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Clean: from gohufont to termsyn. Quite a nice font.
... now where the fuck did that random arch linux forum bookmark come from, lol.
what the Xresources themes? like dark colorful sheme , can u share it?
Jellicent wrote:... now where the fuck did that random arch linux forum bookmark come from, lol.
Might I ask what the browser and gtk theme are?
Of course.
The browser theme is "Steam Darkness" by Raynys. I'm using a feature of Tab Mix Plus to enhance the colours on the tabs (colour overlay when un/selected, font family, colour, weight when un/selected and such but it's not much of a difference really).
The GTK theme is Murrina Compact with the icon set Faenza-Dark. It's not visible, but I'm using the MacOSXLion cursor theme, in case anyone is interested.
what the Xresources themes? like dark colorful sheme , can u share it?
I'm actually not using .Xresources, because I'm using termite. But of course I can share it (though the colours are on the screen).
^ Can you share your weechat config too?
^ Can you share your weechat config too?
I suppose you meant just the weechat.conf. If you wanted to have more than that, let me know.
Here's the weechat.conf!
Just for a quick reference, the colours are called mgreen, myellow, etc. because they are mine, haha.
mdgrey is "mydarkgrey", mlgrey is "mylightgrey". cgrey is the grey I use for the chat text, hence cgrey. ng-1 - ng6 were supposed to be nick colours, hence the naming.
Just in case you want to understand that naming pattern.
You can see them here, too:
Last edited by Jellicent (2013-12-07 10:56:03)
finally happy with my awm setup
took a good month to really stamp it out
-- edit --
heres a link to full size
Last edited by VanillaFunk (2013-12-07 21:59:51)
Sorry for posting twice, but I just finished this conky, and it seemed to be noteworthy for an update.
Not much to mine, but I thought I might share. Color scheme is here and font is Source Code Pro.
I just wish I could find a good, matching colorscheme for vim.
Last edited by TechnoBulldog (2013-12-08 04:27:30)
Still on monsterwm.
where did you find all those wallpapers? they are all beautiful.
take it easy
Neuromatic wrote:Last month on bspwm again; but sometimes I need a floater.
Nice setup!
Can you post your your colors and zsh config?
/* No Comment */
Shinryuu wrote:Still on monsterwm. did you find all those wallpapers? they are all beautiful.
Thanks. You can find original (non-resized etc.) pictures from here: konachan wallbase
Argh, I thought the turtle was part of it! How did you do that?
The turtle? It's just displayed with Conky.
Nice desktop! Can you please post your ncmpcpp config?
LuisHolmes wrote:Nice desktop! Can you please post your ncmpcpp config?
By the way, anyone can give me a link to learn how to post correctly here? You know, like code tags and stuff like that, please. This is my first forum. :-(
Sorry for my poor english.
Registered Linux User #559855
By the way, anyone can give me a link to learn how to post correctly here? You know, like code tags and stuff like that, please. This is my first forum. :-(
Right under every message post box is a BBCode link that provides most of the tags that work on the site.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
LuisHolmes wrote:By the way, anyone can give me a link to learn how to post correctly here? You know, like code tags and stuff like that, please. This is my first forum. :-(
Right under every message post box is a BBCode link that provides most of the tags that work on the site.
Thanks! And sorry for my dumb question.
Sorry for my poor english.
Registered Linux User #559855
such color, much want, xresources wow
while we're at it, could you please bump your other dots too, I think the github repo is outdated?
Last edited by sime (2013-12-09 16:29:38)