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#101 2012-12-02 19:49:00

Registered: 2012-09-04
Posts: 175

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch


There is a new group:


It currently recommends udev and dhcpcd plugin additionally to openrc4arch(-git).

I have created a version pkgbuild for openrc4arch, v 0.11.6, which is the latest stable gentoo release.
So, there will be a git and a version package for openrc.
Version package will go to openrc4arch repo, git package goes to openrc4arch-unstable repo.
Be careful though, the openrc4arch-base group recommend the openrc4arch-git package too, if unstable is enabled.

I am also in the process of making i686 packages for openrc4arch and consolekit, hence the i686 will be active.

A question concerning repo structure.

Is it possible to make symlinks for the any arch plugins? I guess so.

Would it be better to relocate them in a new any arch folder in the repos?
Does pacman recognize "any" arch in a repo or has pacman.conf to be set to any specifically?

Another question.

Should a runlevel be added automatically by installing a plugin?
I have udev(the desktop group) in mind.

Update update:

I made the desktop group install the runlevel except for alsa and avahi.
Cron, syslog and dhcpcd will follow.

Last edited by artoo (2012-12-02 22:42:25)


#102 2012-12-03 18:39:20

Registered: 2012-09-04
Posts: 175

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

What are the thoughts about a version numbering for the plugins instead of git packages?
I plan to set the first git tag.

I've come up with 2 main proposals:

1. take for each plugin the corresponding version of the service installed.
eg for dhcpcd-plugin version 5.6.3
The big downside, considerable maintenance increase for all plugins, except there is a way to query package version information in the pkgbuild.

2. introduce internal version numbering
eg as a starting version 1.0.0 or year.major.minor eg 12.1.0 or year.month.release eg 12.12.1

i686 packages for openrc4arch-0.11.6 are available in the repo.

Last edited by artoo (2012-12-03 18:50:04)


#103 2012-12-09 18:28:13

Registered: 2012-09-04
Posts: 175

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

Quick update:

All pkgbuilds now implement a make prefix, which should match Arch requirements of the /usr merge.
Two upstream openrc bugs have been fixed, and the base openrc package installs as intended to /usr without any annoyances after reboot.

These bugs should be of interest for anybody trying to make arch builds for openrc(depending on the version). See github for details.

I decided to go with the stable releases of Gentoo in the binary repo, instead of git package.
Current stable openrc version is 0.11.8

Openrc-git package is still available and updated on my github repo.

All plugin packages now make use of the original arch pkg names for which they provide files and install runlevels by default via the make file.

So, names are openrc4arch-$archpkgname-plugin, where archpkgname is eg "xorg-server" for displaymanager.

For a clean install I would again recommend removing previous packages first.
I have not build in conflicts with previous openrc4arch plugin packages, so updating should not work,

If there is any need for the openrc-git pkg, I can upload it to AUR.

Please report bugs on my github, I now have about 50 packages. I'd help a lot.

Last edited by artoo (2012-12-09 18:51:46)


#104 2012-12-12 17:29:47

Registered: 2005-12-05
Posts: 113

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

I was starting to look for an alternative linux distribution and then I got to this thread, I will try this as soon as I have some free time and I want to thanks to all of you who are contributing to make this happen.


#105 2012-12-13 04:02:25

Registered: 2005-12-05
Posts: 113

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

So I installed openrc in a VM for testing, now I am stuck at:

"For booting with OpenRC add init=/sbin/init-openrc to the kernel line in your bootloader configuration. If you want to go back to systemd replace it with

I am using grub2, where is  my bootloader configuration file? I looked in /etc/grub.d/ but found no systemd string in any file, also, /boot/grub/grub.cfg does not mention systemd so I guess my bootloader config is located elsewhere.


#106 2012-12-13 04:29:45

Registered: 2012-02-11
Posts: 114

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch


Or press 'e' during GRUB screen. Also, read the wiki...


#107 2012-12-13 04:57:59

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2009-08-15
Posts: 4,587

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

zwa wrote:

So I installed openrc in a VM for testing, now I am stuck at:

"For booting with OpenRC add init=/sbin/init-openrc to the kernel line in your bootloader configuration. If you want to go back to systemd replace it with

I am using grub2, where is  my bootloader configuration file? I looked in /etc/grub.d/ but found no systemd string in any file, also, /boot/grub/grub.cfg does not mention systemd so I guess my bootloader config is located elsewhere.

