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Really new to Tiling window managers.
^Btw does someone know how to change it so xcompmgr doesn't put a huge "block" for conky like that?
Anyone know how do I get rid of the annoying white border-like things on the bottom (and the weird border-like thing on the bottom of top-right terminal)? Is this a xcompmgr glitch?
Last edited by Draucia (2011-07-04 21:31:34)
Really new to Tiling window managers.
^Btw does someone know how to change it so xcompmgr doesn't put a huge "block" for conky like that?
Two questions: How do I get colored top? And how do I get rid of the annoying white border-like things on the bottom (and the weird border-like thing on the bottom of top-right terminal)? Is this a xcompmgr glitch?
htop is a pretty good system monitor, with purtty colors, mouse support and in-depth configuration. I just switched from cairo-compmg to xcompmgr about a week back; I just turned down shadow radius. I'm not sure how to configure shadows for individual windows.
*And how do I get rid of the annoying white border-like things on the bottom (and the weird border-like thing on the bottom of top-right terminal)? Is this a xcompmgr glitch?
draw_borders no
draw_outline no
Normally fixes it for me.
Registered Linux user #536591.
htop is a pretty good system monitor, with purtty colors, mouse support and in-depth configuration. I just switched from cairo-compmg to xcompmgr about a week back; I just turned down shadow radius. I'm not sure how to configure shadows for individual windows.
Oh... I feel stupid. Didn't know it was a whole separate program... I thought you just configured top. Thanks.
Draucia wrote:*And how do I get rid of the annoying white border-like things on the bottom (and the weird border-like thing on the bottom of top-right terminal)? Is this a xcompmgr glitch?
draw_borders no
draw_outline noNormally fixes it for me.
Doesn't work.
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
Using dwm since a couple of weeks now and didn't miss openbox for a sec!
Annoying thing thou that all the other patches got so many problems with the pertag one...
Doesn't work.
Is it caused by xcompmgr (so vanishes it when you disable xcompmgr)?
If not: I guess it's caused by resizing ur terminal emulator with dwm. Because dwm resizes it by pixel and not relative to your fontsize. Got the same problem with urxvt in dwm and in openbox with fullscreen. I moved to xterm and have never seen them again.
Last edited by null (2011-07-04 20:45:04)
Updated, don't use xcompmgr anymore:
Can I have your .Xdefaults please?
Draucia wrote:Updated, don't use xcompmgr anymore:
Can I have your .Xdefaults please?
*Excited that somebody wants my Xdefaults*
URxvt*background: #111111
URxvt*foreground: #51a366
URxvt*scrollBar: False
URxvt*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=11:antialias=false:autohinting=true
!! Greenish theme
*color0: #000000
*color8: #666666
!! DarkRed + Red
*color1: #b45151
*color9: #fe8686
!! DarkGreen + Green
*color2: #8ba574
*color10: #a5dca5
!! DarkYellow + Yellow
*color3: Khaki3
*color11: #efe58b
!! DarkBlue + Blue
*color4: #2797d8
*color12: #86cdea
!! DarkMangenta + Mangenta
*color5: #aa6eaf
*color13: #b698b8
!!DarkCyan + Cyan
*color6: #418179
*color14: #71bebe
!! LightGrey + White
*color7: #bebebe
*color15: #ffffff
A lot of these are taken from some dwm site ( I THINK).
It's insane how far you can configure it and I think I pushed the GUI to the max.
It's filled with vim-movement hotkeys and the address bar is called with a hotkey.
That's really cool! How exactly did you do a hotkey for showing the addres bar?
Anyone know how do I get rid of the annoying white border-like things on the bottom (and the weird border-like thing on the bottom of top-right terminal)? Is this a xcompmgr glitch?
try dcompmgr .. it works for me.
Last edited by هاشم (2011-07-05 21:33:41)
الناس رجلان : رجل نام في النور، و رجل استيقظ في الظلام!!
فاين انت منهما ؟؟؟
archlinux x86_64 | مجتمع لينكس العربي
Probaly the coolest looking Gnome 3 desktop i've seen so far, nice work
Can i get a link to that wallpaper ?? thanks
Last edited by cra1g321 (2018-02-18 19:36:39)
LukynZ wrote:Probaly the coolest looking Gnome 3 desktop i've seen so far, nice work
Can i get a link to that wallpaper ?? thanks
Well I edit 3 wallpapers to my fit my theme for now and they are rotating. Is hard to find any more interesting ones to edit
New theme. \o/
Mostly happy with it, although I'm not sure if I like the terminal colours. >.>
edit: found a different wallpaper, and changed my theme a bit.
I'm quite happy with it now, even the terminal colours. \o/
Last edited by tacticalbread (2011-07-06 05:12:56)
don't save us from the flames
Window manager: Ratpoison. It's the wm that I keep comming back to for so many years now. Hopefully musca will start to be developed again. Once it's bug free, I might jump on board.
Status bar: custom script output piped into dzen2
Browser: surf. I use chromium for my browsing needs, but I use surf when doing casual browsing (like browsing this forum ). I actually have bookmarks defined in my ratpoison config, for when I need to do a quick browse of a certain page without going through the hastle of bringing up chromium, opening a new tab et cetera...
Mind sharing your configs?
Mind sharing your configs?
