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ArchaiosFiniks wrote:Is there anything else I could try?
Maybe you have a working wm in which you could try this:
git clone cd sxhkd make clean debug printf "a\n\techo hello" > foorc ./sxhkd -c foorc
Press a, and then ctrl + c.
What's the output?
keysym for 'Alt_L' is 0xFFE9.
keysym for 'Alt_R' is 0xFFEA.
keysym for 'Super_L' is 0xFFEB.
keysym for 'Super_R' is 0xFFEC.
keysym for 'Hyper_L' is 0xFFED.
keysym for 'Hyper_R' is 0xFFEE.
keysym for 'Mode_switch' is 0xFF7E.
keysym for 'Num_Lock' is 0xFF7F.
keysym for 'Scroll_Lock' is 0xFF14.
lock fields 16 2 0
key chord 65307 0
load configuration 'foorc'
a: echo hello
key chord 97 0
grab key 38 0
grab key 38 16
grab key 38 2
grab key 38 18
key press 38 16
key release 38 16
num active 0
Edit: I also realized that running the newly cloned sxhkd always shows some output, but the command "sxhkd" that comes from the sxhkd-git package doesn't show any output.
Last edited by ArchaiosFiniks (2013-09-11 15:24:29)
Window gaps are now local to a desktop.
I've generalized the config command to make this possible.
You can change the window gaps value for the focused desktop with:
bspc config -d focused window_gap <value>
Please note that the following:
bspc config window_gap <value>
will change it for all the desktops of all the monitors.
Is anyone experiencing issues with bspwm and Steam?
It seems that some mouse clicks do not register in some cases, or at least not correctly.
If I click on the "Library" button at the top of the screen, mouse over "All Games" and left-click, then the menu closes but nothing else happens.
If I do the same, but use the Enter button instead of left-clicking, then the menu closes and Steam navigates to the appropriate section.
Any ideas?
Is anyone experiencing issues with bspwm and Steam?
Any ideas?
I have an idea. Read previous forum posts or github issues.
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
Does the mapping-notify branch of sxhkd improve the situation?
It does. The keys are bound the way I expect.
Is anyone experiencing issues with bspwm and Steam?
As a workaround, I am able to open a menu, keep the mouse button held down, select the menu option, then release the button. It appears to work only for Steam, but it makes Steam nicer to use at least.
Most GTK+ 3 GtkComboBox (I think?) widgets continue to only work properly the first time I use them. Some others work fine, but they may be a different type of widget. Who knows. (I too have the "problematic" ~button1 \n bspc pointer -g focus keybind.)
Read previous forum posts or github issues.
Thanks for pointing me in that direction. I'll keep an eye on that github issue.
Is there a bspwm reload/reconfigure feature so you don't have to {super + alt + escape} then log back in every time.
Is there a bspwm reload/reconfigure feature so you don't have to {super + alt + escape} then log back in every time.
Yes, see the provided loop example.
Also, when I restore the window tree using the above method, bspc window -f DIR doesn't work.
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
Window gaps are now local to a desktop.
I've generalized the config command to make this possible.
You can change the window gaps value for the focused desktop with:
bspc config -d focused window_gap <value>
Please note that the following:
bspc config window_gap <value>
will change it for all the desktops of all the monitors.
You are a God. Thank you!
You are a God. Thank you!
Seriously, Bloom/Baskerville is amazing!
ArchaiosFiniks wrote:key press 38 16 hello
Seems to work fine.
Now you could try:
printf "super + Return\n\turxvt" > foorc ./sxhkd -c foorc
(You don't need to post the output.)
Found what was wrong
Turns out my home directory, /home/finiks, didn't have execute rights for some reason. It was drwxr--r--
I changed it and now everything works!
Time to mess around with configs now, thank you so much for your help, though!
I just started using bspwm. Boy is it neat! Thanks for this excellent window manager bloom. I am coming from i3, and the whole config and everything is actually quite comfortable. I do really like the idea of a simple socket to communicate with things.
For now, I am just using a slightly modified version of your provided script to run LenomBoy's bar. It works quite nicely.
I posted an install tutorial over here for anyone that is interested. Still working out some kinks, but it could prove useful to some: … or-dummies
Thanks for your contribution.
I have a few comments:
Make sure your ~/.xinitrc has executable permissions. If not, chmod +x ~/.xinitrc.
This is not needed in the general case but only for the display manager trick (ln -s ~/.xinitrc /usr/bin/xintirc).
The following environmental variables may or may not need to be defined:
bspwm will do fine without XDG_CONFIG_HOME but some scripts/programs might not.
BSPWM_SOCKET is facultative.
You can also print any errors by adding the following to the end of your exec line in ~/.xinitrc
2> ~/.bspwm.log
This might not be very useful as bspwm will halt in case of fatal error.
Last edited by bloom (2013-09-12 09:57:55)
earsplit wrote:I posted an install tutorial over here for anyone that is interested. Still working out some kinks, but it could prove useful to some: … or-dummiesThanks for your contribution.
I have a few comments:
earsplit wrote:Make sure your ~/.xinitrc has executable permissions. If not, chmod +x ~/.xinitrc.
This is not needed in the general case but only for the display manager trick (ln -s ~/.xinitrc /usr/bin/xintirc).
earsplit wrote:The following environmental variables may or may not need to be defined:
bspwm will do fine without XDG_CONFIG_HOME but some scripts/programs might not.