Well firstly you need to be sure that you are indeed using systemd. If not, then you are still using initscripts.


#108 2012-12-13 14:29:58

Registered: 2012-09-04
Posts: 175

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

zwa wrote:

So I installed openrc in a VM for testing, now I am stuck at:

"For booting with OpenRC add init=/sbin/init-openrc to the kernel line in your bootloader configuration. If you want to go back to systemd replace it with

I am using grub2, where is  my bootloader configuration file? I looked in /etc/grub.d/ but found no systemd string in any file, also, /boot/grub/grub.cfg does not mention systemd so I guess my bootloader config is located elsewhere.

Which package are you using? Apq's openrc from AUR or openrc4arch from repo?

I can only talk about openrc4arch, and this package conflicts with initscripts.
So once you installed openrc4arch, it will force you to remove initscripts before you can proceed.

Openrc4arch doesn't require a boot parameter and pulls in sysvinit (if not installed).
Symlinks are created at install to let you boot normally.

The file you look for is


eg for creating a systemd backup start option.

x33a wrote:
zwa wrote:

So I installed openrc in a VM for testing, now I am stuck at:

"For booting with OpenRC add init=/sbin/init-openrc to the kernel line in your bootloader configuration. If you want to go back to systemd replace it with

I am using grub2, where is  my bootloader configuration file? I looked in /etc/grub.d/ but found no systemd string in any file, also, /boot/grub/grub.cfg does not mention systemd so I guess my bootloader config is located elsewhere.

Well firstly you need to be sure that you are indeed using systemd. If not, then you are still using initscripts.

The important binary is udev, unfortunately now being part of systemd.
To avoid confusion, systemd has to be installed, but is not needed except for the udev part.
Theoretically, openrc should run with a standalone udev package too, but openrc is independent of any udev.
You could always add to be loaded kernel modules in


However, the system can start with systemd any time adding the


boot parameter.

Small note in general:

I will switch in the next days package naming.
The packages in the repo will become suffixed with "-git" while I have created builds with real version numbers, starting with 1.0.0.
I have not decided yet which packages will be next in the repo, but I tend to deploy the versioned packages instead of git.

Last edited by artoo (2012-12-13 14:54:25)


#109 2012-12-14 13:51:23

Registered: 2005-12-05
Posts: 113

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

I had installed the openrc package from aur, I installed the one from openrc4arch and it is ok now. thanks!


#110 2012-12-21 19:10:54

Registered: 2012-09-04
Posts: 175

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

Does anybody know if the AUR issues with split packages has been solved yet?

I could submit a split pkg containing all the plugins, but 50 single plugin packages uhm no.


#111 2012-12-23 08:36:19

Forum Fellow
From: Between Thailand and Singapore
Registered: 2009-03-17
Posts: 7,358

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

artoo wrote:

Does anybody know if the AUR issues with split packages has been solved yet?

I could submit a split pkg containing all the plugins, but 50 single plugin packages uhm no.

It's not, and I would not hold my breath. Basically requires quite a big change, and there's only one active aur dev last I checked.

Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.


#112 2012-12-29 11:51:21

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,362

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

ngoonee wrote:

If you do that, make sure whenever you request help in the future you mention that you're NOT running systemd. As is standard practice with any AUR package, really. But more important in this case because the init system is quite fundamental to some types of issues.

good point , ngonee . Once i've switched i intend to put something about using openrc in my forum signature.

I'm looking into switching to openrc (apg' packages) , and have noticed i need some additional service files :
avahi and a file that does "netcfg profile"  .
avahi-daemon and it's companion avahi-dnsconfd are present in artoo's plugin packages, so i have templates for those.

For netcfg profile systemd uses netcfg@myproifle , and the part between the @ and .service is passed as parameter to the service.

Suggestions what i can use a template / example for the netcfg command itself ?

