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I'm also curious how many users use the tilegaps and borders. If you use either of these, please let me know.
As you've likely already guessed, I've never used, nor seen the need for borders, myself, and so tilegaps are just a waste of space also. I pretty much exclusively use monocle mode so borders just distract my eyes. I like to use ttwm the way it was originally conceptualized, but I can see people that actually use tiling might find borders useful. In the early days--not that ttwm is very old (a whole seven months)--I just got used to a no border look.
The statusbar redraw works fine again--sometimes you're just too smart for your own good, Trilby.
edit: As far as breakage goes, I tend to keep a working package backed up so I can reinstall if I need to. To tell the truth, nothing has ever been severely messed up for me--just the odd little glitch.
Last edited by bgc1954 (2013-03-17 17:29:27)
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz
I've just made some substantial changes wich called for many changes to the default config. Merge carefully.
Details of the changes can be seen in this github discussion. In a nutshell, I've replaced the "ttwm" tiling modes, with an option to select how many windows should be visible in the stack of rstack/bstack.
This value can be set at compile time (set stackcount to 1 to get ttwm-1.0 style tiling). It can, however, also be adjusted with key bindings: mod+ or mod- to increase or decrease the number of visible stack clients or mod< or mod> to set stackcount to 1 or all.
EDIT: oops, I created a window focus bug ... standby. Fixed.
Last edited by Trilby (2013-03-19 18:18:53)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Well, I feel a little guilty for having dominated the issue tracker on the github, so I am sorry for that. But, as of your latest update, the only thing I could possibly want out of TTWM that I don't already have is support as a Wayland compositor (but that's far off anyway, and not something I'm all that concerned about).
Your work has been amazing Trilby, and you have been extremely responsive and helpful, as you always are. I cannot describe how happy I am to have switched to TTWM. Thank you for this great piece of software!
All the best,
Wow, a guy can't even leave his computer alone for a day without things turning upside down--just kidding. Really, for me, all the changes I wouldn't have noticed anyway since I mostly use monocle mode or bstack without any tags. I started out trying to cut and paste changes in config.h/.ttwm_conf.h but that was too confusing--you were right about being careful with the merge, Trilby. It was much easier to start fresh and do the few keybinding changes that I use.
I now seem to have a small glitch where long titles from one tab--posting here on the forum in luakit--carry over to a tab for a terminal I started first to do a pacman update. That is using monocle mode. It is worse if I use bstack since the one tab is shorter and the two titles in the one tab overlap each other. Something to keep you busy for a few minutes I'm sure.
Edit: Just noticed that if I start luakit first and then a terminal there isn't the same problem.
Last edited by bgc1954 (2013-03-20 15:25:45)
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz
Does it look like the title isn't trimmed at all with a large overlap, or does it look like innacurate trimming with only a bit of overlap?
Either one would be a bug, but these would indicate the problem was in two different places. I can't replicate it here - but I'll try different fonts - if the latter symptom is the case, this could depend on font widths that I haven't properly accounted for. Edit: I have accounted for these, so my first thought on this isn't the problem. Just the same, knowing which symptom it is would help.
Last edited by Trilby (2013-03-20 15:35:44)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
They say a picture is worth a thousand words so here it is:in monocle and
in bstack.
I'm using terminus-font with -*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* in my .ttwm_conf.h. I have no problem if I start luakit fist, then a terminal. If I would have explained it better, you would have gotten a better idea. The long title is truncated and then pasted in the other tab.
edit: layout change with thumbnails.
Last edited by bgc1954 (2013-03-20 16:05:25)
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz
Hey Trilby I found this think it is a fork in your windows manager.
Yup, it definitely is. That reminds me, I need to add a proper license notice to the code.
That seems to be a very odd floating WM, though. Ttwm was built on tinyWM which is a perfectly capable floater (at 40 lines of code). But tfwm is almost as long as ttwm and only removed a couple small bits.
Last edited by Trilby (2013-03-20 18:52:48)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
So, can I ask a clarification question? Is this thread supposed to be discussion about TTWM only, or can it double as a TTWM config/desktop share thread? And, should bugs be reported here, or on the github issues page?
