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Care to share the name of the font in your file manager?
It should be Cantarell
April Openbox Setup
i3wm Dirty:
I don't really use Cinnamon anymore since I got i3 configured to my liking, so it's all I'll post right now.
Very nice. Would you mind sharing you dvtm configs? I like what I see.
Honestly, there's very little that's changed from default. I've modified keybinds quite a bit, but other than that - it's pretty stock.
To get tagging: Pull the git repo, switch to the tagging branch and port your config.h changes (You can see my config.h for dvtm here: )
To change the statusbar: change dvtm-status to:
[ -e "$FIFO" ] || mkfifo "$FIFO"
chmod 600 $FIFO
while true; do
#this assumes that the first "active" session is our session
session=$(abduco | grep "^\*" | cut -f 3)
dt=$(date +"%m/%d/%y @ %I:%M %p")
echo "$h_name » $session » $dt "
sleep 60
done > $FIFO &
dvtm -s $FIFO "$@" 2> /dev/null
rm $FIFO
Note that the session idea is particular to abduco (or dtach, but you'll need to update to match that) Also some awk ninja can probably get the session in exactly half the pipes
"Unix is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity." (Dennis Ritchie)
Last edited by masolit (2019-12-03 16:12:20)
@synorgy: Thanks, it's the tagging that caught my eye. I hadn't heard about abduco until you mentioned it, and thought the new release of DVTM implemetned some way to list multiple sessions in the statusbar and switch between them Tmux-style. I wish there were a bit more info floating around about use and configuration (per-window titles, launching custom sessions, changing the modkey to Alt, etc), since translating C doesn't come easy to me. Abduco looks like it manages sessions in a sane way, so that's a start.
just KDE on Manjaro ARCH based
Nice arrangement you have made there. Can you share your plasma theme name?
Ouh, and how do you arange windows there? It looks like some sort of tilling plugin.
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau
Registered Linux User: #559057
@synorgy: Thanks, it's the tagging that caught my eye. I hadn't heard about abduco until you mentioned it, and thought the new release of DVTM implemetned some way to list multiple sessions in the statusbar and switch between them Tmux-style. I wish there were a bit more info floating around about use and configuration (per-window titles, launching custom sessions, changing the modkey to Alt, etc), since translating C doesn't come easy to me. Abduco looks like it manages sessions in a sane way, so that's a start.
Abduco + dvtm works pretty similarly to Tmux, but there are differences. Changing the modkey to Alt would likely be pretty difficult to do "right" as you'd need to have a way to send the bound keys through to the application under some context (and that context would need to be easy to get into and out of since it'd happen a LOT). Tmux allows for something like this, but essentially throws its hands up and says "it's not my problem" if you overwrite something like ^H (which is backspace in many terminfos). Per window titles would be do-able, I think since you can just capture the window set for the captured session and set it to the window title instead of (or in addition to) the number that's there currently. (Not sure how easy it'd be, but it's do-able). I'm looking into pre-populating a session now, actually. I'll let you know if I find anything.
EDIT: Spoke a bit too soon. Default session should be doable, if a bit klunky, using dvtm's ability to be controlled via FIFO. I'll check it out and possibly make a thread here if I find anything.
EDIT: Spoke too soon again. There's also an entry in config.h that I had missed completely. actions[] gets run through when dvtm gets started. You could just script that up and have two dvtm binaries - one for your default session, and another that doesn't have that set for "normal" use.
Last edited by synorgy (2014-04-07 17:41:19)
"Unix is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity." (Dennis Ritchie)
Last edited by masolit (2019-12-03 16:12:12)
If you wouldn't mind good sir, what are some details? I.e. the plasma theme, window decorations and color scheme in particular? It is exactly the KDE config that might actually make me use KDE again...
EDIT: icon theme name I am totally mind-blown by this one
Last edited by fetyr2004 (2014-04-08 12:35:38)
Programming is a race between programmers making better software the the universe making bigger idiots. So far the universe is winning.
Which Twitter client is that? I'm still not content with the ones I tried (currently using Turpial).
okubax wrote:If you wouldn't mind good sir, what are some details? I.e. the plasma theme, window decorations and color scheme in particular? It is exactly the KDE config that might actually make me use KDE again...
EDIT: icon theme name I am totally mind-blown by this one
Pasma Theme: Hex
Qtcurve theme: Hex
Color scheme: Hex
Icons: Flattr
Font: Droid Sans
Which Twitter client is that? I'm still not content with the ones I tried (currently using Turpial).
birdie. It's currently in the process of being completely rewritten for their 2.0 launch.
fetyr2004 wrote:okubax wrote:If you wouldn't mind good sir, what are some details? I.e. the plasma theme, window decorations and color scheme in particular? It is exactly the KDE config that might actually make me use KDE again...
EDIT: icon theme name I am totally mind-blown by this one
Pasma Theme: Hex
Qtcurve theme: Hex
Color scheme: Hex
Icons: Flattr
Font: Droid Sans
yup nice
Small updates etc.
what font are you using?
Small updates etc.
Hi, I browsed through your dotfiles quickly but wasn't able to find the colors you've posted here. Did I miss them?
Last edited by nullified (2014-04-10 21:45:15)
"We may say most aptly, that the Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard-loom weaves flowers and leaves." - Ada Lovelace
EDIT: ignore me, i was being dense
Last edited by jord (2014-04-11 06:39:04)
Dirty: to zenburn everywhere!
DWM, Firefox (& userChrome, slightly modded from last month's - which is here), mocp, Archey, vim, weechat, dvtm (+ abduco), and new PS1 courtesy of Antigen themes (though I did make my own. Rice, much?)
can you please share your configs for vim, moc and weechat?
thank you
Fight war not wars, destroy power not people!