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#113 2012-12-29 12:26:20

From: Bassano del Grappa, ITALY
Registered: 2006-01-11
Posts: 915

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

@Lone_Wolf The following could go in /etc/openrc/init.d/net-profile


    need localmount
    after bootmisc
    use logger
    provide net

start() {
    /usr/bin/netcfg up $NETPROFILE

stop() {
    /usr/bin/netcfg down $NETPROFILE

The following in /etc/openrc/conf.d/net-profile

# net-profile

In order to enable it:

#rc-update add net-profile default

In order to merely start it:

#rc-service net-profile start

I have not tested this stuff. When you are done remember to submit it to apg smile

Last edited by patroclo7 (2012-12-29 12:26:50)

Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis


#114 2012-12-29 14:01:32

Registered: 2012-09-04
Posts: 175

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

Lone_Wolf wrote:

Suggestions what i can use a template / example for the netcfg command itself ?

Not directly what you asked for, but do it the gentoo way.

Eg edit



ln -s /etc/init.d/net.lo  /etc/init.d/net.eth0 … xml?part=4


However, this solution doesn't work for apq package, except he has switched to the old network stack.
The new network stack doesn't work properly on Linux according to openrc readme and is experimental.

I have solved this by introducing virtual packages, eg for wireless

openrc4arch-virtual-wireless wants a backend, like netcfg or wpa_supplicant

If you need any other scripts, be aware that lvm2 and device-mapper plugins require a non prefixed make to run properly on i686. All other plugins run with 'any' arch and /usr prefix by default. Openrc is prefixed too.

Lone_Wolf wrote:

avahi-daemon and it's companion avahi-dnsconfd are present in artoo's plugin packages, so i have templates for those. … ster/avahi

Altogether about 55 plugins by now, covering most use cases. smile


I have worked a bit on the openrc4arch site, setup up wordpress.

The repos are back online, and can be browsed and commented here:

Last edited by artoo (2012-12-29 14:52:56)


#115 2012-12-29 15:21:03

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,362

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

Thanks, Patroclo7 and Artoo.

I prefer the arch/netcfg way over the gentto way for netwokring, so will stay with that.
I've added net-profile , avahi-daemon, avahi-dnsconf now, and found i need a few more services :
cpupower, iptables and vsftpd .
I intend to write/copy those first, then try booting with openrc.

I do use lvm2 and have it in the initramFS.
neither initscripts nor systemd appears to need a service for lvm2, but i saw artoo has an lvm2 service plugin.
Artoo, is this service needed with lvm2 in mkinitcpio hooks ?

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#116 2012-12-29 16:59:27

Registered: 2012-09-04
Posts: 175

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

Lone_Wolf wrote:

I do use lvm2 and have it in the initramFS.
neither initscripts nor systemd appears to need a service for lvm2, but i saw artoo has an lvm2 service plugin.
Artoo, is this service needed with lvm2 in mkinitcpio hooks ?

It should be only needed if you plan to activate your lvm volumes without udev.

But, the plain openrc package doesn't install udev scripts.
So either use udev plugin(or the base group/meta pkg)) or add modules to


In other words, no, lvm2 service is not needed.
udev handles lvm.
If you start lvm2 service at boot along with udev, shutdown will throw some error unmounting LVs, depending on your setup.
I use root on lvm and separate /usr without lvm service started.

I would advise you to tweak the apq openrc build to make use of the /usr prefix or use openrc4arch build/pkg which works properly with a runlevel patch and prefix. It also doesn't have a PAM support in make. … h/PKGBUILD

I recall Arch will complete the /usr move in early 2013!

Lone_Wolf wrote:

I've added net-profile , avahi-daemon, avahi-dnsconf now, and found i need a few more services :
cpupower, iptables and vsftpd .
I intend to write/copy those first, then try booting with openrc.

No need, except for vsftpd, you'll find the scripts in the plugin src repo.

I will add vsftpd. smile

Are there more wishes for initscripts currently not covered by the plugins?

Edit: vsftpd added

PS; a networkmanager pkg with openrc & consolekit support is in the openrc4arch repo, and works with the ifnet gentoo plugin of networkmanager.

Last edited by artoo (2012-12-29 18:12:24)


#117 2012-12-29 19:37:22

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,362

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

apg' openrc-arch-services-git has a udev servicefile, it just needs to be enabled.

