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new colors are good, background similar to OS X and i not like dockers. Where is the bar ?
----- Arch on Dell Mini 9 ----- Stumpwm, emacs, zathura, ProjectM, edit: xterm; edit2: Mplayer
In my browser the Gallery seemed to be a better option than the thumbnails
Nice! I have a Dell Mini currently gathering dust. Maybe I'll try an Arch install on it.
Wow, I really like it. In fact, I'm thinking of getting a new battery and HDD for my old laptop and I may just take a few things from your setup, I think it just talked me into trying out cinnamon instead of just openbox. Looks great!
Thanks. Cinnamon is quite good, and Nemo is certainly better than Nautilus. But it has a few rough edges, and with Gnome 3.10 out, it may break compatibility (happened with Gnome 3.8), so watch out for that.
Any chance I can get your conky?
Sure. Its quite bare bones. Needs the Iron font:
There is a lot of ${goto} to get the alignment right, so you may need to fiddle that.
# - Conky settings - #
background no
update_interval 1
cpu_avg_samples 1
total_run_times 0
override_utf8_locale yes
double_buffer yes
no_buffers yes
text_buffer_size 10240
imlib_cache_size 10240
# For screen size 1366x768
minimum_size 400 100
maximum_width 400
gap_x 20
gap_y 20
# - Text settings - #
use_xft yes
xftfont dejavu sans mono:bold:size=8
xftalpha 1
short_units yes
uppercase no
# Text alignment
alignment tr
# - Color settings - #
color1 0E0E1E #labels and date
default_color 505050 #Text
default_shade_color gray
default_outline_color black
# - Window specifications - #
own_window yes
own_window_colour blue
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
border_inner_margin 0
border_outer_margin 0
# - Graphics settings - #
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
stippled_borders 0
draw_graph_borders no
${font Iron:pixelsize=120}\
${alignc}${time %H} ${time %M}\
${font Iron:pixelsize=45}\
${alignc}${time %a}, ${color1}${time %d} ${color}${time %b}\
${goto 65}${color1}CPU: ${color}${cpu cpu0}%\
${goto 130}${color1}RAM: ${color}${mem} [${memperc}%]\
${goto 240}${color1}/: ${color}${fs_used /} [${fs_used_perc /}%]
${goto 65}${color1}CPU: ${color}${platform coretemp.0 temp 4}°\
${goto 130}${color1}ATI: ${color}${hwmon 2 temp 1}°\
${goto 233}${color1}~/: ${color}${fs_used /home} [${fs_used_perc /home}%]
The one on bottom left is a simple listing of processes.
Desktop screenshots :: Origami :: github
FlyingHappy wrote:Wow, I really like it. In fact, I'm thinking of getting a new battery and HDD for my old laptop and I may just take a few things from your setup, I think it just talked me into trying out cinnamon instead of just openbox. Looks great!
Thanks. Cinnamon is quite good, and Nemo is certainly better than Nautilus. But it has a few rough edges, and with Gnome 3.10 out, it may break compatibility (happened with Gnome 3.8), so watch out for that.
FlyingHappy wrote:Any chance I can get your conky?
Sure. Its quite bare bones. Needs the Iron font:
There is a lot of ${goto} to get the alignment right, so you may need to fiddle that.###################### # - Conky settings - # ###################### background no update_interval 1 cpu_avg_samples 1 total_run_times 0 override_utf8_locale yes double_buffer yes no_buffers yes text_buffer_size 10240 imlib_cache_size 10240 # For screen size 1366x768 minimum_size 400 100 maximum_width 400 gap_x 20 gap_y 20 ##################### # - Text settings - # ##################### use_xft yes xftfont dejavu sans mono:bold:size=8 xftalpha 1 short_units yes uppercase no # Text alignment alignment tr ###################### # - Color settings - # ###################### color1 0E0E1E #labels and date default_color 505050 #Text default_shade_color gray default_outline_color black ############################# # - Window specifications - # ############################# own_window yes own_window_colour blue own_window_argb_visual yes own_window_transparent yes own_window_type desktop own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager border_inner_margin 0 border_outer_margin 0 ######################### # - Graphics settings - # ######################### draw_shades no draw_outline no draw_borders no stippled_borders 0 draw_graph_borders no TEXT ${font Iron:pixelsize=120}\ ${alignc}${time %H} ${time %M}\ ${font} ${font Iron:pixelsize=45}\ ${alignc}${time %a}, ${color1}${time %d} ${color}${time %b}\ ${font} ${goto 65}${color1}CPU: ${color}${cpu cpu0}%\ ${goto 130}${color1}RAM: ${color}${mem} [${memperc}%]\ ${goto 240}${color1}/: ${color}${fs_used /} [${fs_used_perc /}%] ${goto 65}${color1}CPU: ${color}${platform coretemp.0 temp 4}°\ ${goto 130}${color1}ATI: ${color}${hwmon 2 temp 1}°\ ${goto 233}${color1}~/: ${color}${fs_used /home} [${fs_used_perc /home}%]
Awesome! Thanks
Last edited by FlyingHappy (2013-10-02 17:01:15)
Not much as you see. The description and all "my" configs are in the full image.
