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I liked new Gnome 3 look & feel, but I don't like any 'heavy DE'. So basing on LXDE I created something that can be very similar and works perfectly at 10 year old laptop ;-)
Here screenshot of plain desk and with opened programs., GTK3 theme: Adwaita (or for even better Gnome3 feeling: theme Aldabra)
Icons: Faenza-Dark
Openbox theme: A bit modified Openbox Adwaita
Background: Adwaita stripes (of course)Panels changed to custom color (#0C0C0C) and custom font color (#E6E6E6)
Very nice, the panel is lxpanel? And the dock in the left?
hey man,what font u use for upload and download arrows signs?to me apears like simple letters:|:( thank you
ViruSzZ wrote:hey man,what font u use for upload and download arrows signs?to me apears like simple letters:|:( thank you
ttf-pizzadude-bullets in Aur afaik.
ttf-pizzadude-bullets in Aur afaik.
yeah,that`s it!thank you man:)
Another wall, i think it's amazing!!
Mind sharing that conky config? I dig the colors.
Hi there,
I found my way back to Linux and did a clean install on my Macbook Pro. Thank to the amazing Wiki, I was able to get all my stuff working, with amazing performance. So here is my new awesome, and also awesome-based, system:
Using Arch Linux with DWM on my Macbook 5.1 - nearly everything works just fine!
TheImmortalPhoenix wrote:Another wall, i think it's amazing!!
Mind sharing that conky config? I dig the colors.
Here it is:
# Settings
out_to_x no
background no
out_to_console yes
update_interval 1
total_run_times 0
use_spacer none
default_color ffaf5f
#no_buffers yes
#cpu_average_samples 1
#net_average_samples 1
$if_mpd_playing \\#ffcc9a\> \\#ea8484\$mpd_title \\#343639\◦ \\#87afd7\$mpd_artist \\#ffcc9a\< \\#a6a6de\$acpiacadapter \\#5f8787\${uptime_short} \\#8787af\${battery_percent BAT0}% \\#343639\| \\#de5d5d\a \\#ea8484\${fs_used_perc /}% \\#87af5f\h \\#c7f09f\${fs_used_perc /home}% \\#ffaf5f\v \\#ffcc9a\${fs_used_perc /var}% \\#87afde\d \\#a5caef\${fs_used_perc /media/Data}% \\#8787af\w \\#a6a6de\${fs_used_perc /media/Windows}% \\#343639\| \\#808080\hd\\#cccccc\${exec sudo hddtemp /dev/sda | cut -c27-37} \\#808080\cpu \\#cccccc\${cpu}%\\#343639\/\\#cccccc\${hwmon temp 1}°C \\#808080\ram \\#cccccc\${memperc}% \\#343639\| \\#87afd7\${time %a, %d %b} \\#ffcc9a\> \\#87af5f\${time %H:%M} \\#ffcc9a\< $else \\#a6a6de\$acpiacadapter \\#5f8787\${uptime_short} \\#8787af\${battery_percent BAT0}% \\#343639\| \\#de5d5d\a \\#ea8484\${fs_used_perc /}% \\#87af5f\h \\#c7f09f\${fs_used_perc /home}% \\#ffaf5f\v \\#ffcc9a\${fs_used_perc /var}% \\#87afde\d \\#a5caef\${fs_used_perc /media/Data}% \\#8787af\w \\#a6a6de\${fs_used_perc /media/Windows}% \\#343639\| \\#808080\hd\\#cccccc\${exec sudo hddtemp /dev/sda | cut -c27-37} \\#808080\cpu \\#cccccc\${cpu}%\\#343639\/\\#cccccc\${hwmon temp 1}°C \\#808080\ram \\#cccccc\${memperc}% \\#343639\| \\#87afd7\${time %a, %d %b} \\#ffcc9a\> \\#87af5f\${time %H:%M} \\#ffcc9a\< $endif
Last edited by TheImmortalPhoenix (2011-09-21 16:26:29)
skwid wrote:TheImmortalPhoenix wrote:Another wall, i think it's amazing!!
Mind sharing that conky config? I dig the colors.