I've been using the github issues page because it seems more logical, but if it's easier for you that we report them here, that's not a problem. And I was kind of tempted to start a "Share your TTWM config/desktop" thread, but I'm not sure if that would make sense. Thoughts?
All the best,
I'm open to getting bugs/errors in either place. I previously suggested that this forum was easier for me - but then I actually started using github more productively. That system is actually great. But as this was an arch-born project, I'm happy to get feedback/bugs here to. So in short: whichever you prefer - I watch both.
This thread will also get updates whenever I make noteworthy changes and when 2.0 reaches what I feel is a beta state, rc, or a final release.
A share your config thread would be great - but that'd probably be best in it's own separate thread - go for it.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I just pushed the final multi-monitor code. It's final as in fully written - I would not be surprised if it is also fully broken.
I have not tested the major revisions on my multimonitor setup yet, so beware. I have tested it on my single monitor system and it has no immediately detectable side-effects - so any breakage it causes should only be to multi-monitor which I'll test here tomorrow.
I ammended my roadmap list on page 14. I still have to clean up many accessory functions (focus cycling, fullscreening, etc) to work well in multimonitor setups.
The fun part of this new implementation is that ttwm can support any arbitrary number (kinda ... up to 16) of monitors: if xrandr can handle it, ttwm can manage the windows.
The multimonitor model is as follows: each window is assigned a monitor number (in addition to tags/flags and other info). If the monitor number is higher than the number of available monitors, the window is placed on the highest numbered monitor, otherwise it is placed on the monitor matching its number. Windows can have their monitor number incremented or decremented with keybindings in config.h.
Monitors all share the same tags and views.
EDIT: I've done away with the monitor function as I learned about Xlib events from XRandR. So now you will just set your screens however you like (use xrandr from xinitrc, or call xrandr from within a running session) and TTWM will catch the event, and adjust its monitor data structures to match.
Current roadmap to 2.0:
1) Fix title bug described by bgc. (edit: done)
2) Patch up functions for multi-monitor. (edit: done ... I think)
3) Make nicer looking tabs. (edit: done - see new colors in config.h)
4) Crush bugs.
Suggestions not forgotten, but held for 2.1:
1) Tab "icons" using 1-color user defined icons
- I will write the code, if users contribute icons for common applications
Last edited by Trilby (2013-03-29 20:43:32)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Trilby - from what I can tell so far, titles are behaving nicely on my end, now, thx. Seems to be fine in monocle, bstack and rstack.
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz
I have been reconsidering the name as mentioned several posts up. The TT was never quite right - is it Tiny Tiler, or Tabbed Tiler.
I could go with T4 for Trilby's Tiny Tabbed Tiler, but in addition to being a thyroid hormone, T4 was apparently the name of a Nazi euthanasia program. I may want to avoid that association which is the first web search result.
Creative name suggestions - particularly ones that lend themselves to a nice logo or mascot would be great. I love XCB's Neko, even though I don't use XCB, nor do I see how Neko connects with XCB except as an arbitrarily chosen mascot.
(edit: typos)
Last edited by Trilby (2013-03-25 13:32:32)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Trilby, have you considered "TabWM"?
All the best,
'Nazi euthanasia program' sounds like a great name for window manager, NepWM.
'What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.' - Christopher Hitchens
'There's no such thing as addiction, there's only things that you enjoy doing more than life.' - Doug Stanhope
GitHub Junkyard
@HG, Like Tab?
Thanks for the suggestion, but that seems to be going in the wrong direction. That's now only one of the T's. I don't need, necessarily, a descriptive name. I like names with a bit of creativity - but still with some connection to what they do.
Leela, my (WIP) pdf tool, was so named becuase it uses the poppler library. Poppler was named after the critters in Futurama, and Leela was the character who supported and tried to free the popplers ... until she just ate them. So leela became my poppler-tool name.
Iocane is my mouse simulation tool that poisons rodents. I hope the iocane poison reference can go without explanation (if not, google it).
Interrobang has bang syntax (I struggled with the name for this one for a bit, but I like interrobang). It has bang syntax, and it allows you to ask your computer to do something ... so interrobang.
