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@moetunes: yes I realize what you said about not being able to unmap a third-party panel, which is why I asked for an option so the panel *gap* can be off by default. I'll try your new version; thanks, as always!
I started a wiki page for Snapwm.
It's my first one, so...I hope it turned out ok? If anyone wants to help, by all means, do it to it. I'll probably add a few more things to it over the next couple days.
@hellomynameisphil if you want no space for a panel at all set the panel height to zero. I thought you wanted to have a panel running but not have it initially shown.
If there are no open windows for the window manager to manage there's nothing for the window manager to draw differently to provide a gap for something else. A bar started from .xinitrc ends up being just like the wallpaper from the window managers point of view.
@stlarch wiki looks good mate, cheers for that.
Last edited by moetunes (2012-02-26 23:52:28)
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
@moetunes: I regret the lack of clarity on my part. I want a toggle-able panel gap, but want it to be off when I start dminiwm, which I can now do, so we're good. Thanks.
A heads up.
I just noticed that the latest updates to snapwm make it crash sometimes in fullscreen mode and this morning I updated dminiwm to work like snapwm so don't update it. I haven't found a suitable fix yet but will soon.
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
OK. I removed remembering the last focused window which I recently added as it was causing the wm to crash sometimes when in fullscreen mode, seemed to work fine in the other modes though. This is in dminiwm and snapwm. I hope it goes fine for all use cases now but as always if there is an issue don't be backwards in coming forwards.
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
dminiwm and snapwm now handle multiple transient windows properly, before things got a little weird if there were more than one...
I added an option to dminiwm's config so when using attach aside there's a choice of where the new window pops up, at the top or bottom of the stack.
#define TOP_STACK 0 /* 0=TRUE, 1=New window added to bottom of stack when using ATTACH_ASIDE */
I'll add it to snapwm if it is something people can use.
Seems there's some confusion between a github repo name and an application name. It's simple - one's like a folder and the other is an application that does something. Try finding an app called bin in my bin repo
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
Some snapwm news.
I added the options for how attach aside can work to the config.h and the rc file so that should be easy to change on the run.
#define TOP_STACK 0 /* 1=Don't 0=Place new window at the top of the stack when using ATTACH_ASIDE*/
I've also had a large hack at the wiki. Again thanks stlarch for getting that started.
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
Some snapwm news.
I changed the way that apps open on specific desktops in the config.h to match the way the rest of the file works.
It was 1 to follow an app and open that desktop, now it is 0, so that will need changing before compiling.
To start thunar on desktop 2 and open desktop 2 now looks like
/* class desktop follow 1=Don't 0=Change the desktop*/
{ "Thunar", 2, 0 },
I dunno why I had it arse about...
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
My shit seems all jacked up after the last updates. I start in fullscreen mode and the windows will cover the switcher part of the bar when there is more than one open. The new window isn't getting focused either. I had a crash too when clicking on the switcher. And it seems to be really slow when quitting. Here's my config.h and a screenshot . I went through my config.h by hand and I can't seem to find anything wrong unless I'm just out of it or something(very possible)?
My shit seems all jacked up after the last updates. I start in fullscreen mode and the windows will cover the switcher part of the bar when there is more than one open. The new window isn't getting focused either. I had a crash too when clicking on the switcher. And it seems to be really slow when quitting. Here's my config.h and a screenshot . I went through my config.h by hand and I can't seem to find anything wrong unless I'm just out of it or something(very possible)?
I started with your config.h and no rc file and had the same thing.
Sorry about that...
I pushed a fix to git so starting in fullscreen mode and using click to focus should be ok now.
When I was testing the recent attach aside additions I was opening several apps from the one terminal and found myself always having to change focus back to the terminal. It was 50/50 whether or not to keep focus with that first opened window, I went with how I guessed most people would use it. Here's an example. In fullscreen mode it doesn't matter what it is set to, so if you want new windows to get the focus set ATTACH_ASIDE to 1. If I've got it wrong it's not hard for me to change.
On another note: I've hacked away at some_sorta_bar and the external text can be split into left aligned, centered, right aligned blocks, or any combination, by placing a &L or &C or &R at the appropriate spot in your text.
Here's a pic:
Last edited by moetunes (2012-03-09 04:38:25)
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
Thanks man. Everything seems fine now. It's flying right along again! I see what you mean about the focus. That's fine with me. Do what you think is best. I'll have to play around with the bar a little too.
Thanks man. Everything seems fine now. It's flying right along again! I see what you mean about the focus. That's fine with me. Do what you think is best. I'll have to play around with the bar a little too.
If the bar is giving you problems I might know something about a fix
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
Aaand??? I'm not having any problems(with the bar), I just meant I'll play with the new changes you made. Unless you know something I don't
I was just fishing.., you've done well with bug reporting.
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
Some snapwm news.
So everything that's in the rc file is covered, there's a couple of extra options in the config.h file now.
static const char *defaultdesktopnames[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", };
static const char defaultfont[] = "-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*";
These are all the defines from the config.h:
#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
#define RCFILE "/home/pnewm/.snapwmrc"
#define STATUS_BAR 0 /* 1=Don't 0=Make the bar */
/* Mod (Mod1 == alt) (Mod4 == Super/windows) */
#define MOD1 Mod1Mask
#define MOD4 Mod4Mask
#define DESKTOPS 6 /* Must edit DESKTOPCHANGE keys to suit */
// The settings from here to defaultfont[] are in the rc file, which has precedence,
// so if the rc file all has these 15 options they don't have to be changed.