Not much as you see. The description and all "my" configs are in the full image.
Nice setup. Care to share your awesome(sic) configs+setup?
Last edited by okubax (2013-10-02 22:22:57)
Cross Post from the BSPWM Screenshot thread. Much love for this window manager. This is much better than my September one. I wish I could work on getting a proper bar working rather than using conky, but trying to get into a good college is a lot of work.
Fake Dirty:
GTK Theme is Flat Studio
Using Sakura Terminal, Conky for Panel, with cmus and ranger.
This month it's 2bwm's turn
I like the colors
Binary... space! Care to share the wallpaper?
Oh, my bad. I thougt i linked to the right page.
In this link are the description and the links for the configs. As i mention there, i started to edit Copycat's Awesomewm configs, so they are not mine, really. Sorry, i don't speak english well.
Sorry for my poor english.
Registered Linux User #559855
----- Arch on Dell Mini 9 ----- Stumpwm, emacs, zathura, ProjectM, edit: xterm; edit2: Mplayer
In my browser the Gallery seemed to be a better option than the thumbnails
ProjectM pics up on the internal mic. This is usefull if you enjoy looking at smoke move to the sound of typing.
What are you reading on the right?
I like the colors
Stolen from earsplit
*background: #191716
!URxvt*background: #000000
*foreground: #7D7875
*cursorColor: #6B6765
*colorBD: #BFBAB8
*colorUL: #54838F
*underlineColor: #7A4D62
*color0: #383332
*color8: #4B483F
*color1: #745E54
*color9: #B0998E
*color2: #54745E
*color10: #8EB099
*color3: #746E54
*color11: #B0AA8E
*color4: #5E5474
*color12: #998EB0
*color5: #6E5474
*color13: #AA8EB0
*color6: #54746E
*color14: #8EB0AA
*color7: #918B88
*color15: #C7C1BD
/* No Comment */
Oh, my bad. I thougt i linked to the right page.
In this link are the description and the links for the configs. As i mention there, i started to edit Copycat's Awesomewm configs, so they are not mine, really. Sorry, i don't speak english well.
Please don't misspell: name's copycat-killer, and those are awesome-copycats.
That's very lovely!
Any chance you'd update your config repository? In particular, I'd love to see that colorscheme :)
Last edited by Nindwen (2013-10-03 15:50:15)
echo | cat
earsplit wrote:That's very lovely!
Any chance you'd update your config repository? In particular, I'd love to see that colorscheme … Xresources
^Those are the colors I was using here, by the author of the font I'm using
Here's the wallpaper
Here's a little dual monitor setup for you guys:
Last edited by earsplit (2013-10-03 16:36:06)
This month it's 2bwm's turn
My I ask what the calendar application is? Is it a text based scheduler or something, because I would love to know so I can use it?
Neuromatic wrote:This month it's 2bwm's turn
My I ask what the calendar application is? Is it a text based scheduler or something, because I would love to know so I can use it?
It's calcurse, I think.
agahnim wrote:Neuromatic wrote:This month it's 2bwm's turn
My I ask what the calendar application is? Is it a text based scheduler or something, because I would love to know so I can use it?
It's calcurse, I think.
Yes, it is.
/* No Comment */
Using custom keybindings and a patch that allows invisible redraws on move/resize for DWM. Had to create a cheat sheet wallpaper to help me recall the keybindings.
Like it, which patch is that you are referering to?