Since openrc4arch plugin packages are not compatible with apg' openrc (different config directories) , i had to do some manual work.
in the openrc4arch PKGBUILDs i changed the openrc4arch dependency to openrc, then build them.
after the build had finished, i copied the files from $pkgdir/etc/init.d and $pkgdir/etc/conf.d to /etc/openrc/ .
the plugins work fine.

Upon booting openrc, i hit a few minor snags :

- syslog-ng was still set to use the systemd path, changed that back to /dev/log .
- rc logging appears to be off by default, i had to edit /etc/openrc/rc.conf to enable logging.
- the hostname was set to localhost, apparently openrc doesn't use the /etc/hostname file (used by sytemd)
  I edited my hostname into /etc/openrc/conf.d/hostname

vsftpd service doesn't appear to be found by rc-update and rc-service, and is not started.
I can still start it manually through the /etc/rc.d/vsftpd daemon script, so not a big problem .

Apart from those, i only get an error on shutdown from ntpd
* start-stop-daemon: fopen `/run/': No such file or directory
NTP is working fine though on next boot.

I also discovered an error from alsa that for some reason was hidden by systemd bootup :
* Restoring Mixer Levels ...
alsactl: set_control:1464: Cannot write control '3:3:0:Playback Channel Map:0' : File descriptor in bad state

That error has nothing to do with openrc, but it does show how much systemd can get in the way.
it shows more messages on boot then initscripts or openrc, but leaves out info i want to be aware of.

Artoo, apg : thank you for doing a great job !

As for missing services :
wireless-regdom from the wireless-regdb package (systemd doesn't have a servicefile for that either, i created a bugreport for it).

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#118 2012-12-29 19:50:00

Registered: 2012-09-04
Posts: 175

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

Lone_Wolf wrote:

apg' openrc-arch-services-git has a udev servicefile, it just needs to be enabled.

Since openrc4arch plugin packages are not compatible with apg' openrc (different config directories) , i had to do some manual work.
in the openrc4arch PKGBUILDs i changed the openrc4arch dependency to openrc, then build them.
after the build had finished, i copied the files from $pkgdir/etc/init.d and $pkgdir/etc/conf.d to /etc/openrc/ .
the plugins work fine.

Upon booting openrc, i hit a few minor snags :

- syslog-ng was still set to use the systemd path, changed that back to /dev/log .
- rc logging appears to be off by default, i had to edit /etc/openrc/rc.conf to enable logging.
- the hostname was set to localhost, apparently openrc doesn't use the /etc/hostname file (used by sytemd)
  I edited my hostname into /etc/openrc/conf.d/hostname

vsftpd service doesn't appear to be found by rc-update and rc-service, and is not started.
I can still start it manually through the /etc/rc.d/vsftpd daemon script, so not a big problem .

Apart from those, i only get an error on shutdown from ntpd
* start-stop-daemon: fopen `/run/': No such file or directory
NTP is working fine though on next boot.

I also discovered an error from alsa that for some reason was hidden by systemd bootup :
* Restoring Mixer Levels ...
alsactl: set_control:1464: Cannot write control '3:3:0:Playback Channel Map:0' : File descriptor in bad state

That error has nothing to do with openrc, but it does show how much systemd can get in the way.
it shows more messages on boot then initscripts or openrc, but leaves out info i want to be aware of.

Artoo, apg : thank you for doing a great job !

As for missing services :
wireless-regdom from the wireless-regdb package (systemd doesn't have a servicefile for that either, i created a bugreport for it).

I will look into these issues.
vsftpd is atm untested on arch. Basically about 7 packages, the new ones, see git repo.

As for syslog-ng and some other server packages, the pkgbuild *.install takes care of setting up config files.
These install scripts should be of interest to you, if you do it manually.

Next build version of openrc4arch will have some settings enabled after install, such as logger or unicode.

I have made the two packages openrc and openrc4arch incompatible due to different install locations, and different sysvinit depend.

Basically, I would be willing to rename the openrc4arch packages, if the two projects merged in some way.


I just tested the vsftpd-plugin-git build, it runs fine, after changing the path for the config file. I will fix that in the sources.
I guess something went wrong with adapting it on you system. Make sure any runscript has


in the header. Otherwise OpenRC will not find the service.
I suppose you build your openrc with /usr prefix?


ntpd runs fine, also restart and stops fine without error with the git builds.


