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#51 2005-10-22 20:18:44

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719


rasat wrote:

I am searching for a nice looking menu config in Fluxbox style. No icons but gradient colored header and background.

To begin with the background, you should use MenuFace for that. Depending on what type of gradient you want (linear or non-linear) you should add to your menustyle;
For a linear gradient

MenuStyle * MenuFace ?Gradient colors start-color end-color

You should replace '?Gradient' with one of the eight gradients:
       HGradient is a horizontal gradient, VGradient is vertical, DGradient is
       diagonal from top left to bottom right, BGradient is backwards diagonal
       from bottom left to top right, SGradient is concentric squares, CGradi-
       ent is concentric circles, RGradient is a radar like pattern and  YGra-
       dient is a Yin Yang style (but without the dots)

'colors' means the total number of colors to use (between 2 and 1000)

'start-color' is your 1st color, and 'end-color' is your 2nd color

The nonlinear gradient is little hard to explain (and don't think it's very needed for what you want?), but you can refer for this to the fvwm man page.

Getting to your second question, the question about gradients for menu titles. I'm afraid this is not quite possible in a straight way, because this would require to set up a colorset with a gradient which may only be used by the title. Now we are able to define a colorset with a gradient, but we can not allocate different colorsets for menutitles and menu-entries.
A way around this would be the creation of pixmaps, and to use these as menu-titles.


#52 2005-10-23 06:25:42

Forum Fellow
From: Finland
Registered: 2002-12-27
Posts: 2,296


I will experiment with your suggestions.
I just discovered pixmaps can also be used for background. This allows in making beautiful menus.

Colorset 47 fg #Bed9e0,  pixmap $[IconLocation]/decor/gradient.png, Shape $[IconLocation]/decor/shape1.xpm
Colorset 48 fg green, pixmap $[IconLocation]/decor/bar.png

# MenuStyles
MenuStyle * Font "Shadow=0"
MenuStyle * MenuColorset 47
MenuStyle * ActiveColorset 48
MenuStyle * ItemFormat "%5p%i%6p%l%5p%>%2p"
MenuStyle * BorderWidth 2

How to make a screenshot when a menu is visible?

FYI, ArchWD was upgraded:

What is the cause why all softwares' e.g. kfind, window frame doesn't appear? Its a problem when not able to move the window. This also happens in gEdit's search dialog box.



#53 2005-10-23 07:54:00

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719


rasat wrote:

How to make a screenshot when a menu is visible?

For this you should have a delay between the command to make a screenshot, and the time the screenshot is actually taken. You can do this, either by a simple script, or if you install scrot (it's in AUR), you can just give a command line option for it:

scrot -d 5

for example, for a 5 seconds delay. In this time you can open your menu.

rasat wrote:

What is the cause why all softwares' e.g. kfind, window frame doesn't appear? Its a problem when not able to move the window. This also happens in gEdit's search dialog box.

Never had any experience like that (don't use those apps), but I'll see what I can do after an install of gedit with all deps  :shock:  (I will remove them after wink)

Problem solved big_smile
You should add the following style option:

Style * DecorateTransient 


#54 2005-10-23 17:20:50

Forum Fellow
From: Finland
Registered: 2002-12-27
Posts: 2,296


Here is a screenshoot what I have managed so far. Only what is missing is a nice looking pager. Didn't managed to add a pixmap in the inactive frames. Howto?



#55 2005-10-23 18:25:17

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719


rasat wrote:

Here is a screenshoot what I have managed so far. Only what is missing is a nice looking pager. Didn't managed to add a pixmap in the inactive frames. Howto?

You should do something like

FvwmPager: Colorset 0 50
FvwmPager: Colorset 1 51
FvwmPager: Colorset 2 52
FvwmPager: Colorset 3 53

FvwmPager: HilightColorset 0 54
FvwmPager: HilightColorset 1 55
FvwmPager: HilightColorset 2 56
FvwmPager: HilightColorset 3 57

Colorset 50 Pixmap {your mini-wallpaper1-inactive}
Colorset 51 Pixmap {your mini-wallpaper2-inactive}
Colorset 52 Pixmap {your mini-wallpaper3-inactive}
Colorset 53 Pixmap {your mini-wallpaper4-inactive}

Colorset 54 Pixmap {your mini-wallpaper1-active}
Colorset 55 Pixmap {your mini-wallpaper2-active}
Colorset 56 Pixmap {your mini-wallpaper3-active}
Colorset 57 Pixmap {your mini-wallpaper4-active}

In the above code, 0, 1, 2, and 3 are the desktop numbers and 50,51.... are the colorset numbers.