Here it is:
############################################## # Settings ############################################## out_to_x no background no out_to_console yes update_interval 1 total_run_times 0 use_spacer none default_color ffaf5f #no_buffers yes #cpu_average_samples 1 #net_average_samples 1 TEXT $if_mpd_playing \\#ffcc9a\> \\#ea8484\$mpd_title \\#343639\◦ \\#87afd7\$mpd_artist \\#ffcc9a\< \\#a6a6de\$acpiacadapter \\#5f8787\${uptime_short} \\#8787af\${battery_percent BAT0}% \\#343639\| \\#de5d5d\a \\#ea8484\${fs_used_perc /}% \\#87af5f\h \\#c7f09f\${fs_used_perc /home}% \\#ffaf5f\v \\#ffcc9a\${fs_used_perc /var}% \\#87afde\d \\#a5caef\${fs_used_perc /media/Data}% \\#8787af\w \\#a6a6de\${fs_used_perc /media/Windows}% \\#343639\| \\#808080\hd\\#cccccc\${exec sudo hddtemp /dev/sda | cut -c27-37} \\#808080\cpu \\#cccccc\${cpu}%\\#343639\/\\#cccccc\${hwmon temp 1}°C \\#808080\ram \\#cccccc\${memperc}% \\#343639\| \\#87afd7\${time %a, %d %b} \\#ffcc9a\> \\#87af5f\${time %H:%M} \\#ffcc9a\< $else \\#a6a6de\$acpiacadapter \\#5f8787\${uptime_short} \\#8787af\${battery_percent BAT0}% \\#343639\| \\#de5d5d\a \\#ea8484\${fs_used_perc /}% \\#87af5f\h \\#c7f09f\${fs_used_perc /home}% \\#ffaf5f\v \\#ffcc9a\${fs_used_perc /var}% \\#87afde\d \\#a5caef\${fs_used_perc /media/Data}% \\#8787af\w \\#a6a6de\${fs_used_perc /media/Windows}% \\#343639\| \\#808080\hd\\#cccccc\${exec sudo hddtemp /dev/sda | cut -c27-37} \\#808080\cpu \\#cccccc\${cpu}%\\#343639\/\\#cccccc\${hwmon temp 1}°C \\#808080\ram \\#cccccc\${memperc}% \\#343639\| \\#87afd7\${time %a, %d %b} \\#ffcc9a\> \\#87af5f\${time %H:%M} \\#ffcc9a\< $endif
Awesome thanks! BTW, which font is that? It looks alot like Glisp or something.
Been a while...
I love everything about this, especially your terminal font & colors. What are they?
Very nice, the panel is lxpanel? And the dock in the left?
All of them are lxpanel - pure LXDE. Panel at left side is 'dock like' width 50px, icon size 48px with autohide option.
Last edited by nbvcxz (2011-09-21 19:41:30)
Lenovo G50 | LXQT-git | compton | conky
@skwid: it's glisp indeed
Finally gotten Slingshot to work:
I like it; looks simple and elegant!
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
Thank you!
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
Still rocking wmii... since 2005!
Seen in screenshots above:
wmii configuration with Zenburn color scheme, Unicode icons, and Ruby status bar applets: weather report, client arrangement, pomodoro timer, mpd playlist, ALSA volume, system load, battery status, current time, system tray (witray).
zsh configuration with OMZ plus zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-history-substring-search plugins
Tamsyn font for aliased monospace bliss
zathura configuration for PDF reading
wallpaper from 5cm/s anime
plus other dotfiles & scripts
Changes since last month:
Tweaks to non-bright colors and new cyan color in xoria256 terminal color scheme.
Latest wmii-hg build which fixes some long-standing bugs... it's alive!
Smarter pomodoro timer applet in wmii status bar.
$ wmii -v
wmii-hg2807+, ©2010 Kris Maglione
Last edited by sunaku (2011-10-10 20:59:16)
Boring Xmonad. As usual, there is a companion post on my blog.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
Boring Xmonad. As usual, there is a companion post on my blog.
Where do you get all this cool ASCII art from?
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
Where do you get all this cool ASCII art from?
This is from the Star Trek ASCII art archive website. I get all my Star Trek art from there.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
Hi what kind of plugin or app are you using to show keyboard layout in tint? Thanks
Sorry for my english. It's not my native language..
marcoscan wrote:Hi what kind of plugin or app are you using to show keyboard layout in tint? Thanks
Hi Woofie! I'm using gnome-settings-daemon (in
marcoscan wrote:Hi what kind of plugin or app are you using to show keyboard layout in tint? Thanks
I personally think that using app for showing layout is waste...
You can use
setxkbmap -query | egrep layout | cut -d " " -f 6
or something like that with conky, dzen or so