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Yeah, i tried it already, but it doesn't work.
ls -la /tmp
razem 14
drwxrwxrwt 11 root root 480 sty 31 08:41 .
drwxr-xr-x 22 root root 544 gru 23 19:52 ..
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 72 sty 31 08:38 .ICE-unix
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 11 sty 31 08:37 .X0-lock
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 72 sty 31 08:37 .X11-unix
srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 sty 31 08:37 .gdm_socket
drwx------ 3 z3ppelin users 72 sty 31 08:38 gconfd-z3ppelin
drwx------ 2 z3ppelin users 72 sty 31 08:38 keyring-1Nt5co
srwx------ 1 z3ppelin users 0 sty 31 08:38 mapping-z3ppelin
drwx------ 2 z3ppelin users 744 sty 31 08:41 orbit-z3ppelin
drwxr-xr-x 3 root users 80 sty 31 08:40 screens
drwx------ 2 z3ppelin users 80 sty 31 08:38 ssh-HmiWdR3380
-rw------- 1 root root 898 sty 31 08:40 tmpHYigG6.gz
-rw------- 1 root root 898 sty 31 08:41 tmpe9X3rk.gz
drwx------ 2 z3ppelin users 48 sty 31 08:38 virtual-z3ppelin.vtriEk
Last edited by z3ppelin (2007-01-31 07:43:24)
try this patch:
i can't build codeblocks-svn package . i tried building it with versionpkg and makepkg but i get the same error at the end:
==> Compressing package...
==> Finished making: codeblocks-svn (Wed Jan 31 13:09:54 CET 2007)
Error: could not find the built package.
In some cases this might mean the PKGDEST location does not have write permissions
for the `aurbuild' user or group.
Actually that message is wrong. It should be write AND EXECUTE rights to the PKGDEST directory.
Sorry about that. When I tested this I just gave that directory all rights to aurbuild and assumed write rights would be enough...
Perhaps I'm alone in this, but I seem to encounter many instances when I want to build a package that's in community, but aurbuild doesn't allow this. Would it be possible to prompt the user if they wish to continue to build the package after the warning about the package being in community?
(The current situation I encountered this with is wanting to build a package from community for python 2.5.)
I am a gated community.
-v1.7.4 (February 10, 2007)
* Fixed permission errors while extracting the AUR tarball.
* Corrected message about needing write AND EXECUTE permissions on the $PKGDEST in main script and man page.
* Added -f, --official to build official packages found in /var/abs/.
* Added [community] package support by calling on aurbuild --official as needed (see COMMUNITY PACKAGES in man page for more details).
aurbuild -fs kernel26
a wonderful addition....
but bails on pacman -U if other packages depend on it...
if you makepkg locally you can use f, but there is no option to do so from aurbuild
Writing /var/tmp/aurbuild/build/python-numeric.25750/python-numeric/pkg/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Numeric/Numeric-24.2-py2.5.egg-info
creating /var/tmp/aurbuild/build/python-numeric.25750/python-numeric/pkg/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Numeric.pth
MA Version 12.2.0
Numeric Version 24.2
==> Removing info/doc files...
==> Compressing man pages...
==> Stripping debugging symbols from libraries...
==> Stripping symbols from binaries...
==> Generating .PKGINFO file...
==> Generating .FILELIST file...
==> Compressing package...
==> Finished making: python-numeric (Sun Feb 11 15:44:42 GMT 2007)
==> Leaving fakeroot environment...
==> Running pacman -U...
loading package data... done.
error: unsatisfied dependencies:
pycairo: requires python-numeric>=24.2-2
That output confuses the hell out of me and I don't understand what you are saying. Can you please walk through your exact steps again for me?
sudo aurbuild -sf python-numeric
as you can see from previuos post pkg builds fine, but will not install due to depends.
loading package data... done.
error: unsatisfied dependencies:
pycairo: requires python-numeric>=24.2-2
if I used makepkg in a directory and tried to install same error, but with the f swith pacman will proceed.
ah! f to pacman, gotchya.
It gives you the same error with makepkg this the only package you receive such errors or are all of them like this?
I'm not sure about adding -f to pacman -U. If someone gets an error like this, it should require user intervention to resolve it.
I could add a switch to aurbuild to pass to pacman like --builder-opts does but would it really be necessary? The need for it never crossed my mind..
without building every single pkg I wouldn't know, but there are probably moer than just the one, its circular dependancies that pacman doesn't handle very well, it's fine if theres a number increase, but same versions no..
I've updated the wiki to the current man page here. Its copied and pasted so it looks a little messed up but still readable. If anyone thinks they can improve it feel free.
Thanks stonecrest I'll make a note of how you did that for future updates.