Automatic sizing of the pixmap is not supported atm, so you should size them manually. Also, you should create 4 desktops, and not 1 desktop with a size of eg. 1x4 (because you use the desktop number and otherwise only one wallpaper can be set (for all the same))


#56 2005-10-23 20:47:11

Forum Fellow
From: Finland
Registered: 2002-12-27
Posts: 2,296


I am not getting it. Here are the configs of the current pager. The sequense of loading is same as I have here pasted the url, from top to down. … -Functions … Fvwm-pager … PagerStyle … Pager.conf



#57 2005-10-24 10:02:17

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719


What I did mean, is that you create a colorset for each active desk AND for each inactive desk. You can allocate a pixmap to the colorset as above, so like

Colorset 50 Pixmap archpaper-mini.png
Colorset 50 Pixmap archpaper-mini-bw.png

The png-file should be the exact size of the pager (otherwise only part of it will be visible), so resize them your wallpaper with some kind of tool.
Now, for the inactive desk 0 (first desk is desk 0), you can add the pixmap in the pager using

FvwmPager: Colorset 0 50

Similar, for the active desk case:

FvwmPager: HilightColorset 0 54

In this example different backgrouds are used for active and inactive desks (for example color & black-white), but you can use the same for both of you like.

Now, in you config (in DefaultPagerStyle) replace

*FvwmPager: Colorset * 13
*FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 14

with the above, and you have the pixmaps in your pager.

One thing more for your config, which I think you should add is EwmhBaseStruts, so that maximizing windows do not overlap fvwmpager, fvwmiconman, etc. (At least if it's not in already?, it was not when I installed lately) You can add the EwmhBaseStruts command in every module if you like them to be always visible when maximizing windows


#58 2005-10-24 10:16:15

Forum Fellow
From: Finland
Registered: 2002-12-27
Posts: 2,296


pressh wrote:
FvwmPager: Colorset 0 50

Similar, for the active desk case:

FvwmPager: HilightColorset 0 54

Now, in you config (in DefaultPagerStyle) replace

*FvwmPager: Colorset * 13
*FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 14

with the above, and you have the pixmaps in your pager.

I understood the config idea but the pixmap appears in the pager frame/desktop what is active only. Here below is the screenshot. Same background pixmap what is seen in desktop 5 (active) should also bee seen in the inactive desktops. How?? … /pager.png



#59 2005-10-24 10:40:00

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719


I do not understand, because when I put it in your config (I just did) it just works. My DefaultPagerStyle looks like this:

# Scripts:DefaultPagerStyle

# Colorset
# Read settings are in ~/conf.d
Read $[UserSettings]/conf.d/DefaultPager.conf

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
*FvwmPager: Geometry $[PagerLocation]
#*FvwmPager: Colorset * 11
#*FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 12
*FvwmPager: Colorset 0 50
*FvwmPager: HilightColorset 0 51

*FvwmPager: WindowColorsets 13 14
*FvwmPager: BalloonColorset * 0
*FvwmPager: Font none
*FvwmPager: Window3DBorders
*FvwmPager: MiniIcons
*FvwmPager: UseSkipList
*FvwmPager: SloppyFocus
*FvwmPager: SolidSeparators

Colorset 99 fg black,  bg #FFCC99, sh #4682B4

Colorset 98 fg #4682B4, bg #B0C4DE, sh #4682B4
Colorset 97 fg #4682B4, bg #4682B4, sh #4682B4
Colorset 96 fg black,  bg white, sh #4682B4

Colorset 50 Pixmap /home/pressh/.fvwm/images/icons/apps/xine.png
Colorset 51 Pixmap /home/pressh/.fvwm/images/icons/apps/xmms.png

# Load Fvwm pager

I did put some icons as background neutral, but anyway, it looks like this: … pic9dh.jpg


#60 2005-10-24 16:18:36

Forum Fellow
From: Finland
Registered: 2002-12-27
Posts: 2,296


Thanks for confirming default-pager was ok, I was able to check what's the cause. There was a mixed up of same colorset numbers in two packages. I made some "rules" what numbers a particular function is to use, but I forgot. smile

Here is a new pager (bluepixmapager).



