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Would you mind sharing your conky config? Particularly interested in how you get the power rate to display. Or do you just use powertop?
I use a hacked conky lua that basically parse a couple of proc files. On my machine, /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/power_now and /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_now. I'm running a 3.3 kernel (but these /proc files have been there since 3.0 or before). from the path, I would not think its hardware specific.
I have put the files in (note that I have since commented out the fan and temp entries that have been moved in 3.4 that I have been experimenting with in the past 24hours).
Archer since 03/2009 - AUR packages
Over the last few days, I've switched my desktop around.
Gnome 3.2 + Compiz + Conky-lua-nv + AWN with DockbarX plugin
Theme: Fear-modified (gtk2/3 theme)
You'll notice in the 2nd screenshot, that AWN reflects windows, as you can see both Conky's reflection and Marlin too. Iin both cases, the launchers in the dock/panel appear above the reflections (as they should). I was able to get the reflections using Compiz' ~ 'winreflect' plugin, and the 'window rules' plugin (to affect the stacking order, to make sure AWN is always on top).
I'm still looking for a way to make fullscreen windows not overlap my dock/panel, but haven't really had any luck with that. Hopefully, i'll get that worked out soon though, it would be really nice if i could fullscreen my VMs, but still have my dock visible with no overlap. ~ That would look very clean and polished. Right now, i am using devilspie to 'undecorate' and 'maximize' my VMs, which is nice too, but ideally fullscreen would look cleaner.
JokerBoy wrote:Can you share your .Xresources and the weather thing in your statusbar? … lours/dark and the weather thing it's a `wget` to accuweather.
Arch64/DWM || My Dropbox referral link
Over the last few days, I've switched my desktop around.
Gnome 3.2 + Compiz + Conky-lua-nv + AWN with DockbarX plugin
Theme: Fear-modified (gtk2/3 theme)
Can I have your wallpaper?
Last edited by OK100 (2012-04-03 16:02:28)
Details in image
Can you share browsers usercss?
Gnome Shell Theme: Zukitwo-shell
GTK Theme: Adwaita
Window Theme: Zukitwo
Icon Theme: Faenza
gazj wrote:Sorry, I mean the graphic surrounding your window and the graphic containing your window buttons etc. i.e the theme for xfwm (xfce window manager), if you use xfwm, looks like you might be using compiz with emerald.
ThxOhh, right. Yes, I am running emerald (it's been running so smoothly that I forgot about it). The theme is "a new hope", you can find it here.
Thanks friguat, it looks great
Unia wrote:JokerBoy wrote:Can you share your .Xresources and the weather thing in your statusbar? … lours/dark and the weather thing it's a `wget` to accuweather.
I already got that colorscheme, but it's not the colors your ls (if that's what it is) shows. Can I get those colors?
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
scottjad wrote:Details in image
Can you share browsers usercss? … r-theme.js
Only works with Conkeror as is, if you make it work with another browser please share.
.:B:. wrote:Would you mind sharing your conky config? Particularly interested in how you get the power rate to display. Or do you just use powertop?
I use a hacked conky lua that basically parse a couple of proc files. On my machine, /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/power_now and /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_now. I'm running a 3.3 kernel (but these /proc files have been there since 3.0 or before). from the path, I would not think its hardware specific.
I have put the files in (note that I have since commented out the fan and temp entries that have been moved in 3.4 that I have been experimenting with in the past 24hours).
Thank you!
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Do you mind sharing your .Xresources for urxvt colors and .tinit2rc for panel, please?
Discovering the joys of dwm... mostly the same though.
Do you like font ?
No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.
gjm wrote:Openbox you mind sharing your .Xresources for urxvt colors and .tinit2rc for panel, please?
All configs @
decided to port all my colour schemes from jellybeans vim theme to solarized
Can you post your Pentadactyl theme and css file for Firefox?
Details in image
What's this "cons" tool you use there? It's impossible to google for, and if it's about playing youtube videos, I'm interested.