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Thank you. SO I have followed your instructions and running ps aux | grep bspwm_rules shows that it is indeed running.
However, I am still unable to set firefox to start up at display 2. I wonder why that is.
They way I have set it is up that in my ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc: it starts up panel & bspc config rule_command "$(which rule_command)" & bspwm_rules &
Can I take a look at what is in your bspwmrc?
add the rules to "bspwm_rules"
rulc -a 'class=="Firefox"' 'desktop=^2'
this is my bspwmrc
#! /bin/sh
bspc monitor -d I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
# Visual options
bspc config border_width 1
bspc config top_padding 10
bspc config bottom_padding 10
bspc config window_gap 20
bspc config split_ratio 0.50
bspc config borderless_monocle true
bspc config gapless_monocle false
bspc config focus_follows_pointer false
bspc config auto_alternate true
bspc config auto_cancel true
bspc config presel_border_color "#cc0000"
bspc config focused_border_color "#edd400"
bspc config normal_border_color "#000000"
bspc config active_border_color "#555753"
bspc config urgent_border_color "#4e9a06"
bspc config normal_frame_opacity 0.0
bspc config focused_frame_opacity 0.05
bspc config rule_command "$(which rule_command)"
#if [ -e "$BSPWM_TREE" ] ; then
#bspc restore -T "$BSPWM_TREE" -H "$BSPWM_HISTORY" -S "$BSPWM_STACK"
Last edited by tedbell (2013-11-24 04:43:49)
I still haven't been having any luck, for something as simple as staring firefox in the second tag. Let me show you mine, perhaps you can pin point the error?
all of them are in a valid $PATH, and executable
edit: SOLVED. how? i am an idiot. i neglected to install xwinfo!
Last edited by 3xOSC (2013-11-24 05:02:25)
I still haven't been having any luck, for something as simple as staring firefox in the second tag. Let me show you mine, perhaps you can pin point the error?
.xinitrc: of them are in a valid $PATH, and executable
edit: SOLVED. how? i am an idiot. i neglected to install xwinfo!
Glad you got it working.
I added a little blurb on the Bspwm Panels on how to get started with displaying system info.
May churn up a wiki on my gh if enough interest is expressed.
Hey guys, I have a problem. I fresh installed Arch on my netbook (Acer AO753). Installed lib32-intel-dri for graphics. I installed bspwm/sxhkd and deps via yaourt. I get a black only screen wit no mouse. I can launch xterm with xinitrc, so display and everything is working. I have no idea what could be wrong, hope you guys can help me.
bspwmrc and sxhkdrc are the default ones and I only have sxhkd and exec bspwm in .xinitrc
Last edited by mf (2013-11-27 22:11:06)
Hey *!
I have a "problem" with tint2 and bspwm. i can't click & focus the windows via tint2 and tint doesn't displays the the workspacename. how can i let them play together?
my tint2 conf (mostly from baskervilles dotfiles)
my bspwmrc
my xinitrc (i tried both, the commented case and below)
and one question: is there a keybind for switching back to last focused window and workspace? maybe i slipped it in the man...
thanks, flexo
EDIT: solved the workspace thing by compiling tint2-svn. the click-focus thing doesn't matter.
Last edited by flexo3001 (2013-11-28 13:16:23)
Fight war not wars, destroy power not people!
....and one question: is there a keybind for switching back to last focused window and workspace? maybe i slipped it in the man...
The example sxhkdrc has a keybinding for this:
super + {grave,Tab}
bspc {window,desktop} -f last
Is that what you are after?
EDIT: Nothing, I was pretty sure I checked the package, but I guess I didn't. As there seems to be some problems with noticing the need for different utility programs commonly used with bspwm (like xwinfo and programs used in example panel setup), and while they may not be necessary and can be replaced, wouldn't it make sense to add them as additional dependencies for AUR-package? I'd think it would make things easier for some.
Now that I posted, would it be possible we got something similar? I guess it's not exactly essential, but would be quite nice:
earsplit wrote:Nindwen wrote:I've been thinking, now that we have the possibility to create empty frames, and the most obvious use for them (in addition to looking nice in screenshots) is to make space for floating windows, would it be possible to add rule/option to place floating windows automatically in the middle of free frame? Or is there currently some way to achieve this?
