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Something I do fairly frequently is create bootable USB sticks using the command
dd bs=4M if=/path/to/ISO/file of=/dev/sdf
Since I've started using Mate/Caja, this has turned into a bit of an inconvenience. When I insert a USB stick, it is immediately mounted and appears on my Desktop. This is unquestionably the correct default behavior. The problem is that while it is mounted, I can't dd an ISO to the device, and right clicking the device from either the Desktop or the File Manager only gives the option to Eject. This removes the device entirely from the system. So I end up having to unmount the device using a terminal:
[pgoetz@frog pgoetz]$ umount /run/media/pgoetz/PENDRIVE
And of course I have to run the mount command first just to find out where the device is mounted.
This works but is moderately inconvenient. the old Gnome 2 file manager, Nautilus, offered Unmount and Safely Remove options in addition to Eject. I'm not quite sure what the purpose of Safely Remove is (both unmount and Eject should allow for safe removal of the device), but it seems like it would be easy to re-implement the Unmount feature in Caja.
Am I missing something here?
I'm experiencing some graphics instability and am wondering if anyone else has the same problem. Using the current version of Mate on Arch linux using the Intel graphics driver.
The problem seems to be correlated with having a bunch of pictures open in eom. The screen will suddenly turn into a series of small rectangles with no mouse or keyboard focus. The only thing I can do is hard reboot the machine.
Hey! What about 1.14 ? cheers.
Hi all,
I just finished to compile Mate v1.14 for Manjaro Linux. The packages are compatible to Archlinux also. I can create a separate repository for Arch or we find a way on how I can upload them to Archlinux directly. The source PKGBUILDs can been found here.
I use Arch and MATE for all my machines at home and would enjoy maintaining the MATE packages as a way to give back to the community here.
I saw that post this morning. When I get home from work today, I will be starting work on getting all of Martin's MATE packages in the Arch repo updated to 1.14.x. I'm not a TU, so I'll either have to work with Martin or figure something out how to get the updated PKGBUILD's / packages in the repo.
Hi all,
I just finished to compile Mate v1.14 for Manjaro Linux. The packages are compatible to Archlinux also. I can create a separate repository for Arch or we find a way on how I can upload them to Archlinux directly. The source PKGBUILDs can been found here.
Nice! I'll take a look at these this evening. We have GTK3 versions available as well, but this should be a nice start to help get the Arch packages back up to date.
I use Arch and MATE for all my machines at home and would enjoy maintaining the MATE packages as a way to give back to the community here.
Hi -
I'm heavily vested in Mate on Arch at this point, so am most concerned that a maintainer be found. Has there been any progress on this?
Hi -
I'm heavily vested in Mate on Arch at this point, so am most concerned that a maintainer be found. Has there been any progress on this?
I finally made it home from work in time to have a couple hours to work on this before I head to bed. My Friday is tomorrow, so I hope to have a complete set of updated PKGBUILD's completed by this weekend. I'll have a better time estimate after tonight's work.
Well I believe I've got the list of packages I need to update and pulled down their corresponding PKGBUILD's from [community] SVN. The current count is 66. I have 53 remaining to update. These should go fairly quickly as most of my time this evening was spent identifying which packages I needed to update, pulling the PKGBUILD's down, reading some wiki's, and getting everything generally organized.
I think I'll be able to finish the 80% of PKGBUILD's tomorrow after work. Sleep time.
I think I'll be able to finish the 80% of PKGBUILD's tomorrow after work. Sleep time.
Thanks for taking on this task!
I've finished updating the PKGBUILD's. Tomorrow I will do a QA run w/ namcap and get my Arch gpg key setup and everything ready. Then I have to see about finding a TU to get them uploaded.
Then I have to see about finding a TU to get them uploaded.
If you are able to post to the mailing list, this would probably be the best place to look for a TU. I think you can sign up to receive this list, post, and your post will get to the moderators for consideration.
I've finished updating the PKGBUILD's. Tomorrow I will do a QA run w/ namcap and get my Arch gpg key setup and everything ready. Then I have to see about finding a TU to get them uploaded.
That's great ! Thank you!
I've finished updating the PKGBUILD's. Tomorrow I will do a QA run w/ namcap and get my Arch gpg key setup and everything ready. Then I have to see about finding a TU to get them uploaded.
Thanks for doing Any news?
Thanks for doing
Any news?
