on you can find it in my signature
github - tweets
avatar: The Oathmeal
Is that qtcurve (the QT theme)? How did you manage to make it look so nice?
Could you post your dotfiles? I love your config!
piotrek91666 wrote:openbox: that qtcurve (the QT theme)? How did you manage to make it look so nice?
Yes, this is qtcurve. I make this theme using only qtcurve configurator in kde4 systemsettings, new version have cool options.
Put in ~/.config/qtcurve/stylerc
Please write simple english for me
dwm: … _scrot.png … _scrot.pngDetails in my signature.
I really like your setup; the colors chosen look nice on the dark background.
I'm not much of a tweaker, nor a connoisseur of the tiling stuff but I think you made me want to try dwm.
I would like to know, if you're willing to reveal your secrets:
- how did you made Envy Code R look that sharp and clear at that size? Subpixel rendering, hinting and no antialiasing? Because I tried to make it look nice but it doesn't look like yours.
- I can see those sys info icons in your panel, but I don't know how much freedom they give in terms of scripting; does conky play nice with dwm as fallback?
- I often see the command line looking like that (me likes) but I'm too shy to ask how it's done, so between me and you, how can I get that?
Thank you.
What Panel is that?
piotrek91666 wrote:openbox: Panel is that?
Please write simple english for me