What carch is your system?

I still think it is not a wise idea to change /etc/conf.d dir to something different.

Last edited by artoo (2012-12-29 20:51:07)


#119 2012-12-29 20:28:28

From: Bassano del Grappa, ITALY
Registered: 2006-01-11
Posts: 915

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

Lone_Wolf wrote:

Upon booting openrc, i hit a few minor snags :

- syslog-ng was still set to use the systemd path, changed that back to /dev/log .
- rc logging appears to be off by default, i had to edit /etc/openrc/rc.conf to enable logging.
- the hostname was set to localhost, apparently openrc doesn't use the /etc/hostname file (used by sytemd)
  I edited my hostname into /etc/openrc/conf.d/hostname

I think that these things should stay as they are and that, in the case of syslog-ng, *.install files should not touch the configuration files of other packages.
However, all these infos would be useful additions to the openrc archlinux wiki page.

Apart from those, i only get an error on shutdown from ntpd
* start-stop-daemon: fopen `/run/': No such file or directory
NTP is working fine though on next boot.

This, on the contrary, is a mistake in the stuff for openrc I had submitted to apg, and as a result "rc-service ntpd stop" does not really stop ntpd.
The default /etc/openrc/conf.d/ntpd should be as follows:

# ntpd options (see ntpd(1))
NTPD_OPTS="-g -u ntp:ntp -p /run/"

Let me know if it works so I can submit it to apg.

Last edited by patroclo7 (2012-12-29 20:28:55)

Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis


#120 2012-12-29 20:35:42

Registered: 2012-09-04
Posts: 175

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

patroclo7 wrote:

I think that these things should stay as they are and that, in the case of syslog-ng, *.install files should not touch the configuration files of other packages.
However, all these infos would be useful additions to the openrc archlinux wiki page.

  Out of curiosity, why shouldn't .install files do that?

Here is the one for syslog-ng:


post_install() {
p1=' unix-dgram("/run:/systemd/journal/syslog");'
p2=' unix-dgram("/dev/log");'
echo " ==> checking for log src: $file"
if ! grep -Fxq "$p2" "$file"; then
sed -i "s|^$p1|$p2|g" $file
echo " ==> set $p2: $file"
echo " ==> $p2 already set: $file"
_add="rc-update add $_service $_rlvl"
echo ' ==> adding runlevel...'
post_upgrade() {
post_install "$1"

post_remove() {
p1=' unix-dgram("/dev/log");'
p2=' unix-dgram("/run:/systemd/journal/syslog");'
echo " ==> checking for log src: $file"
if ! grep -Fxq "$p2" "$file"; then
sed -i "s|^$p1|$p2|g" $file
echo " ==> set $p2: $file"
echo " ==> $p2 already set: $file"
_del="rc-update del $_service $_rlvl"
echo ' ==> deleting runlevel...'


#121 2012-12-30 00:17:21

From: Bassano del Grappa, ITALY
Registered: 2006-01-11
Posts: 915

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

Because you may want to install openrc also without using it. Configuring syslog-ng to work with the desired init system is the duty of the system admin, not of the packager. It is a bit like enabling a service at install time. IMO it is even worst since in this case you change something which belongs to another package.
Needless to say, this is only my opinion and in your own packages you can do whatever you want.

Last edited by patroclo7 (2012-12-30 00:19:40)

Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis


#122 2012-12-30 00:40:08

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,362

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

I've added notes to the openrc wiki page about those 3 issues i found.

Apart from those, i only get an error on shutdown from ntpd
* start-stop-daemon: fopen `/run/': No such file or directory
NTP is working fine though on next boot.

This, on the contrary, is a mistake in the stuff for openrc I had submitted to apg, and as a result "rc-service ntpd stop" does not really stop ntpd.
The default /etc/openrc/conf.d/ntpd should be as follows:

# ntpd options (see ntpd(1))
NTPD_OPTS="-g -u ntp:ntp -p /run/"

Let me know if it works so I can submit it to apg.

With that change ntpd is now stopped correctly.

I'll look into setting up an account on github, so apg can add more servicefiles.