Slider was a simple descriptive name for my presentation tool, and Slipper was a fun name for the companion presenter-mode tool.
Swifer is ok ... not the best name.
Then there is TTWM. It just doesn't fit.
@kazak, thanks, that's the right direction - a bit witty and irrevrerant. Lets see what else we can get.
Last edited by Trilby (2013-03-25 13:29:51)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I'll throw my hat in the ring--so to speak. How about a variant on a theme of T4 and turn it around to be fortee window manager--interesting definition of fortee BTW.
Another direction may be something like lidwm or capwm or topperwm--keeping with the trilby theme. My personal favorite would be topper--ttwm is tops in my book.
Edit: Perhaps something that combines four t's and tabs with a bar--maybe fortabar.
Edit: Something you've done recently with tabs or statusbar effects going to fullscreen automatically like it used too. Not a big deal as you can still use mod+f or hide the bar with mod+a--just saying.
Last edited by bgc1954 (2013-03-25 18:22:39)
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz
Tippi - a nickname of Nathalie Hedren, the actress that starred in Alfred Hitchcock's movie 'The Birds' based on a novel written by Daphne du Maurier, which is a granddaughter of George du Maurier that is responsible for the novel 'Trilby', whose title was used later as a name for a type of headwear.
'What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.' - Christopher Hitchens
'There's no such thing as addiction, there's only things that you enjoy doing more than life.' - Doug Stanhope
GitHub Junkyard
Aha! What an obscure connection Kaszak. I knew the trilby originated from a stage prop which was better for theather than "real" fedoras*, but I was not familiar with the original novel. Upon a brief wikipedia read, I see George du Maurier was as much known for satirical comics which coined many commonly used phrases - and some not so common anymore including "Curate's egg".
The curate's egg may have to be an option.
* Hence my use of a Trilby on the forums here: it's like Fedora, but lighter weight. OK, that was really just an after-the-fact justification for keeping the name I came up with by looking what was open in my other browser tab at the time of registering on these forums - I had just ordered a hat.
Edit: Aparently there's also a connection between Marier's grandchildren and Peter Pan.
EDIT: another candidate is Latin for tiler: tegulatoris. That could easily have a good mascot - a tiny little dinosaur.
Last edited by Trilby (2013-03-25 22:02:17)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Something you've done recently with tabs or statusbar effects going to fullscreen automatically like it used too. Not a big deal as you can still use mod+f or hide the bar with mod+a--just saying.
Just found and fixed that.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
EDIT: another candidate is Latin for tiler: tegulatoris. That could easily have a good mascot - a tiny little dinosaur.
No, that comes too close to monsterwm Let alone having to type it all the time when troubleshooting / reporting bugs / doing feature requests.
Also, from now on I will call you mister Hat. I had no idea Trilby was a type of hat.
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
bgc1954 wrote:Something you've done recently with tabs or statusbar effects going to fullscreen automatically like it used too. Not a big deal as you can still use mod+f or hide the bar with mod+a--just saying.
Just found and fixed that.
Thanks, Trilby.
Tile is also Old English slang for hat so they all kind of tie in together. A guy with a hat avitar creates a tiler. So tile in Latin tegula or tigule, tigele (OE) also seem appropriate. I agree with Unia that tegulatoris seems a bit long.
Last edited by bgc1954 (2013-03-26 15:39:41)
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz
I finally just tested the multimonitor mode ... and boy did it fail.
But I believe I was able to fully patch it up into working form now. There have been a few minor changes to the default config.h for this.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Just FYI, if you wish to share your desktop screenshot or config.h/.ttwm_conf.h it's here: … 5#p1247125
Not much activiety since I posted but I'll assume there's not that many of us that are converted to ttwm or perhaps we're a quiet bunch.
Edit: Just noticed, Diablo is starting fine now for some reason , but I am seeing that in luakit I can't click on my bookmarks properly--I need to click above them to activate them properly. Mouse focus seems a bit off. I don't know what that was???
Last edited by bgc1954 (2013-03-27 03:24:23)
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz