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[sushi@ArchHeaven ~]$ aurbuild -su
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/aurbuild", line 508, in ?
aur_cans = get_foreign()
File "/usr/bin/aurbuild", line 469, in get_foreign
repo_packages += os.listdir(db_root + repo)
OSError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/var/lib/pacman/wget-log'
Whats wrong?
Album reviews (in german):
Download the PKGBUILD here run makepkg and install it. Should work.
Sorry for the constant updates but this one is fairly important.
--builddeps will no longer build its dependencies in /var/abs through sudo makepkg. Now relevant build files from dependencies are copied into aurbuild's work directory in $HOME/.aurbuild and built there as normal user -following the dependency tree of course.
*Several bug fixes. --updgrade should cause no problems now.
I´m using aurbuild to build and install packages from aur.
But there´s something that makes me confused.
I tried to install 3 pacakges with AUR. All building stops at some point with an error.
Than i tried to build the packages bye downloading the PKGBUILD and use makepkg (sudo makepkg -ci). That way work for all 3 packages.
You´ve got any ideas what the problem could be?
sudo makepkg -ci
ok here's the thing. If any of you people cannot build a package with aurbuild and suspect it is the program causeing the trouble, down load the build files and build the package as user not root. If it builds then I need to know and give me as many details as possible.
The problem with building as root is that a poor PKGBUILD could have allowed the building to modify the root filesystem instead of keeping in pkg/ as it should.
The first two packages you mentioned build fine for me. Were you getting errors from makepkg indicating a failed build (Error building, aborting...) or stack traces from aurbuild? If so please post them
I don´ know what happens since yesterday.
But today i could build all 3 packages with aurbuild.
Made some finishing touches for1.0 release. This will be it for development (yes Dusty it is).
If you experience any trouble ie. bugs, aur updates, etc, etc. please notify me here or by email.
[macieks@Komp_607 ../abs/local/openoffice-pl]$ aurbuild -su
kadu-svn: no updates
openoffice-pl: no updates
Target: skype_dsp_hijacker-0.6-3
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n]
ksubeditor: no updates
xmbmon: no updates
:: dvdauthorwizard: local (0.96-1) appears to be newer than aur (0.93-1)
unace: no updates
:: openoffice-spell-pl: local (20060131-1) appears to be newer than aur (20051029-1)
aurbuild: no updates
and nothing... why? when i type Y ENTER it builds the pkg. So mayby the [Y/n] should be replaced with [y/n] ?
I suggest a little patch:
if choice != 'y' and choice != 'yes':
should be replaced with:
if choice != 'y' and choice != 'yes' and choice != '':
Thanks for pointing that out MAC!EK, its been uploaded to aur.
I also added a new swtich -o, --makepkg-opts= to pass options to makepkg during the build.
-o, --makepkg-opts=OPTS
This will allow the passing of options directly to makepkg during the build process. It uses the single character format (-xyz versus
--xaa --yaa --zaa) to allow more than one option to be passed at a time. Please note that aurbuild will always pass -f to makepkg by
default and that some options will not work under non-root operation. Also note that the use of this switch is optional and normaly
not needed to build most packages. Below is an example of how to use:Example:
makepkg -Bn --> aurbuild -so Bn foo or aurbuild --syncdeps --makepkg-opts=Bn foo
WHAT!? You're still working on it? ;-)
I couldn't stand to update it just for a yes/no bug.
'Twas very simple.
[macieks@Komp_607 ~]$ aurbuild -su
kadu-svn: no updates
openoffice-pl: no updates
skype_dsp_hijacker: no updates
ksubeditor: no updates
xmbmon: no updates
:: dvdauthorwizard: local (0.96-1) appears to be newer than aur (0.93-1)
unace: no updates
:: openoffice-spell-pl: local (20060131-1) appears to be newer than aur (20051029-1)
Target: aurbuild-1.1-1
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n]
and it opens nano with aurbuild.install before it shows the menu with options, mayby it's intended.