#61 2005-10-25 16:41:47

Forum Fellow
From: Finland
Registered: 2002-12-27
Posts: 2,296


What are the other intersting features and modules in FVWM beside pager, menu and fvwmbutton & fvwmiconman for panel?
When listing dont' give the name only but also describe what they do.

I was not aware Xfce (Xfwm) is originally created from Fvwm source.



#62 2005-10-25 18:00:10

From: Boulder
Registered: 2005-01-22
Posts: 1,190


rasat wrote:

What are the other intersting features and modules in FVWM beside pager, menu and fvwmbutton & fvwmiconman for panel?
When listing dont' give the name only but also describe what they do.

Have you seen the man pages for FVWM? They are quite meticulous and go over all the different modules that exist.

rasat wrote:

I was not aware Xfce (Xfwm) is originally created from Fvwm source.

Enlightenment was originally based off of FVWM as well smile

I am a gated community.


#63 2005-10-25 18:18:55

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212


Here's a more complete list of FVWM derivatives:


#64 2005-10-25 20:35:00

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719


Snowman wrote:

Here's a more complete list of FVWM derivatives:

That's quite a lot, didn't know that  :oops:

rasat wrote:

What are the other intersting features and modules in FVWM beside pager, menu and fvwmbutton & fvwmiconman for panel?
When listing dont' give the name only but also describe what they do.

What about FvwmScript big_smile What it does?? Quite a lot actually, calendar, mpdcontrolls, mountbox, weather, etc


#65 2005-10-25 23:38:10

Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 164


rasat wrote:

I was not aware Xfce (Xfwm) is originally created from Fvwm source.

xfwm4 is mainly take from Oroborus (see here)
but before that you can see the fvwm in it


#66 2005-10-26 00:10:57

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212


pressh wrote:

That's quite a lot, didn't know that

It's probably because it is highly customizable.  I mean, I even saw screenshots of FVWM which looked like a Sun workstation!  :shock:


#67 2005-10-26 04:38:55

Forum Fellow
From: Finland
Registered: 2002-12-27
Posts: 2,296


What do you guys think if we change ArchWD to FvwmDev (or FvWD)? Technically its a very small change. Instead of ArchWD as a stand-alone package, it will use the Fvwm package.

Why I am asking. ArchWD as it is currently designed, seemingly appearing as a new WM, I don't see having a future. ArchWD is not a WM but helping newer Fvwm users to have useful and nice looking configs, getting to know the potentiality of Fvwm. For advance users new designs and ideas. The "WM", taste of imitation, stops users to contribute packages, even taking interest in trying out. As per ArchStats, among 1350 registered members, only two have installed ArchWD (me and someone else). … iewstats=y

The Archers interest is currently for Xfce, trying to replace KDE, not in Fvwm. … ults&id=15

I am not interesting in competition. Fvwm is more "Arch" oriented, more flexible for those users interested in "make their own configs" than other DEs or WMs. ArchWD is to support them. Among the Archers there are few Fvwm devs, we may need support from the general Fvwm community in making user packages. It will do if changed to FvwmDev.

FvwmDev will generate a team of package devs.



#68 2005-10-26 08:29:17

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719


rasat wrote:

What do you guys think if we change ArchWD to FvwmDev (or FvWD)? Technically its a very small change. Instead of ArchWD as a stand-alone package, it will use the Fvwm package.