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#123 2012-12-31 00:28:26

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,362

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

Well, I found the problem with vsftpd service .
the message file or directory not found was because openrc4arch has runscript in /usr/sbin , while apg packages have it in /sbin/runscript .
once i changed that, it turns out the vsftpd looked for the configuration file in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf , while the arch vsftpd package uses /etc/vsftpd.conf .

the iptables plugin had  a similar problem, it expects rule files in /var/lib/ , while i had them in /etc/iptables .
Artoo, you may want to check the other plugins for differences between gentoo and arch standard locations.

I also found that openrc doesn't use the /etc/modules-load.d/ folder as used by initscripts & systemd.
modules you want to load need to be put in conf.d/modules .
(added a note to wiki page)

Added :
I also created a github account, forked apg' openrc-arch-services repo, and did a pull request.

Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2012-12-31 00:33:31)

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#124 2012-12-31 00:46:56

Registered: 2012-09-04
Posts: 175

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

Lone_Wolf wrote:

Well, I found the problem with vsftpd service .
the message file or directory not found was because openrc4arch has runscript in /usr/sbin , while apg packages have it in /sbin/runscript .
once i changed that, it turns out the vsftpd looked for the configuration file in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf , while the arch vsftpd package uses /etc/vsftpd.conf .

the iptables plugin had  a similar problem, it expects rule files in /var/lib/ , while i had them in /etc/iptables .
Artoo, you may want to check the other plugins for differences between gentoo and arch standard locations.

I also found that openrc doesn't use the /etc/modules-load.d/ folder as used by initscripts & systemd.
modules you want to load need to be put in conf.d/modules .
(added a note to wiki page)

Added :
I also created a github account, forked apg' openrc-arch-services repo, and did a pull request.

Maybe I didn't get the point across properly.

What I was trying to say, apq's openrc build will stop working as soon as Arch linux moved to /usr completely, scheduled for early 2013. So /sbin & /bin move to /usr/sbin and /usr/bin respectively, like /lib is now a symlink to /usr/lib. /sbin and /bin will only contain symlinks in the future.
openrc build installs to /libexec, which should be avoided according to arch wiki.
Someone from the Arch devs also announced the /sbin/bin move on this thread earlier.
This is why openrc4arch makes use of a prefix install, as well as all plugins.
The prefix is set to /usr like all Arch linux builds.
What you do is back developing the plugins to gentoo state, which doesn't follow the strict /usr move and also has a /lib directory. It'd be easier in this case to download the gentoo packages' init scripts and conf.d files.

In other words, openrc4arch is ready for the /usr move, openrc build is not.

Last edited by artoo (2012-12-31 00:56:47)


#125 2012-12-31 01:16:22

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,362

Re: OpenRC & eudev on Arch

artoo wrote:

Maybe I didn't get the point across properly.

What I was trying to say, apq's openrc build will stop working as soon as Arch linux moved to /usr completely, scheduled for early 2013. So /sbin & /bin move to /usr/sbin and /usr/bin respectively, like /lib is now a symlink to /usr/lib. /sbin and /bin will only contain symlinks in the future.
openrc build installs to /libexec, which should be avoided according to arch wiki.
Someone from the Arch devs also announced the /sbin/bin move on this thread earlier.
This is why openrc4arch makes use of a prefix install, as well as all plugins.
The prefix is set to /usr like all Arch linux builds.
What you do is back developing the plugins to gentoo state, which doesn't follow the strict /usr move and also has a /lib directory. It'd be easier in this case to download the gentoo packages' init scripts and conf.d files.

In other words, openrc4arch is ready for the /usr move, openrc build is not.

you are partially right, openrc doesn't use /libexec anymore.
The openrc packages do indeed have  a /lib directory, and use /sbin /bin .
I haven't seen an announcement yet of the /sbin /bin move to /usr/sbin and /usr/bin on arch-dev-public yet, so there's time.

I choose to use apg packages because they're in AUR, while yours are only in your own repos.
As stated earlier i also disagree with the config directories you choose. i did post a link to the wiki then, but maybe you didn't notice that.

Check out : … irectories

Configuration files should be placed in the /etc directory. If there is more than one configuration file, it is customary to use a subdirectory in order to keep the /etc area as clean as possible. Use /etc/{pkgname}/ where {pkgname} is the name of the package (or a suitable alternative, eg, apache uses /etc/httpd/). 

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


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