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#151 2012-08-24 17:34:52

Registered: 2010-03-16
Posts: 1,543

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

Ok, here are my issues with flash:

1. Already as it is, flash decoding is getting VERY cpu intensive. If I disable hardware acceleration, it will be even worse, making my laptop a hotplate.
2. I don't care about security. I just want smooth and cpu-light flash playback which seems to be a holy grail on linux since I first started with it in 2006.
3. I installed the  libvdpau-git-flashpatch package from AUR and at the end it prompted me to uninstall  libvdpau, which I did. I rebooted. The changes in the conf file were already there as per instruction. And things still are blue and orange, except in the wrong order.


#152 2012-08-26 09:46:58

Registered: 2008-11-14
Posts: 2,428

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

As already suggested, try also to export VDPAU_NVIDIA_NO_OVERLAY=1  somewhere system-wide

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#153 2013-02-07 11:07:55

Registered: 2011-05-20
Posts: 300

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

Sorry for necrobumping but after reading the whole 7 pages this is everything but solved. Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet?


#154 2013-02-07 11:13:24

Registered: 2010-03-16
Posts: 1,543

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

Just a workaround:
I am using chrome for websites containing flash videos.
They also work in Opera, but 90% of cases colours switch to inverted after couple of playbacks.


#155 2013-02-07 11:21:39

Registered: 2010-06-06
Posts: 149

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

I completely switched to chromium and chromium-pepper-flash.


#156 2013-02-07 11:33:04

Registered: 2011-05-20
Posts: 300

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

Does pepper support hardware acceleration via vdpau?


#157 2013-02-07 14:36:17

Registered: 2010-06-06
Posts: 149

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

theGunslinger wrote:

Does pepper support hardware acceleration via vdpau?

As far as I know no.A quick search reveals nothing.


#158 2013-02-07 16:18:52

the sad clown
From: 192.168.0.X
Registered: 2011-03-20
Posts: 837

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

Google Chrome does have a video acceleration API: … px=MTExMTQ

You could try enabling it and see if it works, although it might only function with intel graphics (VAAPI).

Edit: It almost certainly won't benefit your Nvidia card: … 8a7e?fwc=1

I laugh, yet the joke is on me


#159 2013-02-07 16:21:52

Registered: 2009-08-25
Posts: 3,607

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

theGunslinger wrote:

Sorry for necrobumping but after reading the whole 7 pages this is everything but solved. Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet?

Only Adobe can provide a solution, but they stopped updating flash except for security fixes. However, libvdpau works around it, so you should not see this issue anymore.

Last edited by Gusar (2013-02-07 16:22:27)


#160 2013-02-07 17:04:01

Registered: 2011-05-20
Posts: 300

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

Gusar wrote:
theGunslinger wrote:

Sorry for necrobumping but after reading the whole 7 pages this is everything but solved. Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet?

Only Adobe can provide a solution, but they stopped updating flash except for security fixes. However, libvdpau works around it, so you should not see this issue anymore.

Well there is no blue tint but if I enable HW acc in mms.cfg it crashes constantly (it crashes within the first second of the video)
export VDPAU_NVIDIA_NO_OVERLAY=1 does not help and if I turn it off I don't get the gpu acceleration and my weak processor goes to 100% even at 360p.


#161 2013-02-08 12:02:04

Registered: 2009-08-25
Posts: 3,607

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

theGunslinger wrote:

Well there is no blue tint but if I enable HW acc in mms.cfg it crashes constantly

Don't enable HW accel, then smile. You still get hardware presentation, just decoding will be done in software.

theGunslinger wrote:

if I turn it off I don't get the gpu acceleration and my weak processor goes to 100% even at 360p.

There must be something else weird going on. My netbook can do 360p, and there even presentation is done in software.


#162 2013-02-21 19:12:58

From: Greece
Registered: 2011-05-01
Posts: 233

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

So the issue has been fixed from within libvdpau and I have proper playback in Firefox but in Opera, videos are still blueish...

Off topic: Since Opera becomes more and more buggy its time for me to change browser after 7 years!

Proud Arch Linux user since 2007.


#163 2013-02-21 19:43:32

Registered: 2010-03-16
Posts: 1,543

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

twilight0 wrote:

Off topic: Since Opera becomes more and more buggy its time for me to change browser after 7 years!

I've been thinking about it, too, but switching to Firefox is like changing an unreliable coupe for an icecream truck.


#164 2013-12-26 10:38:12

From: Australia
Registered: 2009-11-02
Posts: 110

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

Since this thread comes up high in search results for things like 'midori flash blue' and since this issue remains present in Midori (and reportedly some other browsers), I thought i'd post some current situation info:

The 'not crap' patch discussed here:

Gusar wrote:

There's one workaround that isn't crap. This one: … 00022.html

was accepted upstream, but the issue remains present with Youtube and some other flash videos, for some browsers.

I didn't test using earlier versions of Flash. From what i've been reading i expect it would work, but according to earlier posts in this thread; earlier 11.x versions come with a security risk but the latest 10.x doesn't have a security risk, however it is only 32bit and thus requires multilib and what not for 64bit users.

Right-clicking a flash video, going into settings and turning off hardware acceleration did fix the issue for me, but it also does disable HW acceleration and i watch one of my CPU cores getting smashed while i play higher quality Youtube vids. I expect this will be unacceptable for people on older or weak CPU or on a portable system with power usage and/or heat concerns.

Some other fixes in this thread didn't work for me.

What does still work is that 'nasty hack' patch on page 1:

Gusar wrote:

Flash issue when using vdpau. A nvidia developer created a hack, I'm trying to find it right now...

Edit: Found it: … tcount=104

of which i just put a package in AUR for because earlier mentioned AUR packages seem to now be gone (I assume due to the bug being fixed in Firefox and thus largely disregarded)
(Use the above AUR package at your own risk, i didn't read every git commit since then and check if there was security fixes.)

Midori bug report for this issue is here:

Last edited by Korrode (2013-12-26 10:44:34)

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#165 2013-12-26 12:58:59

Registered: 2009-08-25
Posts: 3,607

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

10.x is a security vulnerability too nowadays, Adobe is not updating it anymore.

And while the 'nasty hack' still works, there are 'non-nasty' attempts to get all browsers working, give this patch a try: … 00079.html. Especially check if it doesn't screw up video playback elsewhere, there's some people on the mailing list who think it might.

Then there's this patch, but it targets specifically Opera and Konqueror, so probably won't work with Midori.

Last edited by Gusar (2013-12-26 13:01:04)


#166 2013-12-26 13:56:17

From: Australia
Registered: 2009-11-02
Posts: 110

Re: [SOLVED] Blue tint on youtube videos. (Nvidia or flash problem)

Gusar wrote:

10.x is a security vulnerability too nowadays, Adobe is not updating it anymore.And while the 'nasty hack' still works, there are 'non-nasty' attempts to get all browsers working, give this patch a try: … 00079.html. Especially check if it doesn't screw up video playback elsewhere, there's some people on the mailing list who think it might.

Sadly, Midori is specifically mentioned as being a browser this patch could be troublesome with. … 00088.html

With that in mind i'll happily request my AUR package be renamed to libvdpau-midori-flashfix or something, if someone wants to package the above patch against current libvdpau and use the name i currently am.

Gusar wrote:

Then there's this patch, but it targets specifically Opera and Konqueror, so probably won't work with Midori.

Just tested it to be sure - indeed it didn't help for Midori.

Last edited by Korrode (2013-12-26 13:56:26)

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