Aurbuild can install dependencies through pacman before installing an AUR package, but it seems it can't remove the same dependencies if you decide to uninstall. Any solution to that? (How come only make deps are removable through aurbuild?)
as a feature request, may i add -sb and -bs what they would do is, if -s is specified first, it will try to sync, if its not fount it will try to build, and vicerversa
Simastrick: uninstalling packages is an operation for pacman to deal with. To remove a package and all of its deps as long as they are not being used by something else use pacman -Rs pkgname. The reason why only make deps are able to be removed is because they are dependencies require only for building. Regular dependencies, or depends, are required for runtime and thus cannot be removed.
hacosta: I don't have much time anymore see
The reason why only make deps are able to be removed is because they are dependencies require only for building. Regular dependencies, or depends, are required for runtime and thus cannot be removed.
Oh, yes, of course. Sorry, I think you misunderstood. I mean there seems to be no way to automatically remove runtime deps if the package itself is removed. This can mean that some unneeded deps will be left on the system.
It would be nice if aurbuild also kept track of installed deps, etc., so things can be uninstalled cleanly trough aurbuild as well.
(Yeah, I read you don't have time for aurbuild nowadays.)
Edit: If I remember correctly, the deps that aurbuild installs for a package (aurbuild -s) are "explicitly installed" (in pacman terminology), so they won't be removed through "pacman -Rs"
Last edited by Simastrick (2007-03-14 10:27:02)
argh i can't solve this problem...maybe it's related to the last night "lambrusco"
==> Compressing package...
==> Finished making: ttf-aquafont (Sun Apr 1 22:18:48 CEST 2007)
Error: could not find the built package.
In some cases this might mean the PKGDEST location does not have write and execute permissions
for the `aurbuild' user or group.
drwxrwxrwx 2 aurbuild root 4096 Apr 1 22:18 pkgs
[22:21:43 - 0/71 Mail - /root]# cat /etc/makepkg.conf | grep PKGDEST
please add this below line 628 and give me the results
print _PKGDEST, pkgname, pkgver, pkgrel, CARCH, PKGEXT
Also, please post your makepkg.conf.
mmm...something doesn't work:
`- lha: ok [M]
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
`- fontconfig: ok [D]
`- xorg-font-utils: ok [D]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/aurbuild", line 1266, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/aurbuild", line 1243, in main
else: pkgname = makepkgf(argo)
File "/usr/bin/aurbuild", line 629, in makepkgf
print _PKGDEST, pkgname, pkgver, pkgrel, CARCH, PKGEXT
NameError: global name '_PKGDEST' is not defined
my makepkg.conf
# /etc/makepkg.conf
#-- The FTP/HTTP download utility that makepkg should use to acquire sources
FTPAGENT="/usr/bin/wget --continue --passive-ftp --tries=3 --waitretry=3 --no-check-certificate"
#FTPAGENT="/usr/bin/lftpget -c"
#-- Exclusive: will only run on i686
# -mtune builds exclusively for an architecture
# -mcpu optimizes for an architecture, but builds for the whole processor family
CFLAGS="-march=i686 -O2 -pipe"
CXXFLAGS="-march=i686 -O2 -pipe"
#-- Make Flags: change this for DistCC/SMP systems
# Defaults: BUILDENV=(!fakeroot !distcc color !ccache)
#-- fakeroot: Allow building packages as a non-root user
#-- distcc: Use the Distributed C/C++/ObjC compiler
#-- color: Colorize output messages
#-- ccache: Use ccache to cache compilation
BUILDENV=(fakeroot !distcc color !ccache)
#-- If using DistCC, your MAKEFLAGS will also need modification. In addition,
#-- specify a space-delimited list of hosts running in the DistCC cluster.
# These are default values for the options=() settings
# Default: OPTIONS=(strip !docs !libtool emptydirs)
#-- strip: Strip symbols from binaries/libraries
#-- docs: Save doc and info directories
#-- libtool: Leave libtool (.la) files in packages
#-- emptydirs: Leave empty directories in packages
OPTIONS=(strip !docs libtool emptydirs)
#-- File integrity checks to use. Valid: md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512
#-- Info and doc directories to remove (if option set correctly above)
DOC_DIRS=(usr/{,share/}{info,doc,gtk-doc} opt/gnome/{,share/}{info,doc,gtk-doc})
# Default: put built package and cached source in build directory
#-- Destination: specify a fixed directory where all packages will be placed
#-- Source cache: specify a fixed directory where source files will be cached
#-- Packager: name/email of the person or organization building packages
#PACKAGER="John Doe <>"
# vim: set ft=sh ts=2 sw=2 et:
Are you sure you have the latest version, 1.7.8? Your line numbers are off by 20 to 40. Run
aurbuild --version
to see. There was a problem a while back that was taking the first alphabetical package in the PKGDEST directory and installing it over and over again. Perhaps thats what happened here.
I wiped my arch partition to reclaim some needed space yesterday. This tool will no longer be supported by myself. If someone else would like to hold the reins, feel free. A partial TODO list can be found here: … 41#p237341
Just email me if interested and I can setup an account on berlios.