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@bstaletic: In short, yes. Aura knows about `powerpill` and will call it instead of pacman if the user has it installed. I've never heard of pacmatic, but could implement similar functionality for it.
@aexoxea: Aura has moved off of `haskell-curl` in version and the problem is totally fixed.
Author of Aura
Pacmatic displays the new from the front page whenever you enter pacmatic instead of pacman, so it's not nessery for those that pay attention when they upgrade, but for some it might be a useful feature.
After trying pacmatic I came to the conclusion I won't use it because I do not want to be flooded with new every time I need pacman.
Pacmatic displays the new from the front page whenever you enter pacmatic instead of pacman, so it's not nessery for those that pay attention when they upgrade, but for some it might be a useful feature.
After trying pacmatic I came to the conclusion I won't use it because I do not want to be flooded with new every time I need pacman.
I think it could be useful, but I dont know if thats really something he would want Aura to do. As per how Aura builds packages from the AUR, it seems designed to keep output clean and not pester the user.
FWIW, I currently have a bash script essentially doing just what pacmatic does- though it is ONLY an update script.
I actually like the AUR comment feed that yaourt offers as an option for AUR packages (AUR comments are often times the best place to look to get something building), and I like how pacmatic grabs news from the Arch page. Having both especially for upgrades would be ideal IMO..
Ultimately, id like one AUR helper to do it all, but everyone has different visions of how it should work. Ideally, I wouldnt have to launch my web browser before I upgrade. Id prefer for it to be all inclusive to the package manager/cli etc.. I might code something like this eventually thats better than my crude script is currently..
@GSF1200S: I could see comments being displayed upon `-Ai` or something being useful. How does Yaourt do it? Parsing the HTML of the page? Or are comments accessible through the AUR API?
Last edited by fosskers (2014-02-10 02:50:44)
Author of Aura
@ fosskers, comment aren't available through the AUR API.
These are the only allowed methods.
I think it could be useful, but I dont know if thats really something he would want Aura to do. As per how Aura builds packages from the AUR, it seems designed to keep output clean and not pester the user.
I actually like the AUR comment feed that yaourt offers as an option for AUR packages (AUR comments are often times the best place to look to get something building), and I like how pacmatic grabs news from the Arch page. Having both especially for upgrades would be ideal IMO..
Ultimately, id like one AUR helper to do it all, but everyone has different visions of how it should work. Ideally, I wouldnt have to launch my web browser before I upgrade. Id prefer for it to be all inclusive to the package manager/cli etc.. I might code something like this eventually thats better than my crude script is currently..
That's why a configuration file would be a good idea. Where I could select if I want coloured output, frontpage news, AUR comment feed and searching of both AUR and official repos at the same time. (Any more ideas?)
@GSF1200S: I could see comments being displayed upon `-Ai` or something being useful. How does Yaourt do it? Parsing the HTML of the page? Or are comments accessible through the AUR API?
Yeah, its just a page scraper. I actually dug the code out of the yaourt script and started messing with ways to use it in my script. Just havent had the time to setup the arrays and all that. I havent taken a look at pacmatic to see how it deals with news- I just scrape the main page with my script IF there is a package update.
Actually, that brings up a new question. When I was considering how I might feed updateable package names into an array, I realized that Aura doesnt have a -Qu function for the AUR. So really, there is no way to see what will upgrade until you actually instigate the upgrade. Do you plan on adding this?
I think curl might have been the reason for the errors many of us had earlier; since the last update of curl, no further issues for me
GSF1200S wrote:I think it could be useful, but I dont know if thats really something he would want Aura to do. As per how Aura builds packages from the AUR, it seems designed to keep output clean and not pester the user.
I actually like the AUR comment feed that yaourt offers as an option for AUR packages (AUR comments are often times the best place to look to get something building), and I like how pacmatic grabs news from the Arch page. Having both especially for upgrades would be ideal IMO..
Ultimately, id like one AUR helper to do it all, but everyone has different visions of how it should work. Ideally, I wouldnt have to launch my web browser before I upgrade. Id prefer for it to be all inclusive to the package manager/cli etc.. I might code something like this eventually thats better than my crude script is currently..That's why a configuration file would be a good idea. Where I could select if I want coloured output, frontpage news, AUR comment feed and searching of both AUR and official repos at the same time. (Any more ideas?)
I think Aura has some really good things going for it. I tend to wait until developers ASK for ideas you know? If all of us just asked at will for these things hed never leave his house. So many times youll come to some thread like this and everyone is like "Wow this is perfect BUT COULD YOU.." Then when everything is perfect, not many stop and say thanks.
Well see what fosskers feels like You have your requests and I have my -Qu request above (mines easier
@aexoxea: Aura has moved off of `haskell-curl` in version and the problem is totally fixed.