BSPWM_SOCKET is facultative.earsplit wrote:You can also print any errors by adding the following to the end of your exec line in ~/.xinitrc
2> ~/.bspwm.log
This might not be very useful as bspwm will halt in case of fatal error.
Thanks for your help. Some of those things were things I had to do in order to get it working on a much earlier release. Would you be interested in putting this in the bspwm wiki?
Also, typing in
bspc config window_gap
no longer returns the current gap size. Is this intended?
bspc config desktop -f window_gap
works as expected, and is a great feature btw
Last edited by earsplit (2013-09-12 14:04:28)
earsplit wrote:Make sure your ~/.xinitrc has executable permissions. If not, chmod +x ~/.xinitrc.
This is not needed in the general case but only for the display manager trick (ln -s ~/.xinitrc /usr/bin/xintirc).
I believe that - at least on Debian-based distros - the standard way of accomplishing this is by pointing to /etc/X11/Xsession in /usr/share/xsessions/bspwm.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Tiling window manager
$ man Xsession:
/etc/X11/Xsession is a Bourne shell (sh(1)) script which is run when an X Window System session is begun by startx(1) or a display manager such as xdm(1). (Some display managers only invoke Xsession when specifically directed to so by the user; see the documentation for your display manager to find out more.)
Last edited by andornaut (2013-09-12 14:21:51)
Would you be interested in putting this in the bspwm wiki?
Feel free to also flesh out the Arch wiki-article on the matter!
Last edited by china (2013-09-12 16:31:29)
Supplantr wrote:Also, when I restore the window tree using the above method, bspc window -f DIR doesn't work.
I can't reproduce.
After restoring, I can focus windows with bspc window -f last or bspc pointer -g focus but bspc window -f DIR simply fails with exit code of 1. The tree and history output don't seem to indicate anything unusual.
Commit a0b9199 does indeed fix the issue with ~button1 and floating menus. Long live baskerville!
adaptative_raise is still mentioned in the documentation, though.
[edit] Also, as earsplit noted, bspc config window_gap no longer returns the window gap.
Would it be appropriate to move --padding back to config now that it could be defined per-monitor? This would also make the current padding values easy to retrieve. And I think you agreed that it would be beneficial to allow padding of each edge to be specified (and retrieved) independently.
Are you planning to make any other settings per-desktop/monitor?
Last edited by Supplantr (2013-09-12 17:22:26)
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
Would you be interested in putting this in the bspwm wiki?
You can add a page to the wiki if you wish.
Also, typing in
bspc config window_gap
no longer returns the current gap size. Is this intended?
The correct command for this is:
bspc config -d focused window_gap
bspc config window_gap
can't return the window gap value for the current desktop, because:
bspc config window_gap <value>
sets, as mentioned before, the value of the window gap of every desktop.
bspc config desktop -f window_gap
works as expected
The syntax of the above command is invalid.
I thought I would offer my take on using bspwm with a display manager (in my case, lightdm, but this should probably work with any that uses the files in /usr/share/xsessions). Any suggestions or feedback to improve it are welcome.
Works with lightdm
Allows for simultaneous sessions (not well tested)
Sources /etc/profile and ~/.profile
Sources ~/.config/bspwm/autostart (mimics openbox)
Starts sxhkd if ~/.config/bspwm/sxhkdrc is present
BSPWM_SOCKET and PANEL_FIFO are located in ~/.cache/bspwm-session.XXXXXX (which is cleaned up when the session ends)
Part of the reason I am sharing this is because I feel that including something along these lines with bspwm would be a Good Thing, though I understand if bloom does not want to (or disagrees with my approach).
blah blah blah THE FILES:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Launch a bspwm session
# bspwm-session
# This script is a session launcher for bspwm. It is based on similar
# scripts included with Openbox.
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: bspwm-session"
exit 1
# Multi-user support:
mkdir -p "${state_prefix}"
if [ ! -d "${state_prefix}" ]; then
echo "bspwm-session: cache directory ‘${state_prefix}‘ not found. Exiting..."
exit 1
elif [ ! -w "${state_prefix}" ]; then
echo "bspwm-session: cache directory ‘${state_prefix}‘ is not writable. Exiting..."
exit 1
state_path="$(mktemp -d "${state_prefix}/bspwm-session.XXXXXX")"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "bspwm-session: failed to create state directory ‘${state_path}‘. Exiting..."
exit 1
export BSPWM_SOCKET="${state_path}/bspwm-socket"
export PANEL_FIFO="${state_path}/panel-fifo"
mkfifo "${PANEL_FIFO}"
# Trap: make sure everything started in ~/.config/bspwm/autostart is
# signalled when this script exits or dies. Also clean up $state_path.
function on_exit {
for child in $(jobs -p); do
jobs -p | grep -q $child && kill $child
# extra paranoia
[[ -d "${state_path}" && -w "${state_path}" ]] && rm -rf "${state_path}"
# Environment and autostart:
for file in "${source_these[@]}"; do
[ -r "${file}" ] && . "${file}"
# Launch sxhkd:
[ -r "${sxhkdrc_path}" ] && sxhkd -c "${sxhkdrc_path}" &
# Launch bspwm:
bspwm -s "${PANEL_FIFO}" -p W
I thought I would offer my take on using bspwm with a display manager (in my case, lightdm, but this should probably work with any that uses the files in /usr/share/xsessions). Any suggestions or feedback to improve it are welcome.
Thanks, I've added this with minor style modifications under contrib/lightdm.
Since you're using bashisms, I had to alter the shebang accordingly.
Would it be possible to use something like i3status or conky with bspwm and bar?