I've been wondering a similar thing, but this would be dependent on something more basic, like floating windows spawn in empty space (if available for requested dimensions) instead of in the center of the screen. After something like this is implemented, then the frames could be handled. Just an idea
Reminds me of herbstluftwm's pseudo-tiled windows.
Last edited by Nindwen (2013-11-28 09:36:10)
echo | cat
flexo3001 wrote:....and one question: is there a keybind for switching back to last focused window and workspace? maybe i slipped it in the man...
The example sxhkdrc has a keybinding for this:
super + {grave,Tab} bspc {window,desktop} -f last
Is that what you are after?
thanks.that's it.wrote mine from scratch with the man so i haven't looked in the example.
Fight war not wars, destroy power not people!
as an primary hlwm-user; how can i setup the frame-support? I don't understand this little peace of man...
Fight war not wars, destroy power not people!
as an primary hlwm-user; how can i setup the frame-support? I don't understand this little peace of man...
check out bloom's post here, to compile the create_frame app, then
1. as the create_frame app compiles locally in its host directory, you need to have it recognised in your $PATH; ie symlink
2. create a rule; with the new external rules methodology I have added the following in bspwm_rules:
rulc -a 'class=="BSPWM_FRAME"' 'frame=on'
3. then add a sxhkd keybinding, such as
super + ctrl + f
4. then adjust the frame opacity options via bspwmrc
bspc config normal_frame_opacity 0.0
bspc config focused_frame_opacity 0.05
bspc config active_frame_opacity .....
as an primary hlwm-user; how can i setup the frame-support? I don't understand this little peace of man...
It is nothing like HLWM's frames. All it does is create a transparent window in place of a tile. I find it useful for making room for a floating window. It doesn't create a new tree like in HLWM
When I try running a panel with "panel dzen2" the panel is displayed on the top left side of the screen and I get this error in my terminal.
% panel dzen2 ~ Nightcrawler
/home/mfin/.scripts/panel_dzen2: line 11: sres: command not found
xargs: txtw: No such file or directory
/home/mfin/.scripts/panel_dzen2: line 105: [: 0: unary operator expected
xargs: txtw: No such file or directory
/home/mfin/.scripts/panel_dzen2: line 105: [: 0: unary operator expected
xargs: txtw: No such file or directory
/home/mfin/.scripts/panel_dzen2: line 105: [: 0: unary operator expected
xargs: txtw: No such file or directory
/home/mfin/.scripts/panel_dzen2: line 105: [: 0: unary operator expected
xargs: txtw: No such file or directory
/home/mfin/.scripts/panel_dzen2: line 105: [: 0: unary operator expected
xargs: txtw: No such file or directory
/home/mfin/.scripts/panel_dzen2: line 105: [: 0: unary operator expected
xargs: txtw: No such file or directory
/home/mfin/.scripts/panel_dzen2: line 105: [: 0: unary operator expected
xargs: txtw: No such file or directory
/home/mfin/.scripts/panel_dzen2: line 105: [: 0: unary operator expected
xargs: txtw: No such file or directory
/home/mfin/.scripts/panel_dzen2: line 105: [: 0: unary operator expected
^C[1] 7606 terminated panel dzen2
What are sres and txtw and where do I get that?
EDIT: Already got rid of txtw error and I replaced the sres line in the config with 1366. But why isn't there any sres command on my machine?
Last edited by mf (2013-11-30 14:52:59)
You have to install sres from AUR, or baskervilles github
/* No Comment */
Can someone point me to a guide for scripting Dzen2? I know it is a really dumb question, but I have been unable to find anything that explains it without assuming prior knowledge. Conky has its conky objects and settings lists that give a good description of all of the options and stuff. I know that such a thing cannot exist for Dzen2, but something that gave a basic outline would be nice.
Can someone point me to a guide for scripting Dzen2? I know it is a really dumb question, but I have been unable to find anything that explains it without assuming prior knowledge. Conky has its conky objects and settings lists that give a good description of all of the options and stuff. I know that such a thing cannot exist for Dzen2, but something that gave a basic outline would be nice.
dzen2 wiki:
dzen2 hacking thread:
There isn't really a guide. Also, dzen is nothing like conky; it's really just a framework for drawing a semi-interactive text window. (This is kind of like asking for a guide to ncurses or GTK, albeit a simplified version.)
