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Well, there is a kwin script in kde examples that completely *disable* compositing as soon as it detects a fullscreen window.
...being compositing completely disabled, and not just the window unredirected, you'll have no flickering in fullscreen too.
i've made a zip to easy install it:
wget -O /tmp/ && plasmapkg -t kwinscript -i /tmp/
After that, you should have a new kwin script to activate; if not, try to restart kwin.
Last edited by kokoko3k (2013-04-18 15:57:59)
Help me to improve ssh-rdp !
Retroarch User? Try my koko-aio shader !
I was able to solve all tearing issues with compositing under the Awesome WM using a Nvidia GTX 670 last night. Which I was amazed at. I installed the compton-git from Aur and inputted the following:
compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc
Thank you very much for this, this fixed my tearing issues with Openbox and Compton
Glad that my solution was able to help a lot of people
@hamelg: in newer kde versions, you can use window rules to completely block compositing when kwin detects a particular window.
I didn't know that. Now i use it to manage compositing.
It works great
Thank you for the tips !
z1lt0id wrote:I was able to solve all tearing issues with compositing under the Awesome WM using a Nvidia GTX 670 last night. Which I was amazed at. I installed the compton-git from Aur and inputted the following:
compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc
Thank you very much for this, this fixed my tearing issues with Openbox and Compton
how come when i try that i get
" compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc
compton: unrecognized option '--backend'
compton (development version)
Help me to improve ssh-rdp !
Retroarch User? Try my koko-aio shader !
yes installed it from the aur
@Drumitar, how long ago did you install it? Git packages are funny things, they get their source from a git tree, so it may be that you are using an old version, but no real update to the PKGBUILD has occurred because it was not necessary. Download and extract the tarball for compton-git and then run makepkg with --force (-f) to make sure that it rebuilds from the (now hopefully updated) source.
BTW, this fix is pretty awesome, and so amazingly simple. I have this example (mentioned above) successfully in use as a "systemd --user" service:
/usr/bin/compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc
@Drumitar, how long ago did you install it? Git packages are funny things, they get their source from a git tree, so it may be that you are using an old version, but no real update to the PKGBUILD has occurred because it was not necessary. Download and extract the tarball for compton-git and then run makepkg with --force (-f) to make sure that it rebuilds from the (now hopefully updated) source.
BTW, this fix is pretty awesome, and so amazingly simple. I have this example (mentioned above) successfully in use as a "systemd --user" service:
/usr/bin/compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc
that did the trick ! thanks
for whatever reason using yaourt -S compton-git may have gave me an older version, but installing from the tarball no longer gives me the error
thanks !
It is because yoaurt is not ebing told to force a rebuild (I do not know if this is possible).
I've noticed that with the latest NVIDIA Beta drivers 325.08 that this command causes all boxes to be displayed as just a white box and nothing else. If I was home I could get the error message. Has any come across this issue? I'm tempted to roll back to non beta Nvidia drivers.