I've emailed the aur-general mailing list to see what the next step is going to be. I'm guessing MATE will drop to the AUR where I can maintain it or a TU will maintain it while I work on become a TU myself at which point I'll take over maintaing the packages directly.
Quick update. I have completed updated the PKGBUILD's to use the new hook system that came in pacman 5. Next I will be merging the separate GTK2 and GTK3 packages so there is just one PKGBUILD to maintain. I aim to have that work completed this weekend. My PKGBUILD's are up on GitHub [1] if anyone wants to follow progress there. Lastly, I've started my search to find a sponsor for my eventual TU application. Will post updates here as they come.
It's been great seeing all the support from here and Reddit and the mailing list. Ya'll are the best.
Thanks for your work @eadrom.
I built all the package for a MATE - GTK3 installation.
Since I don't know how to pull a commit, I made some issues in your github repos.
Finally, i found how to make a pull request.
So I did it.
Anyway, with these package, i can run mate 1.14.1 GTK3 version without issue.
...I made some issues in your github repos.
ed0, thank you for the help testing the GTK3 PKGBUILD's. I've closed 6 of your 7 issues (still working on figuring out that caja-extensions one) and incorporated the fixes for the other issues.
I've completed my first pass at merging the GTK2 and GTK3 PKGBUILD's into one PKGBUILD for each package. I'm still working out how to properly handle dependencies for this kind of split package PKGBUILD. If anyone has feedback or advice on how to set those up correctly, I am all ears.
I will be starting build testing soon to fix any issues w/ dependencies and iron out any other build problems. I'll start that tonight. If all goes well, I should finish up testing this weekend and the PKGBUILD's will be ready to go.
Looking at your github, I see you're removing gtk2 from some PKGBUILDs. Do you mean to publish a GTK3 only version of Mate 1.14 ?
Unfortunately, GTK2 was removed upstream from mate-system-monitor. I'm not sure if there are others.
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"In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."
Looking at your github, I see you're removing gtk2 from some PKGBUILDs. Do you mean to publish a GTK3 only version of Mate 1.14 ?
My goal is to publish MATE 1.14 with both GTK2 and GTK3 packages. The only PKGBUILD's I'm removing GTK2 build support from are those very few that upstream has entirely removed GTK2 and gone just GTK3. The rest of the packages for MATE 1.14 should still retain the choice of GTK2 or GTK3.
MATE 1.16 is a different matter and will likely, but not definitely, be a GTK3 only set of PKGBUILD's. Upstream is making a push in their codebase for moving everything over to GTK3, so I don't know how much longer a GTK2 option will exist. If 1.16 is all GTK3 across all its packages and it's great and stable, then a migration to all GTK3 is probable. If upstream still supports both GTK2 and GTK3 versions for MATE 1.16 and the GTK3 versions aren't as solid, then the argument could be made to hold off. We'll have to wait and see when MATE 1.16 gets closer to release.
Chiming in here. The very popular Ubuntu Mate edition will be GTK3 only in the next release. I think this is probably pushing the transition from GTK2 to GTK3 along a bit more quickly than it might otherwise go. I'm actually thinking about switching over for 1.14 myself.
fredbezies wrote:Hello.
Looking at your github, I see you're removing gtk2 from some PKGBUILDs. Do you mean to publish a GTK3 only version of Mate 1.14 ?
My goal is to publish MATE 1.14 with both GTK2 and GTK3 packages. The only PKGBUILD's I'm removing GTK2 build support from are those very few that upstream has entirely removed GTK2 and gone just GTK3. The rest of the packages for MATE 1.14 should still retain the choice of GTK2 or GTK3.
MATE 1.16 is a different matter and will likely, but not definitely, be a GTK3 only set of PKGBUILD's. Upstream is making a push in their codebase for moving everything over to GTK3, so I don't know how much longer a GTK2 option will exist. If 1.16 is all GTK3 across all its packages and it's great and stable, then a migration to all GTK3 is probable. If upstream still supports both GTK2 and GTK3 versions for MATE 1.16 and the GTK3 versions aren't as solid, then the argument could be made to hold off. We'll have to wait and see when MATE 1.16 gets closer to release.
Thanks for your answer. By the way, I'm running an homemade 1.15.x Gtk3 Mate Desktop on my archlinux powered computer.
So far, so good
So, not to be a nudge, but what's going on with Mate 1.14?