I have updated to aur/aura and can confirm that I am now using it happily alongside the latest core/curl. Many thanks for this upgrade!
(As an aside, a number of the AUR secondary makedepends pulled in during the update were missing "options=('staticlibs')" from their PKGBUILDS; I have commented on each of these asking the maintainer to add same. For reference, the packages in question are attoparsec, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder-conduit, byteable, cereal, cipher-aes, cipher-rc4, cookie, crypto-cipher-types, crypto-random-api, entropy, failure, largeword, mime-types, pem, securemem, tagged, void and zlib-bindings. 'void' also needed to exclude a profiling flag during the configuration stage in order to build OK.)
@GSF: I just added this ->
@aexoxea: Excellent, and thank you for flagging those packages. Unfortunately I maintain none of those so we'll just have to wait. Aura download numbers are still pretty low as I imagine people are having a hard time building all those new deps. Adding `[haskell-happstack]` to your pacman.conf solves that though.
Author of Aura
@GSF: I just added this ->
@aexoxea: Excellent, and thank you for flagging those packages. Unfortunately I maintain none of those so we'll just have to wait. Aura download numbers are still pretty low as I imagine people are having a hard time building all those new deps. Adding `[haskell-happstack]` to your pacman.conf solves that though.
@aexoxea: Excellent, and thank you for flagging those packages. Unfortunately I maintain none of those so we'll just have to wait. Aura download numbers are still pretty low as I imagine people are having a hard time building all those new deps. Adding `[haskell-happstack]` to your pacman.conf solves that though.
I'm pleased I could help out with this one!
I would also like to offer a huge thank you to the maintainers of those packages, who have responded very quickly to update the PKGBUILDS. Of the packages I noted at #1380090, only aur/haskell-cereal and aur/haskell-void are still pending updates, so hopefully the update process will be easier from this point forwards (especially with the aid of --hotedit for these two packages).
That said, I'm tempted to keep the makedepends installed and updated for if/when I need to move to a new computer (or else 'bootstrap' it using aur/aura-bin, or add the haskell-* repositories through pacman, as you note).
Whenever I try to run aura -Akua I get this error:
aura: InternalIOException getProtocolByName: does not exist (no such protocol name: tcp)
It must be due to some recent upgrade, as I was able to run it just fine a week ago. I'm using the precompiled aura-bin, by the way.
Thanks for your help!
I get a StatusCodeException:
~ sudo aura -A mendeley
aura: StatusCodeException (Status {statusCode = 404, statusMessage = "Not Found"}) [("Server","nginx/1.4.4"),("Date","Sun, 16 Feb 2014 20:58:20 GMT"),("Content-Type","text/html"),("Content-Length","168"),("Connection","keep-alive"),("X-Response-Body-Start","<html>\r\n<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx/1.4.4</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n")] (CJ {expose = []})
Was there a recent update of aura-bin that could have broken something?
Thank you very much for aura!
<I had a stupid question here>
Last edited by M177ER (2014-02-26 03:25:42)
Awesome. Works perfectly!
One idea that I took from here: … 9#p1385869
If Aura fails to build a package that required additional dependencies, then can Aura automatically remove these dependencies again?
I now get this error:
aura >>= Fetching package information...
aura >>= AUR API lookup failed. Please check your connection.
every time I run aura -Akua.
My internet connection is definitevly working, though, (e.g. yaourt works).
Forgotten dependencies like that are called "orphans". Luckily you can get rid of any of them with `aura -Oj`.
I'm going to ask my stupid question now.
Does 'aura -Oj' remove configuration files like 'pacman -Rn'. Not sure if a dependency would create a configuration file, just curious.
Last edited by M177ER (2014-02-27 03:59:20)
I now get this error:
aura >>= Fetching package information...
aura >>= AUR API lookup failed. Please check your connection.every time I run aura -Akua.
My internet connection is definitevly working, though, (e.g. yaourt works).
I'm sorry to bother you again, but I haven't found any way to solve this problem. Is there any way for me to get some debug output?
I was hit with these same symptoms in the versions prior to, with comments on the aur/aura package page suggesting at least a few others were too. Since the symptoms went away, because:
Aura has moved off of `haskell-curl` in version and the problem is totally fixed.
If your difficulties began after updating to or above, the panoply of makedepends pulled in for the update (if using the normal aur/aura package) might provide further clues on where the issue could lie. Unfortunately I can't really help beyond that (and mainly just wanted to note the above), but I wish you luck with same.
While I'm here (and further to #1381055), aur/haskell-void was adopted and updated earlier in March (many thanks to the new maintainer!). This leaves only aur/haskell-cereal needing PKGBUILD updates, out of the original nineteen identified.