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Is that a Quake-style drop-down terminal (Guake?) I see?
And is that PDF reader on the right side mupdf?
Did you manually tile those two windows?
So many questions!
Did some stuff to my xmonad setup from the last time:
wow nice, could you share the dotfiles? also, what's the file manager?
Is that a Quake-style drop-down terminal (Guake?) I see?
Guake, yes.
And is that PDF reader on the right side mupdf?
Did you manually tile those two windows?
No. I have the following in my ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim
winpos 0 0
set lines=38
set columns=60
Given my resolution and font size this makes gvim take up the left half of the screen automatically when I load a LaTeX file.
I have the Compiz "Place Windows" plug-in automatically place MuPDF on the right side. I'm using my vim-live-latex-preview scripts for MuPDF to get a live-updating LaTeX display.
I usually use the Compiz Grid plugin for tiling windows however.
Last edited by frabjous (2011-08-12 14:24:24)
Switched to Awesome WM, first time using a tiling WM and I absolutely love it. Still got a good amount of stuff I want to change about it, but I'm getting there. Current priority is getting my trackpad working and hopefully setting up something to suspend/hibernate when I either close the lid or hit the power button.
Do you have a link to the wallpaper?
nnoell wrote:Did some stuff to my xmonad setup from the last time:
wow nice, could you share the dotfiles? also, what's the file manager?
File manager:
- pcmanfm
- xmonad.hs
- Xdefaults
- topstatusbar.zsh
If you need some more configs, feel free to ask!
more info here … -252383778
Last edited by CoolWhip (2011-08-13 02:16:46)
Arch - pronounced 'ark' as in Architecture.
ScrotWM info here … -252383778
wallpaper please
CoolWhip wrote:ScrotWM info here … -252383778
wallpaper please
Arch - pronounced 'ark' as in Architecture.
I already posted my openbox setup on my laptop, but here's Gnome 3 on my desktop... It's slowly becoming usable...
Awoken icon theme, Atolm gtk/shell theme and a simple well placed conky script. The only real issue I have left is my conky script... The last "|" at the end of swap keeps getting cut off, but that's an easy fix... I've just been lazy
@ flamelab, how did you get the icon in your panel next to your "activities" item? I didn't know you could do that. I thought you could only have one or the other. EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out... I should really check the AUR more often
Last edited by Mr_ED-horsey (2011-08-13 18:46:36)
Desktop: Fedora 21 Mate + Compiz [x86_64] on 2 TiB HDD / Windows 7 Professional [x86_64] on 500 GiB HDD
Laptop: Arch Linux + Openbox [i686] 120 GiB SSD on Acer c720 Chromebook
Nice wallpaper! Is it from "The Witcher 2" RPG game?
@Mr_ED-horsey: Yeah, they are all on AUR
@sunaku: Nope, i took the screenshot from Dragon Age Origins, it's from the epilogue.
Different fonts - StumpWM
nice shot dipiwee! I must try out stumpwm
Arch - pronounced 'ark' as in Architecture.
what's your setup?
Keepin' it simple.
na12 wrote:what's your setup?
It is openbox with bmpanel2 and two conkys,and urxvt forked to background.
Different fonts - StumpWM
Please share that vim colorscheme, and xdefaults if you would?