#define UF_ALPHA 75 /* Percentage transparency for unfocused windows - 100 to turn off */
#define MASTER_SIZE 55
#define BORDER_WIDTH 2
#define ATTACH_ASIDE 1 /* 1=Don't 0=Place new window in the stack */
#define TOP_STACK 0 /* 1=Don't 0=Place new window at the top of the stack when using ATTACH_ASIDE*/
#define DEFAULT_MODE 0 /* 0=Vertical, 1=Fullscreen 2=Horizontal 3=grid*/
#define FOLLOW_MOUSE 0 /* 1=Don't 0=Focus the window the mouse just entered */
#define CLICK_TO_FOCUS 1 /* 1=Don't 0=Focus an unfocused window when clicked */
#define TOP_BAR 0 /* 1=Don't 0=Have the bar at the top instead of the bottom */
#define SHOW_BAR 0 /* 1=Don't 0=Have the bar shown at startup */
#define SHOW_NUM_OPEN 1 /* 1=Dont' 0=Show the number of open windows in the switcher */
static const char *defaultdesktopnames[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", };
static const char *defaultcolor[] = { "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff", "#000000", "#ffffff", "#ffff00", "#ff00ff", "#f0f0f0", "#0f0f0f", };
static const char *defaultmodename[] = { "[0]", "[1]", "[2]", "[3]", };
static const char defaultfont[] = "-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*";
All the options in the rc file
# lines starting with a hash are ignored
# theme colours are : focused window border and desktop in switcher
# unfocused window border and desktop in switcher and bar background
# unfocused desktop in switcher with opened windows
# the bars border
# the focused window name font in the status bar/also for external text
# the desktop switcher font/also for external text
# three more colours for the external text
THEME #443311,#002030,#004050,#001020,#999999,#777755,#339933,#aa6644,#ffffff,
# For transparent unfocused windows if using a compositor e.g. cairo-compmgr
MODENAME [V],[F],[h],[G],
DESKTOP_NAMES one,two,three,four,five,six,
FONTNAME "-*-clean-*-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
In both dminiwm and snapwm if I deleted a bookmark entry in firefox the menu would disappear, it's been bugging me for a while so I've finally pushed a fix for that.
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
On my bar, the part with the window title is getting cut off. I noticed it before but wasn't really bothered by it. It's more noticeable with a minimal status script though. Is there any way to extend the window title part so it shows as much as possible of it? Is that what you meant before? If not, it's not a big deal at all. Here's a screenshot so you can see what I mean:
I am on a netbook if that has anything to do with it.
I also noticed that CLICKTOFOCUS isn't in the sample rc file. Thanks
Last edited by stlarch (2012-03-31 15:32:32)
Also, is there a way to have no apps defined for specific desktops like in dwm:
static Rule rules[] = {
/* class instance title tags mask isfloating */
{ NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, False },
I tried a couple things but couldn't figure out how to do it. Thanks again
Have you seen how long the window name can be? There's no limit it seems. I had to have some easy way of knowing where the end of that part of the bar was so I hardcoded a limit of 35 characters, which seemed to be ok here for most apps. It shouldn't be too hard to add an option in the config and rc file to change that if that'll help. I'll push that in a bit with clicktofocus too.
You want to be able to have a particular desktop not ever be used, never have an app open on it? Is there something running on the root window of the desktop you want to be able to see easily? That shouldn't be hard to add, if an app tries to open on it I'd just send it to the next desktop perhaps?
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
Some snapwm news.
I've added clicktofocus to the rc file and added the option to adjust the displayed length of the current window's name in the bar to the config and rc files.
New options are:
#define WINDOW_NAME_LENGTH 35 /* Character length for the current window's name in the bar */
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
Thank you. That's even better. I have it set at 0 so it doesn't show a window title at all. To be honest, I always found that to be annoying and mostly useless anyway. I think lolilolicon wrote a patch for dwm to do something similar but I never tried it.
You want to be able to have a particular desktop not ever be used, never have an app open on it? Is there something running on the root window of the desktop you want to be able to see easily? That shouldn't be hard to add, if an app tries to open on it I'd just send it to the next desktop perhaps?
I should have been more clear. I just don't want any apps to have any special rules. Here's a link to noapps in dwm, . Maybe that will make more sense than I am. Right now I just have
// Applications to a specific desktop
static const Convenience convenience[] = { \
/* class desktop follow 1=Don't 0=Change the desktop*/
{ "MPlayer", 4, 0 },
but I'd rather not have anything defined. If it's not possible, I could always define something that I don't use very often.
One of the reasons for showing the window's name is if I have an unsaved file the window's name has an asterix at the front which I find useful.
To have no apps open on a specific desktop, just don't list any:
static const Convenience convenience[] = { };
edit: There hasn't been a pic for a while, here's one with just the basics:
Last edited by moetunes (2012-04-01 07:25:05)
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
Cool, thanks.
I made a version of dminiwm for multiple monitors, and have kept it under 1000 sloc. Somehow.
Here's a pic
That's with a 1366x768 laptop and 1280x1024 tft.
The only thing I did to set the X session up was add
xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1366x768
xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1280x1024 --right-of LVDS1
to .xinitrc.
It puts a different desktop on each screen, so with 2 monitors and 3 desktops, desktops one and three will be on monitor 1 and desktop 2 will be on monitor 2.
Seems to work fine with just one monitor too.
If you want to have a play with it you can find it here.
Last edited by moetunes (2012-04-03 02:41:10)
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.