Why I am asking. ArchWD as it is currently designed, seemingly appearing as a new WM, I don't see having a future. ArchWD is not a WM but helping newer Fvwm users to have useful and nice looking configs, getting to know the potentiality of Fvwm. For advance users new designs and ideas. The "WM", taste of imitation, stops users to contribute packages, even taking interest in trying out. As per ArchStats, among 1350 registered members, only two have installed ArchWD (me and someone else). … iewstats=y

The Archers interest is currently for Xfce, trying to replace KDE, not in Fvwm. … ults&id=15

I am not interesting in competition. Fvwm is more "Arch" oriented, more flexible for those users interested in "make their own configs" than other DEs or WMs. ArchWD is to support them. Among the Archers there are few Fvwm devs, we may need support from the general Fvwm community in making user packages. It will do if changed to FvwmDev.

FvwmDev will generate a team of package devs.

Good idea!!
but I think when switching something should be done to the interface of pactk (or how is it called?)  because it does not feel right, at least not to me
Anyway, it would be nice if the following features could somehow included:
1: Sort packages contributed on the server, eg, pagers, panels, etc
2: Let pactk have an option to find all packages on server (or is that already possible?)
3: Create an interface in pactk where a screenshot of the module is shown next to the name of the module, so users know what they install
4: For Modules such as focus policies etc, there should be something like an info button, or somehow it should be explained what it does
5: Let pactk install the modules and activate && check for conflicting packages (geometry, colorsets)
6: In another part of pactk, there should be a list of installed modules, both activated and non-activated, also with thumnail or explanation of what it is, so users can activate/deactivate packages with one click
7: probaby more...

Let me know what you think about it. If you change, you can count me in as dev big_smile


#69 2005-10-26 09:54:20

Forum Fellow
From: Finland
Registered: 2002-12-27
Posts: 2,296


I like all your ideas, making pactk more "Fvwm" oriented with thumb-nails. What pactk currently doas well is the upgrading of installed packages, but the other features' style we can change.

Let hear if others have any suggestions, then we draw a plan/scheme how pactk should function.



#70 2005-10-26 10:38:49

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719


I finally cleaned up my config (did take a little longer after resizing my home partition went wrong). I'll upload them shortly.
Screenshot: … 0266ix.jpg


#71 2005-10-26 12:12:39

From: Southampton, England
Registered: 2005-10-26
Posts: 149


rasat wrote:

What do you guys think if we change ArchWD to FvwmDev (or FvWD)? Technically its a very small change. Instead of ArchWD as a stand-alone package, it will use the Fvwm package.

Just explain what you want to do here --- are you saying you want to integrate what you've done in terms of ArchWD into the main FVWM release tarball, and then distrubute that as a separate entity in its own right?

-- Thomas Adam


#72 2005-10-26 18:16:24

Forum Fellow
From: Finland
Registered: 2002-12-27
Posts: 2,296


Thanks ThomasAdam in replying my pm in Fvwm Forums by posting it here in Arch Forums. In my pm, I send him a short note and link to this thread letting to know about this idea of changing ArchWD to FvwmDev. In this thread few of the users who are registered in Fvwm Forums, may know ThomasAdam is the admin.   

Reply to your question related to ArchWD, my plan is not about integration but cooperation. In general, integration is usually not the Arch Way. There are base/source packages in Arch Linux maintained and developed by a small number of devs. And a large number of end users also developing packages. But the dev and user packages may never merge but to have a mutual relationship where any one if then dev or user, can pickup what they want to add in their system. This relationship benefits both, devs get new ideas and feedback, and users the support of creativity.

Same style what is in Arch Linux I though could apply for Fvwm. Fvwm has a very flexible and potential base and there is no need to "change" the source. What Fvmm seems to be lacking, in my opinion when working with Arch Linux for several years, is the simplicity and systematic application of adding new features and tools, what I call packages. Fvwm has config tarballs developed by the users, which are great. But they are not dynamic enough to install and uninstall in an easy manner and in general have to be installed as a whole set rather than in small parts e.g. pager or panel. Also they may not be upgraded but left behind by re-inventing the "wheel" or when new libraries are introduced. 

What I want, is to get all the great configs systematized into a package system where user easily can install/uninstall and upgrade. Also build their own packages (configs) and share with others in a systematic manner. Without going in details, it will help both the Fvwm devs and users.

Also if ArchWD is changed to FvwmDev, when no longer includes the Fvwm sources and libraries but only reads/uses them as any Fvwm config tarball does, then it can be used in other Linux distros regardless if tgz, rpm or deb. The pactk (package tool kit) is not distro oriented but a self-maintained package system dealing with configs only.

