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Hey guys, haven't posted in a while.
I've had to deal with various health issues, but things are slowly moving forward.
As you can see from my load avg, I'm quite busy :-)I'm not with stumpwm anymore, I went back to ratpoison again. It's so stable and it stays out of my way.
And obviously I can't afford spending precious RAM on blingbling with situations like this :-)take care,
There are a lot of Xresources colors on your github, which one are you using?
Hey guys, haven't posted in a while.
I've had to deal with various health issues, but things are slowly moving forward.
As you can see from my load avg, I'm quite busy :-)I'm not with stumpwm anymore, I went back to ratpoison again. It's so stable and it stays out of my way.
And obviously I can't afford spending precious RAM on blingbling with situations like this :-)take care,
Awesome, as always. Hope things get better soon.
By the way, that wrxvt is a urxvt fork or something like that?
Last edited by suare (2013-04-30 18:56:49)
There are a lot of Xresources colors on your github, which one are you using?
@suare, yeah, haven't been so many updates as of lately, I sort of lost myself in the vim codebase when I had time to waste time. But if you take a look at my nancy ^ you'll see I'm defining all 256 colors myself - this does work just fine with XTerm and other XTermy things, but not with vanilla urxvt, and Lehmann isn't going to fix it so...