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Stop with the thousand guesses everyone. There is no image editor in use within this picture. Look at it again and closer.
OMG. You're right. Now I feel stupid, stupid, stupid. Grrrrrrrr Theoden! GRRR!
·¬»· i am shadowhand, powered by webfaction
OMG. You're right. Now I feel stupid, stupid, stupid. Grrrrrrrr Theoden! GRRR!
There is nothing wrong with feeling stupid. I actually enjoy feeling stupid. lol
Notebook: [URL=][/URL] Desktop: [URL=]
latest fxdesktop
latest fxdesktop
I was just wondering how it would be. It looks like the guy who created fxdesktop was inspired by M$98, as it looks quite windowish to me ??? or is it customizable?
Notebook: [URL=]
[/URL] Desktop: [URL=]
what WM are you using?
nice playlist btw
mpie wrote:[URL=]
latest fxdesktopI was just wondering how it would be. It looks like the guy who created fxdesktop was inspired by M$98, as it looks quite windowish to me ??? or is it customizable?
very early days yet so don't really know what direction its gonna take, the previuos release did not support background changes, but now you set images and colours ... (at the same time)
you adjust the look, not sure about rearranging the location of the task bar yet.. still learning .
go on install it have a play......
agm wrote:Notebook: [URL=]
[/URL] Desktop: [URL=]
what WM are you using?
nice playlist btw
:-) Thanks! I'm using openbox3 in combo with pypanel.
agm: Awesome dude 8)
Mr Green I like Landuke!
I friend of mine told me that it was too much white, but anyway.
It's inspired from Panbox from fluxmod.
FVWM + Conky + MPD
Thanks to FVWM's community.
Nice - I have something in mind for various fluxbox conversions
Xfce4 with OB-Clearlooks window borders and Clearlooks-graphite as GTK2 theme.
Wallpaper: … s_1024.jpg
forget movies, NO screenie is complete without a scummvm shot
coudl someone tell me some good themes tho please
the Themes & Screenshots part of the forum is your best bet, there also xfce-look but not all things posted no the forum are posted there.
some of the better ones Pixeln Elegance, evolve, System82, ob opusos, Unity, XPMC and slim
</shameless self promotion>
That taskbar quite frankly leaves me lost for words !
The two best places I found for xfce themes are:
seeing as I was dissing dtw's outrageous taskbar I thought I would add my own shot for possible scorn.
mov ah, 0
int 16h
i like ana for the theme and pretty much anything for window decoration(i'm using the included waza) myself. in gnome i use ana flat out, at high resolution the side border width doesn't bug me.
Hey, that's a BIG tray icon!
I think that you can't just disable the tray icon right now as there is no such option yet, so you could just remove the systray. Hmmm...
btw, here is my desktop:
It's xfce allright, albeit the development version.
Problem is that bmpx just doesn't like xfwm4, and I am using metacity from gnome 2.12 atm, and I really hate it
i dig some of the shots of xfce4 but i cant get it to start
in .xinitrc i have tried
exec startxfce4
exec /opt/xfce4/bin/startxfce4
exec xfce
exec xfce4
none seem to work,
any idea?
startxfce4 :?
Mr Green I like Landuke!
no exec ?
i will try it out
The first one (exec startxfce4) should work, did you relogin or source /etc/profile before running startx?
All of your mips are belong to us!!
um, no.
just did pacman -S xfce4
exited out of fluxbox
nano - .xinitrc
changed it to exec startxfce4
i dont know what it is to source /etc/profile
I believe make that either "exec xfce4" in your xinitric file or just "startxfce4" at the CLI if I'm reading your post right. Good Luck!
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