Last edited by Stebalien (2013-11-30 22:51:54)
I'm happy to say that I figured most of the stuff on my own, bspwm is really awesome.
Although I have one little problem with a panel w/ dzen2 and have no idea how to solve it.
If I use plain text (with colors) the panel works as it should. As soon as I add some icons, the panel gets moved to the right, so that my clock almost disappears from the screen. The more icons I add, the more panel moves to the right.
Here's a screenshot.
Any ideas how to get rid of this?
What's the easiest way to make Matlab display correctly? Currently it is shown only as gray.
Last edited by regitator (2013-12-02 16:41:26)
What's the easiest way to make Matlab display correctly? Currently it is shown only as gray.
Is Matlab a Java application? If so, this script or the solution mentioned in the wiki should suffice.
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
If I use plain text (with colors) the panel works as it should. As soon as I add some icons, the panel gets moved to the right, so that my clock almost disappears from the screen. The more icons I add, the more panel moves to the right.
In txtw's manual, you'll find an example on how to specify an alternate font.
flexo3001 wrote:as an primary hlwm-user; how can i setup the frame-support? I don't understand this little peace of man...
It is nothing like HLWM's frames. All it does is create a transparent window in place of a tile. I find it useful for making room for a floating window. It doesn't create a new tree like in HLWM
That's too bad. After a little testing with bspwm i will stuck with hlwm. But bspwm is my second choice I will observe the development of bspwm. Great WM!
Fight war not wars, destroy power not people!
Instead of automatic mode when presel is not used, is it possible to make the next opened window in the same place that the last window was closed? As long as there was a window that was closed of course. This would be nice if I wanted to restart a program or something similar.
Instead of automatic mode when presel is not used, is it possible to make the next opened window in the same place that the last window was closed? As long as there was a window that was closed of course. This would be nice if I wanted to restart a program or something similar.
I could provide a sticky_mode setting: it would prevent new windows from altering the mode of the insertion point.
That's the only non-magical approach I can think of.
Last edited by bloom (2013-12-08 19:08:27)
Ok, I briefly heard about the newish external_rule stuff and hesitated on updating. Finally made the update and now I wish I didn't. Before this sentence puts you off, let me explain..
I am on a Gentoo system and am not really familiar with Lua so I had to delve through a bunch of pages just to see how I can install 'luaposix'.. trying luarocks and all that. Ultimately, I really don't want to do this. So, I removed it and deleted the rul* commands from my system. I'm still able to use bspwm but without my precious windowclass->desktop focus movements and floating, center, all that.... Small price to pay but are there any current alternatives to the "optional" external rule commands provided? I suppose I could try to make my own but was just curious to see if any exist right now. Otherwise, I guess I could revert to earlier git commit of bspwm but I really don't like going backwards unless it's absolutely necessary.
Anyway, thanks again for a great window manager, although IMHO I personally feel it's becoming too modular?, if that makes sense. I like that it only manages windows but it still manages borders and things like that but now it's dropped direct support for where to PUT windows and how to handle them based on class|instance, etc? That doesn't make sense to me. Was there a special reason behind removing this from the actual window manager? We already had an external program talking to bspwm (bspc) but now it's moved completely out. Regardless, again, not complaining just voicing my humble opionion as a lenghty user of bspwm.
Small price to pay but are there any current alternatives to the "optional" external rule commands provided? I suppose I could try to make my own but was just curious to see if any exist right now. Otherwise, I guess I could revert to earlier git commit of bspwm but I really don't like going backwards unless it's absolutely necessary.
Look at this and this. You don't have to use rul{c,d}, any script can do rule handling.
I like that it only manages windows but it still manages borders and things like that [...]
Wouldn't it kind of make sense to allow some kind of externalization of borders? For those wanting bit of eye-kindy, it would be interesting to be able to do fancy decorations and window titles and such? I'm not exactly sure if I'm being serious, but it's interesting idea I think.
echo | cat