NOTE: I don't plan to test on other distros. That's up to them.  wink



#73 2005-10-26 19:21:59

From: Southampton, England
Registered: 2005-10-26
Posts: 149


rasat wrote:

Thanks ThomasAdam in replying my pm in Fvwm Forums by posting it here in Arch Forums. In my pm, I send him a short note and link to this thread letting to know about this idea of changing ArchWD to FvwmDev. In this thread few of the users who are registered in Fvwm Forums, may know ThomasAdam is the admin.

You're welcome.

rasat wrote:

Same style what is in Arch Linux I though could apply for Fvwm. Fvwm has a very flexible and potential base and there is no need to "change" the source. What Fvmm seems to be lacking, in my opinion when working with Arch Linux for several years, is the simplicity and systematic application of adding new features and tools, what I call packages.

That's not a feature of FVWM that's intended at all.  What I can see you're doing with ArchWD (as it is currently called) is to put a framework around FVWM.  To me, this is no different to fvwm-themes or fvwm-crystal in that regard.

rasat wrote:

Fvwm has config tarballs developed by the users, which are great. But they are not dynamic enough to install and uninstall in an easy manner and in general have to be installed as a whole set rather than in small parts e.g. pager or panel. Also they may not be upgraded but left behind by re-inventing the "wheel" or when new libraries are introduced.

Again, that's an issue, but it's not something that's an intended outcome with FVWM.  A user's config is bound to be specific --- when it was "designed", portability probably was not in mind.  If you look at fvwm-themes though, that provides a great example of what you're describing though.

rasat wrote:

What I want, is to get all the great configs systematized into a package system where user easily can install/uninstall and upgrade. Also build their own packages (configs) and share with others in a systematic manner. Without going in details, it will help both the Fvwm devs and users.

I don't necessarily think it would help developers --- this is all very much at the end-user level.  Again, this is something that has already been done in fvwm-themes.

rasat wrote:

Also if ArchWD is changed to FvwmDev, when no longer includes the Fvwm sources and libraries but only reads/uses them as any Fvwm config tarball does, then it can be used in other Linux distros regardless if tgz, rpm or deb. The pactk (package tool kit) is not distro oriented but a self-maintained package system dealing with configs only.

It's an interesting idea, but in order for it to work, you might find that it would impose a much stricter set of working-conditions when writing one's FVWM config, since the creator of it might have to also take into account portability issues when writing it --- irrespective of whether  their config is going to be "shared" or not

I think this project could learn a lot from fvwm-themes.  I mean no disrespect to you, but you're already reinventing the wheel in this project.  fvwm-themes is already doing everything you're currently wanting to do in ArchWD...

-- Thomas Adam


#74 2005-10-27 08:15:06

Forum Fellow
From: Finland
Registered: 2002-12-27
Posts: 2,296


ThomasAdam wrote:

I think this project could learn a lot from fvwm-themes.  I mean no disrespect to you, but you're already reinventing the wheel in this project.  fvwm-themes is already doing everything you're currently wanting to do in ArchWD...

Yes I agree ArchWD is something what already exists. But ArchWD is also the result, pro and con, of experimenting with the fvwm-themes and fvwm-crystal. There is a part in both fvwm-themes and fvwm-crystal what is not as per the Arch Way - simple and lightweight (KISS).

At the bottom line, ArchWD is a new config/package manager. Does the same thing as fvwm-theme but in Arch way - easy to fix, increase/upgrade, and lightweight.

To compare ArchWD with fvwm-theme, I feel its too early when pactk is not yet ready. As per pressh comment about pactk: "it does not feel right". His suggestions I have posted in wiki: … .php/PacTK



#75 2005-11-03 00:07:14

From: Hamburg in Germany
Registered: 2005-11-01
Posts: 18


´Cause the 2 posters above mention fvwm-crystal i just want to add that 3.0 ist out since 2005.11.01

ArrchWM will be hopefully great, but fvem-crytal in version 3.0 is already great. I´ll install it at the weekend. If someone is intrested, he can send me a PM and i post my pckbld for him.


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