After upgrade aurbuild -s aurbuild shows the same.
Yes, it is intentional:
Feature Request #167.32:
If an install file exists, you are forced to look at it unless the package is marked safe - the reason being that malicious .install files are the only real security hole here, due to the 'sudo' installation...
oh i understand now... aurbuild is not marked SAFE after your update
YAFR (Yet Another Feature Request): I'd like to see an option to just download the package's tarball from the aur to the current directory since now it just vaporizes when aurbuild exits.
I've found that in a lot of cases some customisation of the pkgbuild is requred before the package suits me, and this might need a couple (or more) tryies, which is inconvenient through aurbuild's UI (as it is the repeated downloading of the tarball).
On the other hand, aurbuild is far more convenient in searching packages in the aur than the web interface.I miss only this one
hmm.. thats a good point I thought about this a few times myself. I'd like to expand on that even -maybe a --download switch to download and extract the files in ~/.aurbuild and --resume switch to finish it off which will look that directory for the build files instead of downloading from aur again. Just an idea churning. I'll have to work on it later, I've been a bit busy lately.
EDIT: or on second thought maybe a --confirm switch which will prompt the user to confirm aurbuild to exit once you have a build you like otherwise loop through the menu stage and on. That way you can keep your changes to the buildfiles...
ok, added a --save and --local swtich. Hopefully this will work out for those of you wanting to keep the build files so you may fine tune them and re-run the program without having to download again from AUR.
-e, --save
Save the build files extracted from the tarball in AUR to the directory ~/.aursave/<PKGNAME>. If a dependency installation method is
not specified, the files will be saved and the program will exit. If one is specified, the files will be saved after the menu stage
then continue on as normal.-l, --local
Look in ~/.aursave for the build files instead of AUR. Because this does a top-level search, you are free to re-organize the contents
of ~/.aursave into logical parent and child directories if you so wish provided that 1) The orginal directory name of the package
remains the same and 2) No two directory names exist for the same package. You must specify a dependency installation method with this
switch. Note that these build files are copied into ~/.aurbuild for the build and that any changes made to them during the menu stage
will not change those in ~/.aursave. If you do wish to keep those changes, simply append the --save swtich.
Hi everybody!
I'm using aurbuild for a couple of days now. After installing XMLTV (I'm going to use MythTV later on) I wanted to install all the dependencies needed to run xmltv. And here's the problem: Most of them are only available within AUR. So what I want to know is if there is a possible way to install missing dependencies using aurbuild? I don't want to end up dealing with dependencies like I had to do back when using RPMs. If aurbuild cannot handle it, is there another way to deal with it?
Is there any reason why aurbuild doesn't solve dependency problems???
it will handle dependencies that are found in 'official' repos automatically but not those found in unsupported. The reason being that automaticaly installing dependencies from unsupported is not 'safe' without carefully examining the PKGBUILD -as everything in unsupported can be potentionaly dangerous to your system. Yes, I could run them through the menu first but I'm afraid theat would lead to confusion and lazyness to even check it. Honestly, I'm really not comfortable with the idea at all.
You can however, determine your dependencies from unsupported and add them yourself in one shot as follows:
aurbuild -s dep1 dep2 dep3 pkg
Thanks for the quick reply!
Well I was more thinking of an extra option (like aurbuild -r or something) so the user can decide for himself if he want's to take the risk. Like it's already done with the options -s or -b when he decides to use existing dependencies or build them from abs. But anyway.... it was only a thought....
Dealing with dependencies by using the as arguments can also bee a pain in the butt, because in the case of xmltv sometimes the dependencies also have things they depend on which again are only available in the AUR. I did this once and it was pretty much the same like dealing with rpms. So maybe somebody has some better idea about that.....
Thanks anyway!
When I'm aurbuilding a package dependend on mplayer and have mplayer-cvs installed aurbuild reports dependency missing.
logic error -I never made it look at the provides info in the database. Should be fixed now, just update it.
can you add a option which skip depcheck ?