Sure thing
startup_message off
set historysize 0
#set font "-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-12-110-75-75-c-60-koi8-r"
set font "fixed-9"
escape C-t
msgwait 5
set winname title
set winfmt %n %s %t
set bgcolor #1f1f1f
set fgcolor #e0e0e0
set fwcolor #5f5f5f
set bwcolor #000000
set winliststyle column
set inputwidth 500
set waitcursor 1
set padding 0 14 0 0
set barpadding 4 0
set wingravity nw
set transgravity center
set bargravity ne
set border 0
set barborder 0
rudeness 12
definekey top M-C-Left exchangeleft
definekey top M-C-Right exchangeright
definekey top M-C-Up exchangeup
definekey top M-C-Down exchangedown
definekey top M-Left resize -20 0
definekey top M-Right resize 20 0
definekey top M-Up resize 0 20
definekey top M-Down resize 0 -20
bind k delete
bind R remove
bind u undo
bind d dedicate
bind c exec urxvtc
bind L exec xscreensaver-command -lock
bind b exec ratpoison -c "banishrel" -c "ratrelwarp -15 -15"
bind o only
bind v hsplit
bind h vsplit
bind s swap
bind E exec emacs
definekey top M-F10 exec amixer -q set PCM 0%
definekey top M-F11 exec amixer -q set PCM 3dB-
definekey top M-F12 exec amixer -q set PCM 3dB+
definekey top M-w exec ~/Applications/
definekey top M-g groups
definekey top M-numbersign fselect
definekey top M-Tab next
exec ratpoison -c "echo Welcome to Ratpoison"
~/Applications/ (select windows using dmenu)
DMENU="dmenu -nb #111111 -sb #111111 -nf #5f5f5f -sf #e0e0e0 -fn -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-12-110-75-75-c-60-koi8-r"
ratpoison -c "windows %n %t" | ${DMENU} | ratpoison -c "select `awk '{print $1}'`"
~/Applications/ (Needs serious optimizing)
#!/usr/bin/env python
#coding: utf-8
import sys,time,subprocess, datetime
color_green = "^fg(#bdc48f)"
color_red = '^fg(#cd5f0e)'
color_blue = '^fg(#66b3cc)'
color_white = '^fg(#e0e0e0)'
separator = color_blue + '▪' + '^fg()'
volume = color_white + subprocess.Popen(['amixer get PCM'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()[0].splitlines()[5].split()[4] + '^fg()'
volume = re.compile('\[(.*)\]', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).findall(volume)[0]
f = open('/proc/loadavg', 'r')
load =
if load[0:1] == '0':
load = color_green + load + '^fg()'
load = color_red + load + '^fg()'
now =
date = time.strftime('%b %d, ^fg(#e0e0e0)%I^fg():^fg(#e0e0e0)%M^fg():^fg(#e0e0e0)%S^fg() %p', time.localtime())
hdd1 = '^fg(#e0e0e0)' + subprocess.Popen(['df -h'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()[0].splitlines()[1].split()[3] + '^fg()'
temp0 = subprocess.Popen(['sensors'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()[0].splitlines()[2].split()[2]
if int(temp0[1:2]) < 5:
temp0 = color_green + temp0 + '^fg()'
temp0 = color_red + temp0 + '^fg()'
temp1 = subprocess.Popen(['sensors'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()[0].splitlines()[4].split()[2]
if int(temp1[1:2]) < 5:
temp1 = color_green + temp1 + '^fg()'
temp1 = color_red + temp1 + '^fg()'
pidgin = subprocess.Popen(['lsw | grep "\[.\]"'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()[0]
if len(pidgin) < 2:
pidgin = 'pidgin'
pidgin = color_red + 'pidgin^fg()'
status = '{6} {8} {6} cpu[{7}0^fg()] {0} {6} core[{7}0^fg()] {1} {6} core[{7}1^fg()] {2} {6} hdd[{7}0^fg()] {3} {6} vol[{7}0^fg()] {4} {6} {5} {6}'.format(load, temp1, temp1, hdd1, volume, date, separator, color_white, pidgin)
print status
time.sleep(1) (this is what my ~/.xinitrc starts)
exec $HOME/Applications/ | dzen2 -fn "-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-12-110-75-75-c-60-koi8-r" -fg "#7f7f7f" -bg "#1f1f1f" -ta c &
exec ratpoison
My 'Ghoul' terminal color theme
*color0: #000000
*color1: #8E5C4E
*color2: #6C7E55
*color3: #B89F63
*color4: #7FB8D8
*color5: #956D9D
*color6: #4c8ea1
*color7: #808080
*color8: #454545
*color9: #CC896D
*color10: #C4DF90
*color11: #FFE080
*color12: #B8DDEA
*color13: #C18FCB
*color14: #6bc1d0
*color15: #e0e0e0
*borderColor: #111111
*background: #111111
*foreground: #e0e0e0
Last edited by Lich (2011-07-06 05:38:50)
Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux
kex wrote:Mind sharing your configs?
Sure thing
Thanks, but I think I'm missing (Might just be me being an idiot and lack of sleep, but I can't get this up and running with your configs) Your post has really made me want to go back to rp.
New theme. \o/
Mostly happy with it, although I'm not sure if I like the terminal colours. >.>
edit: found a different wallpaper, and changed my theme a bit.
I'm quite happy with it now, even the terminal colours. \o/
Nice! Mind sharing the second (bottom) wallpaper?