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If your knowledgeable enough to install and use portage, then certainly a PKGBUILD for a desired package shouldn't be hard to do.
Its not that hard, it really isn't.
i agree, oh my god *to quote friends*
that ebuild was nasty *thank god for pkgbuild*
* -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
i know this thread is pretty much done with but i just wanted to add:
Use makepkg and srcpac - support Arch Linux -it's why you chose it, right?
Plus I'll say - ease of creating ebuilds vs ease of creating PKGBUILDs was a major reason I choose Arch
I agree on the point that pacman is a specific distro package management system. So using another for arch linux can rapidly make the system messy.
The only point I'm interrested to install portage isn't for the emerge tool (=pacman) but I need several package which aren't currently in Arch linux. Coming from gentoo, the easiest way I have found is to take the package ebuild and to make a PKGBUILD based on.
So I haven't to spend too much time to create the needed package
(I have deleted gentoo because I have a small hard drive (Laptop...)).
now if someone could write a script that converts ebuilds to PKGBUILDs we'd be rolling
now if someone could write a script that converts ebuilds to PKGBUILDs we'd be rolling
I agree. If I knew anything about ebuilds, I'd give it a shot.
Maybe a new thread should be started regarding this...
there are 2 options:
- make pkgbuilds from ebuilds
- make arch packages from gentoo packages + some ebuild data
Smaller packages have rather clean ebuilds and the install function should be easy to generate from the gentoo one
who wants to write a program which converts those 2?
ick... I'd much rather do it by hand... it can't be that hard... maybe hit the ebuild and get all the name/version/descr crap, and then manually manage the build sections...
get three or four people together and just pump the AUR full of crap 8)
If your knowledgeable enough to install and use portage, then certainly a PKGBUILD for a desired package shouldn't be hard to do.
Its not that hard, it really isn't.
I built PKGBUILD f-spot last night and it doesn't require any expertise to do that just patience and some effort to check dependencies.
What I can suggest if someone can create some tools to convert ebuilds to PKGBUILD. That would be great.
Emerde was done by a few italian guys and, as u know, merda == shit. It wasn't casual, they made it intentionally
so, are we then obligated to make pacShit? (ewww)