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Floating windows are centered automatically, but they aren't centered correctly. I.e. there is quite more screenspace on the left and on the top than on the right and on the bottom.
Padding is not taken into consideration when centering a floating window which might explain the discrepancy.
cju wrote:Floating windows are centered automatically, but they aren't centered correctly. I.e. there is quite more screenspace on the left and on the top than on the right and on the bottom.
Padding is not taken into consideration when centering a floating window which might explain the discrepancy.
Hm. Sounds logical, but: I don't use any padding at all. Does that mean that centering of floats works correctly on your machine?
I'm sorry that I have to bring this up again, but it's a bit strange: now, as said before, floating windows are centered automatically, but they aren't centered correctly. I.e. there is quite more screenspace on the left and on the top than on the right and on the bottom.
It should be fixed.
Thanks for reporting.
cju wrote:I'm sorry that I have to bring this up again, but it's a bit strange: now, as said before, floating windows are centered automatically, but they aren't centered correctly. I.e. there is quite more screenspace on the left and on the top than on the right and on the bottom.
It should be fixed.
Thanks for reporting.
It is, works like a charm now.
Thanks for your amazing work.
I'm trying to adapt lightdm bspwm-session to work with loop examples.
I have replaced bspwm with wm, but super + alt + {_,shift + }Escape logs me out (I guess expected behaviour
is to only reload changes while retaining open widows and layout?)
Super + alt + Escape reloads bspwm, but previously open windows become unmanaged.
They can't be closed and focus can't be changed.
Is this maybe limitation of display manager or scripts need some work?
Couple of things -
First, really enjoying bspwm. Came to it from i3, and it's a good thing.
Second, is there a way to uncouple workspaces from desktops? Say I have two monitors, and I have workspace 1 on the first monitor, switch to workspace 2 on it, then want workspace 1 on my other monitor. Any way to make that work?
Thanks for any help!
Opening a window in floating mode doesn't work for me. In my sxhkdrc, there's
super + shift + t
bspc rule -a termite -o floating=on; \
termite -x 0.7
Updated system yesterday, haven't ever been able to make it work. Also earlier when it was "bspc rule -a termite --floating --one-shot" it did not work either.
Last edited by Ploppz (2014-02-14 16:55:50)
I got these errors the first time I ran xcompmgr (today) (use it for semi-transparency):
error 9: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) request 143 minor 1 serial 126267
error 3: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) request 129 minor 6 serial 126268
error 3: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) request 20 minor 0 serial 126269
error 3: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) request 15 minor 0 serial 126270
error 3: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) request 2 minor 0 serial 126271
error 3: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) request 20 minor 0 serial 126272
error 3: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) request 2 minor 0 serial 126273
error 3: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) request 20 minor 0 serial 126274
Although I didn't get them any more.. well
Generally, the new (termite) windows I make, only have the desired transparecy the moment I make them, and until I move them to other tiles or anything else happens to them - it acts quite weird.
Ploppz wrote:Opening a window in floating mode doesn't work for me. In my sxhkdrc, there's
super + shift + t bspc rule -a termite -o floating=on; \ termite -x 0.7
termite has no -x option!
termite version 7 does (it set's the transparency).
I got these errors the first time I ran xcompmgr
Generally, the new (termite) windows I make, only have the desired transparecy the moment I make them, and until I move them to other tiles or anything else happens to them - it acts quite weird.
Have you tried compton?
The border width of a single window can now be changed via bspc config -w WINDOW_SEL border_width VALUE.
That works fine, but if I type bspc config -d DESKTOP_SEL border_width VALUE, the border witdh of the selected desktop doesn't change for all existing windows; only newly created windows on the selected desktop get the new border width. Is this intended?
Have you tried compton?
I did just now and strangely - regardless of what I set 'transparency' to in termite config, the windows are always completely transparent (only the background of course), I also removed '-x 0.7' in the sxhkdrc. Shadowing seems to work though but I'm more interested in the transparency.
If I type bspc config -d DESKTOP_SEL border_width VALUE, the border witdh of the selected desktop doesn't change for all existing windows; only newly created windows on the selected desktop get the new border width. Is this intended?
Yes: the above command sets the default value for the border width of the windows of the given desktop.
bspc rule -a termite -o floating=on
really does not work, I tried to just run it as a command and open termite afterwards, also tried with other programs. I need this to work. Any suggestions?
There is not output, and opening termite afterwards, it's not floating.
Ah, thank you! It was out of my mind that I actually had to manually upgrade AUR packages.
trying it out as my first tiling wm. going really well. Thank you.
One quick question, is there a way to get just the window class/application name instead of the whole window title? i.e. just 'Firefox' or 'Thunar' instead of the whole page or folder title.
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Can I switch desktops not only based on the key I press but the monitor I am currently selecting a window on and the key I press?
Monitor 1: Desktop I and II
Monitor 2: Desktop A and B
if I press super + {1,2} I want to go to the first or second Desktop of the monitor I am currently working on (meaning the monitor I am currently selecting a window on). If I'm currently on Monitor 1 I wanna switch between I and II and if im currently on Monitor 2 I wanna switch between A and B with the same keys (super + {1,2}).
Last edited by Tmn (2014-02-19 19:51:46)